Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 151.075

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 151.075 - Silurian bedrock performance standards
(1) All crop producers and livestock producers that mechanically apply manure directly or through contract or other agreement to cropland or pasture areas that meet the definition of Silurian bedrock under s. NR 151.015(17) must comply with this section.
(2) Mechanical manure application may not cause the fecal contamination of water in a well.
(3) Manure may not be mechanically applied on areas of cropland or pastures that have 24 inches or less of separation between the ground surface and apparent water table.
(4) Manure must be applied in conformance with a nutrient management plan that meets the requirements under all the following:
(a) The plan must be consistent with s. NR 151.07.
(b) The plan must be consistent with NRCS Technical Standard 590, dated December 2015.

Note: Copies of the Wisconsin Natural Resources Conservation Service ("NRCS") Nutrient Management Standard 590, dated December 2015, including the Technical Note (TN-1) referenced in the standard, may be inspected at the offices of the department, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, county land conservation departments and the legislative reference bureau, Madison Wisconsin. NRCS 590 ( and TN-1) is also available electronically at: https://efotg.sc.egov.usda.gov/references/public/WI/590_Standard-(2015-12).pdf and https://efotg.sc.egov.usda.gov/references/public/WI/Conservation_Planning-TN-1.pdf.

(c) The plan must be designed and implemented consistent with this section to manage manure so as to reduce the risk of pathogen delivery to groundwater and prevent exceedances of groundwater water quality standards.
(d) The plan must use NRCS soil survey maps/information or other methods as a planning tool to identify Silurian bedrock within or adjacent to cropland and pastures.
(5) Manure may not be mechanically applied on croplands or pastures until infield bedrock verification or Silurian bedrock map information is used to identify areas where the Silurian bedrock soil depth is less than 5 feet. If infield bedrock verification uses drill cores or other subsurface investigations, they must be backfilled with soil within 72 hours of being created.

Note: Silurian bedrock map information developed by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and/or department of natural resources, may be used alone or in combination to meet the requirements of this section.

Note: Silurian bedrock map information, available from the University of Wisconsin department of soil science, can be found at https://snapplus.wisc.edu/maps/.

(6) Manure may not be mechanically applied on croplands or pastures where the Silurian bedrock soil depth is less than 5 feet until such fields are evaluated and ranked for risk of pathogen delivery to groundwater. Areas determined to have a high risk for pathogen delivery to groundwater must be avoided or must be lowest priority for manure application.
(7) Mechanical application of manure and headland stacking of manure is prohibited on soils with 5 feet or less to Silurian bedrock when soils are frozen or snow covered.
(8) Mechanical application of manure is prohibited within Silurian bedrock having soil depths less than 5 feet when rainfall greater than one inch is forecast within 24 hours of planned application.
(9) Mechanical application of manure is prohibited for soils with less than 2 feet to Silurian bedrock.
(10) For soils with 2 to 3 feet to Silurian bedrock, all the following apply:
(a) No mechanical application of solid manure unless all the following are met:
1. Solid manure is incorporated within 72 hours to no more than 4 inches below ground.
2. At least one of the following is implemented:
a. Solid manure is applied at a rate no greater than 15 tons/acre/year, or the rate that supplies the crop nitrogen recommendation from UW A2809, whichever is less.
b. Solid manure is applied in compliance with UW A2809 and within 10 days of the planting date or applied on a perennial or established crop.
c. Solid manure is composted or treated to reduce pathogen levels via practices to a fecal coliform bacteria density of less than 500,000 colony-forming units or most probable number per gram total solids on a dry weight basis.

Note: Copies of the University of Wisconsin - Extension publication A2809 Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin, dated 2012 (A2809) may be inspected at the office of the department, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin. A2809 is also available electronically at: http://learningstore.uwex.edu/assets/pdfs/A2809.pdf.

(b) No mechanical application of liquid manure unless all the following are met:
1. Pre-tillage is completed, unless exempt under par. (c) or (d).
2. Liquid manure is injected or incorporated within 24 hours to no more than 4 inches below ground, unless exempt under par. (c).
3. At least one of the following is implemented:
a. Total liquid manure application is applied in compliance with UW A2809, or limited to Table 1, whichever is less, to prevent hydraulic overloading of the soil.

Table 1. Silurian Bedrock Maximum Liquid Manure Application Rates

Soil Texture

2 to 3 Feet Depth (gal/ac/yr)

3 to 5 Feet Depth (gal/ac/wk)

5 to 20 Feet Depth (gal/ac/wk)





Sandy Loam








Silt Loam




Clay Loam








*It is anticipated that this rate would exceed the UW A2809 annual (crop year) application rate.

b. Liquid manure is applied in compliance with UW A2809 and within 10 days of the planting date or applied on a perennial or established crop.
c. Liquid manure is treated to substantially reduce pathogen levels via practices to a fecal coliform bacteria density of less than 500,000 most probable number or colony-forming units per 100 milliliter sample.

Note: Copies of the University of Wisconsin - Extension publication A2809 Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin, dated 2012 (A2809) may be inspected at the office of the department, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin. A2809 is also available electronically at: http://learningstore.uwex.edu/assets/pdfs/A2809.pdf.

(c) Pre-tillage, incorporation or injection is not required if cropland or pastures meet long term no-till or have a perennial or established crop. Each surface application of liquid manure must not exceed 6,750 gallons per acre.
(d) Pre-tillage is not required if demonstrated to the department that a field cannot meet s. NR 151.02 over an eight-year crop rotation using a combination of the following practices: tillage, crops, contouring, filter strips, or cover crops.
(11) For soils with 3 to 5 feet to Silurian bedrock, all the following apply:
(a) No mechanical application of solid manure unless all the following are met:
1. Incorporated within 72 hours to no more than 6 inches below ground.
2. At least one of the following is implemented:
a. Manure is applied in accordance with UW A2809 annual application rate, or at a rate of 15 tons/acre/year, whichever is less.
b. Manure is applied in compliance with UW A2809 and within 10 days of the planting date or applied on a perennial or established crop.
c. Manure is composted or treated to reduce pathogen levels via practices to a fecal coliform bacteria density of 500,000 colony-forming units, or most probable number per gram total solids on a dry weight basis.

Note: Copies of the University of Wisconsin - Extension publication A2809 Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin, dated 2012 (A2809) may be inspected at the office of the department, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin. A2809 is also available electronically at: http://learningstore.uwex.edu/assets/pdfs/A2809.pdf

(b) No mechanical application of liquid manure unless all the following are met:
1. Pre-tillage is completed unless exempt under par. (c) or (d).
2. Liquid manure is injected or incorporated within 24 hours to no more than 6 inches below ground, unless exempt under par. (c).
3. At least one of the following is implemented:
a. Total liquid manure application is applied in compliance with UW A2809, or limited to sub. (10) (b) 3. Table 1 rates, whichever is less, to prevent hydraulic overloading of the soil.
b. Liquid manure is applied in compliance with UW A2809 and within 10 days of the planting date or applied on a perennial or established crop.
c. Liquid manure is treated to substantially reduce pathogen levels via practices to a fecal coliform bacteria density of less than 500,000 most probable number or colony-forming units per 100 milliliter sample.

Note: Copies of the University of Wisconsin - Extension publication A2809 Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin, dated 2012 (A2809) may be inspected at the office of the department, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin. A2809 is also available electronically at: http://learningstore.uwex.edu/assets/pdfs/A2809.pdf.

(c) Pre-tillage, incorporation or injection is not required if cropland or pastures meet long term no-till or have a perennial or established crop. Each surface application of liquid manure must not exceed 6,750 gallons per acre.
(d) Pre-tillage is not required if demonstrated to the department that a field cannot meet s. NR 151.02 over an eight-year crop rotation using a combination of the following practices: tillage, crops, contouring, filter strips, or cover crops.
(12) For soils with 5 to 20 feet to Silurian bedrock, all the following apply:
(a) No mechanical application of liquid manure unless all the following are met:
1. Pre-tillage is completed unless exempt under par. (b) or (c).
2. Liquid manure is injected or incorporated within 24 hours to no more than 6 inches below ground, unless exempt under par. (b).
3. At least one of the following is implemented:
a. Total liquid manure application is applied in compliance with UW A2809, or limited to sub. (10) (b) 3. Table 1 rates, whichever is less, to prevent hydraulic overloading of the soil.
b. Liquid manure is applied in compliance with UW A2809 and within 10 days of the planting date or applied on a perennial or established crop.
c. Liquid manure is treated to substantially reduce pathogen levels via practices to a fecal coliform bacteria density of less than 500,000 most probable number or colony-forming units per 100 milliliter sample.

Note: Copies of the University of Wisconsin - Extension publication A2809 Nutrient Application Guidelines for Field, Vegetable, and Fruit Crops in Wisconsin, dated 2012 (A2809) may be inspected at the office of the department, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection and the legislative reference bureau, Madison, Wisconsin. A2809 is also available electronically at: http://learningstore.uwex.edu/assets/pdfs/A2809.pdf.

(b) Pre-tillage, incorporation or injection is not required if cropland or pastures meet long term no-till or have a perennial or established crop. Each surface application of liquid manure must not exceed 10,000 gallons per acre.
(c) Pre-tillage is not required if demonstrated to the department that a field cannot meet s. NR 151.02 over an eight-year crop rotation using a combination of the following practices: tillage, crops, contouring, filter strips, or cover crops.

Note: Silurian bedrock map information for soils with 5 to 20 feet to Silurian bedrock, developed by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and/or department of natural resources, may be used alone or in combination to meet the requirements of this section.

(13) Mechanical manure applications are prohibited within any of the following:
(a) 1000 feet of a community water system as defined in s. NR 811.02.
(b) 250 feet of a private water system or a non-community water system as defined in s. NR 812.07.
(c) An area within 300 feet upslope or 100 feet downslope of a direct conduit to groundwater as defined in s. NR 151.002(11m).
(d) 100 feet of a concentrated flow channel that leads to a water system included in par. (a) or (b) or direct conduit to groundwater in par. (c).
(14) Mechanical manure applications are prohibited on or within 100 feet of Silurian bedrock in a closed depression unless the manure is injected or incorporated within 24 hours or prior to precipitation capable of producing runoff, whichever comes first. The prohibition of mechanical application of manure does not apply to areas following long term no-till practices or with a perennial or established crop.
(15) No surface application of manure on slopes of 6 percent or greater in cropland and pasture areas that have concentrated flow channels that drain to a closed depression in Silurian bedrock, unless the material is incorporated within 24 hours or prior to precipitation capable of producing runoff, whichever comes first. The prohibition of surface application of manure does not apply to areas following long term no-till practices or with a perennial or established crop.
(16) Practices must retain land applied manure on the soil where they are applied with minimal movement to maintain setback distances specified in subs. (13) and (14).

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 151.075

Adopted by, CR 17-062: cr. Register June 2018 No. 750 eff. 7-1-18; corrections in (10) (b) 1., 2., (11) (b) 1., 2., (12) (a) 1., 2., (13) (intro.), (d), made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2018 No. 750, eff. 7/1/2018