Note: The intent of these standards is to minimize the emissions of VOC through the application of best demonstrated technology (BDT). The numerical emission limits in these standards are expressed in terms of total organic compounds (TOC), measured as TOC minus methane and ethane. This emission limit reflects the performance of BDT.
The TOC concentration corrected to 3% O2 (Cc) shall be computed using the following equations:
Cc = CTOC 17.9/20.9 - %02d
Cc is the concentration of TOC corrected to 3% O2, dry basis, ppm by volume
CTOC is the concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry basis, ppm by volume
%O2d is the concentration of O2, dry basis, percent by volume
R = Ei-Eo/Eix100
R is the emission reduction, percent by weight
Ei is the mass rate of TOC entering the control device, kg/hr (lb/hr)
Eo is the mass rate of TOC discharged to the atmosphere, kg/hr (lb/hr)
Cij and Coj are the concentration of sample component "j" of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dry basis, ppm by volume
Mij and Moj are the molecular weight of sample component "j" of the gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole)
Qi and Qo are the flow rate of gas stream at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively, dscm/min (dscf/min)
K2 is a constant, 2.494 x 10-6 (1/ppm)(g-mole/scm)(kg/g)(min/hr) for metric units, where standard temperature for (g-mole/scm) is 20°C, and 1.557 x 10-7 (1/ppm)(lb-mole/scf)(min/hr) for English units, where standard temperature for (lb-mole/scf) is 68°F
CTOC is the concentration of TOC (minus methane and ethane), dry basis, ppm by volume
Cj is the concentration of sample components in the sample
n is the number of components in the sample
HT is the net heating value of the sample, MJ/scm (Btu/scf), where the net enthalpy per mole of vent stream is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg (77°F and 30 in Hg), but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to one mole is 20°C (68°F)
K1 is a constant, 1.740 x 10-7 (1/ppm)(g-mole/scm)(MJ/kcal) for metric units where standard temperature for (g-mole/scm) is 20°C, and 1.03 x 10-11 (1/ppm)(lb-mole/scf)(Btu/kcal) for English units where standard temperature for (lb-mole/scf) is 68°F
Cj is the concentration on a wet basis of compound j in ppm, as measured for organics by Method 18 and measured for hydrogen and carbon monoxide by ASTM D1946-90 (reapproved 1994), incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17(2) (a) 24., as indicated in subd 3.
Hj is the net heat of combustion of compound j, kcal/g-mole (kcal/lb-mole), based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg (77°F and 30 in Hg). The heats of combustion of vent stream components would be required to be determined using ASTM D2382-88 or D4809-95, incorporated by reference as specified in s. NR 440.17(2) (a) 30. and 61., if published values are not available or cannot be calculated
ETOC is the emission rate of TOC in the sample, kg/hr (lb/hr)
K2 is the constant, 2.494 10-6 (1/ppm) (g-mole/scm) (kg/g) (min/hr) for metric units, where standard temperature for (g-mole/scm) is 20°C, and 1.557 x 10-7 (1/ppm)(lb-mole/scf)(min/hr) for English units, where standard temperature for (lb-mole/scf) is 68°F
Cj is the concentration on a wet basis of compound j in ppm as measured by Method 18 as indicated in subd. 3.
Mj is the molecular weight of sample j, g/g-mole (lb/lb-mole)
Qs is the vent stream flow rate (scm/min) (scf/hr) at a standard temperature of 20°C (68°F)
TRE is the TRE index value
Qs is the vent stream flow rate scm/min (scf/min), at a standard temperature of 20°C (68°F)
HT is the vent stream net heating value, MJ/scm (Btu/scf), where the net enthalpy per mole of vent stream is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg (68°F and 30 in Hg), but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to one mole is 20°C (68°F), as in the definition of Qs
Ys = Qs for all vent stream categories listed in Table 1 except for Category E vent streams where Ys = (Qs) (HT)/3.6 for metric units and Ys = (Qs)(HT)/97 for English units
ETOC is the hourly emissions of TOC, kg/hr (lb/hr)
a, b, c, d, e and f are coefficients
The set of coefficients which apply to a vent stream shall be obtained from Table 1.
Design Category A1. For Halogenated Process Vent Streams, If 0 <= Net Heating Value (MJ/scm) <= 3.5 Or If 0 <= Net Heating Value (Btu/scf) <= 94: | |||||||
Qs = Vent Stream Flow Rate scm/min (scf/min) | a | b | c | d | e | f | |
1) | 14.2 <= Qs <= 18.8 (501 <= Qs <= 664) | 19.18370 (42.29238) | 0.27580 (0.017220) | 0.75762 (0.072549) | -0.13064 (-0.00030361) | 0 (0) | 0.01025 (0.003803) |
2) | 18.8 < Qs <=699 (664 < Qs <= 24,700) | 20.00563 (44.10441) | 0.27580 (0.017220) | 0.30387 (0.029098) | -0.13064 (-0.00030361) | 0 (0) | 0.01025 (0.003803) |
3) | 699 < Qs <=1400 (24,700 < Qs <= 49,000) | 39.87022 (87.89789) | 0.29973 (0.018714) | 0.30387 (0.029098) | -0.13064 (-0.00030361) | 0 (0) | 0.01449 (0.005376) |
4) | 1400 < Qs <=2100 (49,000 < Qs <= 74000) | 59.73481 (131.6914) | 0.31467 (0.019647) | 0.30387 (0.029098) | -0.13064 (-0.00030361) | 0 (0) | 0.01775 (0.006585) |
5) | 2100 < Qs <=2800 (74,000 < Qs <= 99,000) | 79.59941 (175.4849) | 0.32572 (0.020337) | 0.30387 (0.029098) | -0.13064 (-0.00030361) | 0 (0) | 0.02049 (0.007602) |
6) | 2800 < Qs <=3500 (99,000 < Qs <= 120,000) | 99.46400 (219.2783) | 0.33456 (0.020888) | 0.30387 (0.029098) | -0.13064 (-0.00030361) | 0 (0) | 0.02291 (0.008500) |
Design Category A2. For Halogenated Process Vent Streams, If Net Heating Value > 3.5 MJ/scm Or If Net Heating Value > 94 (Btu/scf): | |||||||
Qs = Vent Stream Flow Rate scm/min (scf/min) | a | b | c | d | e | f | |
7) | 14.2 <= Qs <= 18.8 | 18.84466 | 0.26742 | -0.20044 | 0 | 0 | 0.01025 |
(501 <= Qs <= 664) | (41.54494) | (0.016696) | (-0.019194) | (0) | (0) | (0.003803) | |
8) | 18.8 < Qs <= 699 | 19.66658 | 0.26742 | -0.25332 | 0 | 0 | 0.01025 |
(664 < Qs <= 24,700) | (43.35694) | (0.016696) | (-0.024258) | (0) | (0) | (0.003803) | |
9) | 699 < Qs <=1400 (24,700 < Qs <= 49,000) | 39.19213 (86.40297) | 0.29062 (0.018145) | -0.25332 (-0.024258) | 0 (0) | 0 (0) | 0.01449 (0.005376) |
10) | 1400 < Qs <=2100 (49,000 < Qs <= 74000) | 58.71768 (129.4490) | 0.30511 (0.019050) | -0.25332 (-0.024258) | 0 (0) | 0 (0) | 0.01775 (0.006585) |
11) | 2100 < Qs <=2800 (74,000 < Qs <= 99,000) | 78.24323 (172.4950) | 0.31582 (0.019718) | -0.25332 (-0.024258) | 0 (0) | 0 (0) | 0.02049 (0.007602) |
12) | 2800 < Qs <=3500 (99,000 < Qs = 120,000) | 97.76879 (215.5411) | 0.32439 (0.020253) | -0.25332 (-0.024258) | 0 (0) | 0 (0) | 0.02291 (0.008500) |
Design Category B. For Nonhalogenated Process Vent Streams, If 0 <= Net Heating Value (MJ/scm) <= 0.48 Or If 0 <= Net Heating Value (Btu/scf) <= 13: | |||||||
Qs = Vent Stream Flow Rate scm/min (scf/min) | a | b | c | d | e | f | |
13) | 14.2 < Qs <=1340 (501 < Qs <= 47,300) | 8.54245 (18.83268) | 0.10555 (0.0065901) | 0.09030 (0.008647) | -0.17109 (-0.00039762) | 0 (0) | 0.01025 (0.003803) |
14) | 1340 < Qs <=2690 (47,300 < Qs <= 95,000) | 16.94386 (37.35443) | 0.11470 (0.0071614) | 0.09030 (0.008647) | -0.17109 (-0.00039762) | 0 (0) | 0.01449 (0.005376) |
15) | 2690 < Qs <=4040 (95,000 < Qs <= 143,000) | 25.34528 (55.87620) | 0.12042 (0.0075185) | 0.09030 (0.008647) | -0.17109 (-0.00039762) | 0 (0) | 0.01775 (0.00658) |
16) | 14.2 <= Qs <=1340 (501 <= Qs <= 47,300) | 9.25233 (20.39769) | 0.06105 (0.003812) | 0.31937 (0.030582) | -0.16181 (-0.00037605) | 0 (0) | 0.01025 (0.003803) |
17) | 1,340< Qs <= 2,690 | 18.36363 | 0.06635 | 0.31937 | -0.16181 | 0 | 0.01449 |
(47,300 < Qs <= 95,000) | (40.48446) | (0.004143) | (0.030582) | (-0.00037605) | (0) | (0.005376) | |
18) | 2,690< Qs <= 4,040 | 27.47492 | 0.06965 | 0.31937 | -0.16181 | 0 | 0.01775 |
(95,000 < Qs <= 143,000) | (60.57121) | (0.004349) | (0.030582) | (-0.00037605) | (0) | (0.006585) | |
Design Category D. For Nonhalogenated Process Vent Streams, If 1.9 < Net Heating Value (MJ/scm) <= 3.6: Or If 51 < Net Heating Value (Btu/scf) <= 97: | |||||||
Qs = Vent Stream Flow Rate scm/min (scf/min) | a | b | c | d | e | f | |
19) | 14.2 < Qs <= 1,180 | 6.67868 | 0.06943 | 0.02582 | 0 | 0 | 0.01025 |
(501 <= Qs <= 41,700) | (14.72382) | (0.004335) | (0.002472) | (0) | (0) | (0.003803) | |
20) | 1,180 < Qs <= 2,370 | 13.21633 | 0.07546 | 0.02582 | 0 | 0 | 0.01449 |
(41,000 < Qs <= 83,700) | (29.13672) | (0.004711) | (0.002472) | (0) | (0) | (0.005376) | |
21) | 2,370< Qs <= 3,550 | 19.75398 | 0.07922 | 0.02582 | 0 | 0 | 0.01755 |
(83,700 < Qs <= 125,000) | (43.54962) | (0.004946) | (0.002472) | (0) | (0) | (0.00658) | |
Design Category E. For Nonhalogenated Process Vent Streams, If Net Heating Value > 3.6 MJ/scm Or If Net Heating Value > 97 Btu/scf): | |||||||
Ys = Dilution Flow Rate scm/min = (Qs)(HT)/3.6 (scf/min) = (Qs)(HT)/97 | a | b | c | d | e | f | |
22) | 14.2 <= Ys <=1,180 | 6.67868 | 0 | 0 | -0.00707 | 0.02220 | 0.01025 |
(501 <= Ys <= 41,700) | (14.72382) | (0) | (0) | (-0.0000164) | (0.0001174) | (0.003803) | |
23) | 1,180 < Ys <= 2,370 | 13.21633 | 0 | 0 | -0.00707 | 0.02412 | 0.01449 |
(41,700 < Ys <= 83,700) | (29.13672) | (0) | (0) | (-0.0000164) | (0.0001276) | (0.005376) | |
24) | 2,370< Ys <= 3,550 | 19.75398 | 0 | 0 | -0.00707 | 0.02533 | 0.01755 |
(83,700 < Ys <= 125,000) | (43.54962) | (0) | (0) | (-0.0000164) | (0.0001340) | (0.006585) |
TRE is the TRE index value
Qs is 14.2 scm/min (501 scf/min)
HT is (FLOW) (HVAL) / Qs
where the following inputs are used:
FLOW is the vent stream flow rate (scm/min) (scf/min), at a standard temperature of 20°C (68°F)
HVAL is the vent stream net heating value MJ/scm (Btu/scf), where the net enthalpy per mole of vent stream is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg (77°F and 30 in Hg), but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to 1 mole is 20°C (68°F) as in the definition of Qs
Ys = Qs for all vent stream categories listed in Table 1 except for Category E vent streams, where Ys = QsHT/3.6 for metric units and Ys = QsHT/97 for English units.
ETOC is the hourly emissions of TOC reported in kg/hr (lb/hr)
a,b,c,d,e and f are coefficients
The set of coefficients that apply to a vent stream shall be obtained from Table 1.
TRE is the TRE index value
ETOC is the hourly emissions of TOC, kg/hr (lb/hr)
Qs is the vent stream flow rate, scm/min (scf/min) at a standard temperature of 20°C (68°F)
HT is the vent stream net heating value, MJ/scm (Btu/scf), where the net enthalpy per mole of vent stream is based on combustion at 25°C and 760 mm Hg (77°F and 30 in Hg), but the standard temperature for determining the volume corresponding to 1 mole is 20°C (68°F) as in the definition of Qs
a, b, c, d and e are coefficients
The set of coefficients that apply to a vent stream shall be obtained from Table 2.
Table 2. Air Oxidation Processes NSPS TRE Coefficients For Vent Streams Controlled By a Flare
a | b | c | d | e | ||
a. | HT < 11.2 MJ/scm | 2.25 | 0.288 | -0.193 | -0.0051 | 2.08 |
(HT < 301 Btu/scf) | (0.140) | (0.0367) | (-0.000448) | (-0.0051) | (4.59) | |
b. | HT >= 11.2 MJ/scm | 0.309 | 0.0619 | -0.0043 | -0.0034 | 2.08 |
(HT >= 301 Btu/scf) | (0.0193) | (0.00788) | (-0.000010) | (-0.0034) | (4.59) |
Note: Examples of such records could include records of steam use, fuel use or monitoring data collected pursuant to other state or federal regulatory requirements.
Note: The requirements of par. (j) remain in force until and unless EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a state under section 111 (c) of the act, approves reporting requirements or an alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such state. In that event, affected sources within the state will be relieved of the obligation to comply with par. (j), provided that they comply with the requirements established by the state.
Chemical Name | CAS No.* | |
(a) | Acetaldehyde ...................... | 75-07-0 |
(b) | Acetic acid ........................ | 64-19-7 |
(c) | Acetone .......................... | 67-64-1 |
(d) | Acetonitrile........................ | 75-05-8 |
(e) | Acetophenone...................... | 98-86-2 |
(f) | Acrolein .......................... | 107-02-8 |
(g) | Acrylic acid ....................... | 79-10-7 |
(h) | Acrylonitrile....................... | 107-13-1 |
(i) | Anthraquinone ..................... | 84-65-1 |
(J) | Benzaldehyde...................... | 100-52-7 |
(k) | Benzoic acid, tech................... | 65-85-0 |
(L) | 1,3-Butadiene...................... | 106-99-0 |
(m) | p-t-Butyl benzoic acid............... | 98-73-7 |
(n) | N-Butyric acid..................... | 107-92-6 |
(o) | Crotonic acid ...................... | 3724-65-0 |
(P) | Cumene hydroperoxide .............. | 80-15-9 |
(q) | Cyclohexanol ...................... | 108-93-0 |
(qm) | Cyclohexanone..................... | 108-94-1 |
(r) | Dimethyl terephthalate............... | 120-61-6 |
(rm) | Ethylene dichloride .................. | 107-06-2 |
(s) | Ethylene oxide ..................... | 75-21-8 |
(sm) | Formaldehyde ...................... | 50-00-0 |
(t) | Formic acid ........................ | 64-18-6 |
(tm) | Glyoxal........................... | 107-22-2 |
(u) | Hydrogen cyanide .................. | 74-90-8 |
(um) | Isobutyric acid ..................... | 79-31-2-5 |
(v) | Isophthalic acid ..................... | 121-91 |
(vm) | Maleic anhydride ................... | 108-31-6 |
(w) | Methyl ethyl ketone ................. | 78-93-3 |
(wm) | a-Methyl styrene................... | 98-83-9 |
(x) | Phenol............................ | 108-95-2 |
(xm) | Phthalic anhydride .................. | 85-44-9 |
(y) | Propionic acid ...................... | 79-09-4 |
(ym) | Propylene oxide .................... | 75-56-9 |
(z) | Styrene ........................... | 100-42-5 |
(zm) | Terephthalic acid ................... | 100-21-0 |
*CAS numbers refer to the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry numbers assigned to specific isomers or mixtures of chemicals. Some isomers or mixtures that are covered by the standards do not have CAS numbers assigned to them. The standards apply to all of the chemicals listed, whether CAS numbers have been assigned or not.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Natural Resources NR 440.675