Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 507.215

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 507.215 - Leachate recirculation monitoring

The owner or operator of a solid waste facility that recirculates leachate shall sample for, maintain records of, and report to the department as required the following:

(1) LIQUID MASS BALANCE. The volumes of leachate extracted from each leachate drainage basin, the volumes of leachate recirculated into each leachate drainage basin and monthly precipitation records from on-site instrumentation or the nearest national weather system station.
(2) LEACHATE HEAD. The monthly level of leachate head on the liner in each leachate drainage basin where recirculation has been implemented.
(3) LEACHATE CHARACTERISTICS. Samples of leachate shall be taken quarterly from the sump or leachate collection tanks. Those samples shall be tested semiannually for a VOC scan and quarterly for the following parameters:
(a) BOD.
(b) COD.
(c) Ammonia-nitrogen.
(d) Field pH.
(e) Field specific conductance.
(f) Alkalinity.
(g) Hardness.
(a) The monthly total volume of gas extracted from each leachate drainage basin. Gas volumes shall be recorded for a period of at least 3 years beyond the termination of leachate recirculation.
(b) An annual assessment of the liquid level in each gas extraction well.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 507.215

CR 04-077: cr. Register November 2005 No. 599, eff. 12-1-05.