(4) PAYMENT OF COST SHARE REQUIRED.(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a person who is required to contribute to the cost of his or her care but who fails to make the required contributions is ineligible for the family care benefit. Individuals who do not make the required contributions under this paragraph shall not be deemed ineligible for the family care benefit until the first day of the month following the end of the emergency period defined in subsection (1) (B) of section 1135 (g) of the Social Security Act, 42 USC 1320b-5(g) (1) (B), and declared by the United States Secretary of Health And Human Services in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.Note: Par. (a) is amended by CR 21-081 effective the first day of the month after the emergency period, as defined in section 1135 (g) (1) (b) of the Social Security Act, 42 USC 1320b-5(g) (1) (B) and declared in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, ends, to read:
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a person who is required to contribute to the cost of his or her care but who fails to make the required contributions is ineligible for the family care benefit.(b) If the department or its designee determines that the person or his or her family would incur an undue financial hardship as a result of making the payment, the department may waive or reduce the requirement. Any reduction or waiver of cost share shall be subject to review at least every 12 months. A reduction or waiver under this paragraph shall meet all of the following conditions: 1. The hardship is documented by financial information beyond that normally collected for eligibility and cost-sharing determination purposes and is based on total financial resources and total obligations.2. Sufficient relief cannot be provided through an extended or deferred payment plan.3. The person is notified in writing of approval or denial within 30 days of providing necessary information to the department or its designee. Note: The forced sale of a family residence or cessation of an education program for a person or his or her family member are examples of genuine hardships under this provision. Reductions or waivers of cost sharing requirements are generally restricted to situations where services are provided for a relatively long term, when deferred payments will not provide sufficient relief.
(c) A CMO shall collect or monitor the collection of its enrollees' cost sharing payments. If an enrollee does not meet his or her cost sharing obligations, the CMO shall notify the resource center in the county in which the enrollee resides. The resource center, directly or through arrangement with the county agency, shall notify the enrollee that he or she will be ineligible on a specified date unless cost sharing obligations are met. If the client has not paid the cost share amount due by the date specified, the county agency shall determine the person to be ineligible and disenroll the person from the CMO.(d) Until an enrollee is disenrolled, a CMO remains responsible for provision of services in the enrollee's plan of care and for payment to providers for those services.