Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 507.05

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 507.05 - Soil and rock sampling

All soil and rock samples collected from borings shall be collected and tested in accordance with this section unless otherwise approved in writing by the department.

(1) SOIL SAMPLE COLLECTION. Soil samples shall be collected in accordance with all of the following:
(a) Where conditions permit, soil samples shall be collected using undisturbed soil sampling techniques. Samples may not be composited for testing purposes.
(b) In fine-grained soil environments, continuous samples shall be collected from the land surface to at least 25 feet below the anticipated, proposed or existing sub-base grade for the purpose of field classification. If a boring extends beyond 25 feet below the anticipated, proposed or existing sub-base grade, samples shall be collected from each major soil unit encountered and at maximum 5-foot intervals. If the boring is located outside the anticipated, proposed or existing limits of filling, the applicable sub-base grade is the elevation of the bottom of the anticipated, proposed or existing liner system nearest to the borehole.
(c) In coarse-grained soil environments, samples shall be collected from each major soil unit encountered and at maximum 5-foot intervals.
(d) At least one soil sample shall be collected at the depth of the well screen of any subsequently placed monitoring well. The soil sample collected at the depth of the well screen shall be analyzed for grain size distribution using mechanical and hydrometer methods and Atterberg limits, as appropriate for the particular soil type.
(e) All soil samples shall be retained until the department approves the report that included documentation of the soil sampling.
(2) BEDROCK SAMPLE COLLECTION. If a boring is extended 5 feet or more into bedrock, continuous core samples of the bedrock shall be taken and the rock properties including fracture frequency, rock quality designation, and percent recovery shall be determined. All bedrock core samples shall be retained until the department approves the report that included documentation of the boring. After the approval, the owner or operator shall notify the WGNHS that all bedrock cores and their corresponding boring logs are available for study and possible retention. If the owner or operator has not been contacted by the WGNHS within 45 days after contacting the WGNHS, the owner or operator may discard the bedrock cores.

Note: Wisconsin geological and natural history survey, 3817 Mineral Point Road, Madison, WI 53705-5100, (608) 262-1705, www.uwex.edu/wgnhs.

(3) BORING LOG. A boring log shall be submitted for each boring in accordance with s. NR 507.14. For replacement wells, soil and bedrock samples shall be collected in accordance with subs.(1) and (2) unless the department approves a preexisting boring log for a boring within 10 feet of the replacement well. The owner or operator may request an exemption to the 10 foot distance.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 507.05

Cr. Register, June, 1996, No. 486, eff. 7-1-96.