Wis. Admin. Code DHS § , DHS 110-199, ch. DHS 157, app Q

Current through November 25, 2024
Appendix Q

Contents of an Emergency Plan

An emergency plan for responding to an event in which radioactive material could be released from the site shall include the following information:

a. Facility description. A brief description of the licensee or applicant's facility and surroundings.

b. Types of accidents. An identification of each type of radioactive materials accident for which actions by licensee staff or offsite response organizations will be needed to protect members of the public.

c. Classification of accidents. A method for classifying and declaring an accident as alert or site area emergency.

d. Detection of accidents. Identification of the means for detecting each type of alert or site area emergency in a timely manner.

e. Mitigation of consequences. A brief description of the means and equipment that are available for mitigating the consequences of each type of accident, including those provided to protect workers onsite, and a description of the program for maintaining the equipment.

f. Assessment of releases. A brief description of the methods and equipment available to assess releases of radioactive material.

g. Responsibilities. A brief description of the responsibilities of the licensee or applicant's personnel who will respond if an accident occurs, including identification of personnel responsible for promptly notifying offsite response organizations, including the department.

h. Plan maintenance. A brief description of the positions assigned and methods to develop, maintain and update the plan.

i. A list of offsite response organizations, description of their responsibilities and anticipated actions, and copy of formal commitments, if any.

j. Notification and coordination. A brief description of the means to promptly notify the offsite response organizations and request offsite assistance including medical assistance for the treatment of contaminated injured onsite workers. The notification and coordination must include alternate provisions in case key personnel, parts of the facility, or some equipment are unavailable. The licensee shall also commit to notify the department immediately after notification of the appropriate offsite response organizations and not later than one hour after the licensee declares an emergency.

k. Information to be communicated. A brief description of the types of information on facility status, radioactive releases and recommended protective actions, if necessary, to be given to offsite response organizations and the department. A licensee shall allow the offsite response organizations expected to respond in case of an accident 60 days to comment on the licensees emergency plan before submitting it to the department. A licensee shall provide any comments received within the 60 days to the department with the emergency plan.

L. Training. A brief description of the frequency, performance objectives and plan for training that the licensee or applicant will provide workers on how to respond to an emergency, including any special instructions and orientation tours that the licensee or applicant will offer to fire, police, medical and other emergency personnel. The training shall familiarize personnel with site-specific hazards and emergency procedures. The training shall also prepare site personnel for their responsibilities in the event of accident scenarios postulated as most probable for the specific site, including the use of drills, exercises and team training for such scenarios.

m. Drills and exercises. Provisions for conducting quarterly communications checks with offsite response organizations and biennial onsite exercises to test response to simulated emergencies. The licensee or applicant shall invite offsite response organizations to participate in biennial exercises. The exercises shall use accident scenarios postulated as the most probable for the specific site and the scenarios may not be known to most exercise participants. Critiques of exercises must evaluate the appropriateness of the plan, emergency procedures, facilities, equipment, training of personnel and overall effectiveness of the response. Deficiencies found by the critiques must be corrected.

n. Safe condition. A brief description of the means of restoring the facility and surroundings to a safe condition after an accident.

o. Hazardous chemicals. A certification that the applicant has met its responsibilities under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986, Title III, Pub.L. 99-499, if applicable to the applicant's activities at the proposed place of use of the radioactive material.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Health Services, DHS 110-199, ch. DHS 157, app Q