Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 121.05

Current through December 30, 2024
Section NR 121.05 - Content of areawide water quality management plans
(1) Subject to sub. (2), the following elements shall be included in each areawide water quality management plan prepared or approved by the department.
(a)Planning area boundaries. The delineation in map form of the area for which the plan is being prepared.
(b)Water quality assessment. An assessment of existing and potential water quality problems within the planning area including a general assessment of both point and nonpoint sources of pollution contributing to the problems.
(c)Inventories and forecasts.
1. An inventory of municipal and industrial source of pollutants.
2. Current demographic and economic growth data.
3. Population forecasts for 20 years in 5-year increments developed in the following manner:
a. The state population forecast for the state water quality management plan shall be consistent with that generated by the Wisconsin department of administration (DOA) and with the forecast provided by the U.S. department of commerce, bureau of economic analysis (BEA).
b. Single county forecasts prepared by multi-county regional planning agencies (established in s. 66.0309, Stats.) for the purpose of areawide water quality management planning shall be consistent with the range of the regional forecast generated by DOA. Single county forecasts prepared by single county planning agencies shall be expressed within the range of the county forecast generated by DOA. Single county forecasts inconsistent with the range of DOA regional forecasts and single family [county] forecasts falling outside of the range provided by DOA may be used if special approval is obtained from the natural resources board.

Note: Due to an apparent error, "family" was substituted for "county" in Natural Resources Board Order No. WQ-55-80, which amended subd. 1. b.

c. The population forecasting methodology used by designated regional or county planning agencies to apportion county forecasts to minor civil divisions (MCD) and individual sewer service areas shall be consistent with standards developed by DOA. If these agencies do not prepare MCD forecasts, the department will request that DOA do so. If DOA chooses not to prepare MCD forecasts, the department will do so.
4. Existing and projected land use patterns including the delineation of sewer service areas as described in par. (g).
(d)Water quality standards. Applicable state water quality standards and any suggested revision of such water quality standards.
(e)Total maximum daily loads. For each water quality limited segment, the total allowable maximum daily load of pollutants during critical water quality conditions for each specific water quality criterion being violated or expected to be violated.
(f)Waste load allocations. For each water quality limited segment, the individual load allocation for point sources of pollutants for the 5-year period following plan preparation.
(g)Nonindustrial wastewater treatment and collection system plan.
1. The most cost-effective regional wastewater systems for all urban areas shall be identified over a 20-year planning period based upon an analysis of alternative waste treatment system configurations. Wherever possible, applicable recommendations of approved facility plans shall be used to determine the urban area's treatment needs. This analysis shall be consistent with s. NR 110.09, and shall include a cost-effectiveness analysis of regional versus individual treatment plants for the outlying areas including subsurface waste disposal systems. Water quality and other environmental impacts shall be considered.
2. Sewage collection system needs shall be identified through the delineation of a sewer service area for existing and proposed treatment systems for the 20-year planning period such that:
a. The sewer service area is determined in such a fashion as to promote cost-effective and environmentally sound waste collection and treatment.
b. The sewer service areas are delineated based on a 20-year population forecast approved by the department, and municipally approved population density standards.
c. Major areas unsuitable for the installation of waste treatment systems because of physical or environmental constraints are to be excluded from the service area. Areas to be considered for exclusion from the sewer service area because of the potential for adverse impacts on the quality of the waters of the state from both point and nonpoint sources of pollution include but are not limited to wetlands, shorelands, floodways and floodplains, steep slopes, highly erodible soils and other limiting soil types, groundwater recharge areas, and other such physical constraints.
d. Ten-year service area boundaries may also be included in addition to the 20-year sewer service boundaries.
3. The plan shall include criteria for the construction of future treatment systems within the areawide planning area. These criteria shall be consistent with, but may be more specific or restrictive than those contained in s. NR 110.08(5), if warranted by regional and local considerations.
4. For nondesignated areas of the state, a detailed identification of the regional waste treatment system, including the delineation of sewer service areas will be carried out for selected urban areas within standard metropolitan statistical areas and for urban areas with a population of over 10,000.
a. The preparation of the plan will be carried out if possible by a local planning agency under contract with the department.
b. A local policy advisory committee made up of representatives of the various local units of government in the planning area shall be established, or an existing body used, to assist the department in the preparation of the plan and to act in an advisory role to the department in matters concerning the implementation of the plan.
(h)Industrial waste treatment system needs. The anticipated industrial point source waste load reductions required to attain and maintain applicable water quality standards and effluent limitations for at least a 20-year planning period.
(i)Nonpoint source control needs.
1. The best management practices needed to produce a basic level of control of nonpoint source of pollutants throughout the planning area shall be identified and evaluated. Watersheds will be identified in the plan and the general water quality problems for each assessed.
2. Priority watershed plans shall be prepared for [on] a priority basis by the department and applicable designated agencies. The contents of priority watershed plans are described in s. NR 120.08.

Note: Due to an apparent error "for" was substituted for "on" in Natural Resources Board Order No. WQ-55-80, which amended subd. 2.

(j)Residual waste control needs. An identification of the necessary controls to be established over the disposition of residual wastes.
(k)Land disposal needs. An identification of the necessary controls to be established for the disposal of pollutants on land or in a subsurface excavation site.
(L)Target abatement dates. Target abatement dates or schedules of compliance for all significant dischargers, nonpoint source control measures, residual and land disposal controls and stormwater system needs.
(m)Recommended regulatory programs. Recommended regulatory programs needed to implement the state water quality management plan.
(n)Designated management agencies. The identification of those agencies recommended for designation to carry out the provisions of the areawide plan.
(o)Environmental, social, economic impact. An assessment of the environmental, social and economic impacts of carrying out specific significant recommendations of the plan.
(2) The department may waive inclusion of any of these elements upon a determination by the department that special conditions exist in the planning area which preclude their inclusion or that financial resources are not adequate to allow their inclusion.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 121.05

Cr. Register, January, 1979, No. 271, eff. 2-1-79; am. (1) (intro.) (a), (c) 3.b, and 4., (e), (f), (i) 2., (n) and (2); r. and recr. (1) (g), Register, August, 1981, No. 308, eff. 9-1-81; correction in (1) (c) 3. b. made under s. 13.92(4) (b) 7, Stats., Register March 2011 No. 663.