Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 510.06

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 510.06 - Data presentation

The results of any subsurface investigations shall be presented on 24" x 36' plan sheets unless an alternative size is approved by the department, as follows:

(1) TOPOGRAPHIC MAP. A topographic map of the area within 1,500 feet of the anticipated limits of filling shall be submitted showing the anticipated limits of filling, property boundaries, homes, buildings, cultural features, water supply wells, and the location of soil borings and wells for the proposed landfill. For a proposed contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an existing landfill the topographic map shall also include the location of all borings and wells for the existing landfill. The base map may consist of an enlarged 7.5 minute USGS map or other map having a minimum scale of 1" = 500' with contour intervals sufficient to show relief.
(2) GEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTIONS. Geologic cross-sections shall be constructed and submitted if more than 4 borings have been installed. For a proposed contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an existing landfill, all borings and wells for the existing landfill shall be included on the geologic cross-sections. Where more than one interpretation can be reasonably made when evaluating heterogeneities within the unconsolidated deposits, assume that the heterogeneities are continuous. The following information shall be presented on the geologic cross-sections:
(a) A dashed line or question mark for inferred boundaries, a number or symbol to label major soil units and a key containing a description of the soil units.
(b) The anticipated sub-base, base and final grades for the proposed facility.
(c) All boring logs, the USCS classifications and the geologic origin for each major soil unit. The results of all lab tests shall be presented beside the boring.
(d) Well construction details shown to scale including the well screen and filter pack length, the location of the upper and lower seals, and stabilized water level elevations measured on the same day. When 2 or more water table observation wells are presented on a cross-section, a line representing the water table elevation shall be drawn on the cross-section. The date the measurements were taken shall be specified in the key.
(3) WATER TABLE MAP. A water table contour map shall be submitted when 4 or more observation wells have been installed to define the site-specific hydrogeology. The map shall be based on stabilized water levels recorded on the same day from the observation wells installed at the proposed landfill's location and show the wells and the measured water level at each well. For a proposed contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an existing landfill, the water table contour map shall include the observation wells and measured water table elevations at each well for the existing landfill. The topographic map shall be used as a base map. If more than one set of water levels has been taken, the water table contours shall be based on the set of data which indicates the highest water table. Any observed variations in flow direction shall be discussed in the narrative of the report. Inferred contours made beyond the extent of the well field shall be shown with dashed lines.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 510.06

Cr. Register, January, 1988, No. 385, eff. 2-6-88; renum. from NR 510.09; am. (intro.), (1), (2) (intro.), (a), (c), (d), (3), Register, June, 1996, No. 486, eff. 7-1-96.