Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 149.02

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 149.02 - Applicability
(1) This chapter specifies requirements for the administration of the laboratory accreditation program by the department.
(2) Unless otherwise exempted in this section, this chapter applies to all the following:
(a) Laboratories applying for accreditation.
(b) Laboratories holding an accreditation.
(c) Laboratories submitting data to the department for a covered program.
(d) Laboratories generating data that is necessary for the department to determine compliance with a covered program.

Note: Administrative codes and covered programs requiring analyses to be performed by an accredited laboratory are chs. NR 101 - Reports And Fees For Waste-water Discharges, 102 - Water Quality Standards For Wisconsin Surface Waters, 106 - Procedures For Calculating Water Quality Based Effluent Limitations For Point Source Discharges To Surface Waters, 110 - Sewerage Systems, 123 - Well Compensation Program, 131 - Nonferrous Metallic Mineral Prospecting, 132 - Nonferrous Metallic Mineral Mining, 140 - Groundwater Quality, 150 - Environmental Analysis And Review Procedures, 153 - Targeted Runoff Management And Notice Of Discharge Grant Programs, 155 - Urban Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Abatement And Storm Water Management Grant Program, 157 - Management Of Pcbs And Products Containing Pcbs, 182 - Nonferrous Metallic Mineral Mining Wastes, 200 - Application For Discharge Permits And Water Quality Standards Variances, 204 - Domestic Sewage Sludge Management, 205 - General Provisions, 206 - Land Disposal Of Municipal And Domestic Wastewaters, 210 - Sewage Treatment Works, 211 - General Pretreatment Requirements, 212 - Waste Load Allocated Water Quality Related Effluent Limitations, 214 - Land Treatment Of Industrial Liquid Wastes, ByProduct Solids And Sludges, 216 - Storm Water Discharge Permits, 217 - Effluent Standards And Limitations For Phosphorus, 218 - Method And Manner Of Sampling, 219 - Analytical Test Methods And Procedures, 230 - Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing, 233 - Pesticide Chemicals, 243 - Animal Feeding Operations, 254 - Iron And Steel Manufacturing, 256 - Metal Molding And Casting, 260 - Electroplating, 261 - Metal Finishing, 263 - Coil Coating, 273 - Nonferrous Metals Forming And Metal Powders, 274 - Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing, 290 - Steam Electric Power Generating, 347 - Sediment Sampling And Analysis, Monitoring Protocol And Disposal Criteria For Dredging Projects, 500 - General Solid Waste Management Requirements, 507 - Environmental Monitoring For Landfills, 518 - Land-spreading Of Solid Waste, 528 - Management Of Accumulated Sediment From Storm Water Management Structures, 538 - Beneficial Use Of Industrial Byproducts, 662 - Hazardous Waste Generator Standards, 664 - Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage And Disposal Facility Standards, 665 - Interim License Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage And Disposal Facility Standards, 700 - General Requirements, 712 - Personnel Qualifications For Conducting Environmental Response Actions, 716 - Site Investigations, 720 - Soil Cleanup Standards, 738 - Temporary Emergency Water Supplies, 747 - Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund, 809 - Safe Drinking Water, 810 - Requirements For The Operation And Maintenance Of Public Water Systems, 811 - Requirements For The Operation And Design Of Community Water Systems, 812 - Well Construction And Pump Installation and 845 - County Administration Of NR 812 Private Wells Code.

Note: Links to the codes specified above can be found on the Wisconsin department of natural resources laboratory accreditation program website.

(3) Laboratories performing analyses for the safe drinking water program under ch. NR 809 or for the well construction and pump installation testing program under ch. NR 812 shall be certified; registration is not available for these analyses. Additional requirements for laboratories performing compliance analysis under ch. NR 809 are specified in s. NR 149.19.
(4) Laboratories performing analysis for whole effluent toxic-ity testing shall meet the requirements specified in s. NR 149.20.
(5) This chapter applies to laboratories analyzing industrial pre-treatment samples when the department is the control authority of a pre-treatment ordinance or when another control authority requires it.
(6) Laboratories performing asbestos or radiological testing for a covered program shall be certified or approved by the EPA or the department.

Note: Laboratories performing bacteriological testing for a covered program are certified or approved under ch. ATCP 77 by the department of agriculture, trade, and consumer protection.

(ag) This chapter establishes compliance requirements that shall be incorporated into the quality systems of all laboratories accredited by the department.
(ar) Laboratories shall meet any requirements pertaining to analyses and analytical operations contained in the methods, regulations, or covered programs when those requirements are more stringent than the ones specified in this chapter, unless this chapter grants explicit, alternative allowances.

Note: Sources, including the following as updated, likely contain methods that are acceptable for testing under this chapter: The EPA, the department, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods - SW-846, American Society for Testing and Materials, and the U.S. Geological Survey Agency.

(b) When it is not apparent to the laboratory whether the minimum requirements of this chapter or those specified in the methods, regulations, or covered programs are more stringent, the department shall communicate which requirements are more stringent to the laboratories and the laboratories shall meet those requirements.
(c) When a laboratory incorporates a procedure that is neither expressly permitted nor prohibited by the method, the department will assess the scientific validity of the procedure to determine if the procedure is within the scope of the method. The underlying chemistry of the method shall remain unchanged. The department may seek the advice of the council in making determinations under this paragraph.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 149.02

CR 06-005: cr. Register April 2008 No. 628, eff. 9-1-08.
Amended by, CR 17-046: cr. Register February 2021 No. 782, eff. 6-29-21; renum. (7) (intro.), (a) to (7) (ag), (ar) under s. 13.92(4) (b) 1, Stats., Register February 2021 No. 782, eff. 6/29/2021

For example, if a digestion time of 30 minutes is required, the laboratory is not to use less time for digestion. A second example, when a minimum volume of solvent is required to extract a specific amount of sample, then less solvent is not to be used unless the ratio of extraction solvent to sample amount is maintained.