Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 13.34

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 13.34 - Modifications to administrative code relating to migratory game bird hunting
(1) SEASON. Except as provided in this paragraph, open season for duck and goose hunting shall begin 15 days prior to the season established in s. NR 10.01(1) (b) and continue through the respective seasons established in that paragraph except that Canada goose hunting on the Powell Marsh wildlife area shall close 5 days prior to the opening of the season established in s. NR 10.01(1) (b).
(2) POSSESSION. Migratory game birds in possession or custody of tribal members on ceded lands shall be considered to have been taken on these lands.
(3) HOURS. Legal shooting hours shall be the same as the statewide hours established in s. NR 10.06(2), except on the first day of the statewide migratory game bird season established in s. NR 10.01(1) when shooting hours shall start at 12:00 noon.
(4) HUNTING FROM PIERS, ETC. Treaty rights participants may hunt from piers, dams, docks or similar structures so long as they are publicly owned unless prohibited by the owner for safety purposes.
(5) BAG LIMITS. Bag limits and possession limits for migratory game birds shall be as follows:
(a)Ducks. The daily bag limit is reached when the point value, as established by this paragraph, of the last duck taken plus the total value of ducks already taken during that day reaches or exceeds 100 points. The possession limit for ducks taken off the reservation is double the daily bag limit. Point values shall be as follows:
1. 100 points: Hen mallard, black duck.
2. 70 points: Wood duck, redhead, hooded merganser.
3. 35 points: Drake mallard, pintail, ring-necked duck, goldeneye, bufflehead, all other duck species not listed.
4. 20 points: Blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, widgeon, gadwall, shoveler, scaup, common merganser, red-breasted merganser.
(b)Special scaup-only season. Bag limit of 5 per day; possession limit of 10.
(c)Rest period. If waterfowl distribution in certain locales is significantly altered because of hunting pressure by treaty rights participants as determined by the department, those locales will be closed in 48 hours by department order until noon on the opening day of the general state waterfowl season.
(d)Canada geese. Bag limit 3, possession limit 6.
(e)Other geese. (Snow geese, blue geese, white-fronted geese): Bag limit of 5, including the legal limit of Canada geese specified in par. (d) taken, during the open season, and including no more than 2 white-fronted geese; possession limit of 10, minus the number of Canada geese possessed taken during the open season, and including no more than 4 white-fronted geese.
(f)Coot and gallinule. 20 daily, singly or in aggregate; possession limit 40.
(g)Sora and Virginia rails. 25 daily, singly or in aggregate. Possession limit 25.
(h)Common snipe. 8 daily. Possession limit 16.
(i)Woodcock. 5 daily. Possession limit 10.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 13.34

Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90.