(g) The county administrative agency shall inform the parent when personally identifiable information contained in the early intervention record is no longer needed to provide early intervention services. The information shall be destroyed at the request of the parent except that a permanent record of the child's name, date of birth, the parent's address, the parent's phone number, names of service coordinators and service providers, and exit data, including year and age upon exit and any programs entered into upon exiting, may be maintained. In this paragraph, "destruction" means physical destruction or removal of personally identifiable information from the early intervention record. Note: For the information of interested persons, the confidentiality provisions of ch. DHS 90 meet the confidentiality requirements of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 USC ch. 33, and 34 CFR 300.560 to 300.576 and the requirement of 34 CFR Pt. 99, with the following modifications:
(1) Any reference in those places to "state education agency" or "SEA" means the department;(2) Any reference to "education of all children with disabilities" or "provision of free appropriate public education to all children" means provision of services to eligible children and families; (3) Any reference to "local education agencies" or "LEAs" or to "intermediate education units" means county administrative agencies;(4) Any reference to 34 CFR 300.128 on identification, location and evaluation of children with disabilities means 34 CFR 303.164 and 303.321, comprehensive child find system; and(5) Any reference to 34 CFR 300.129 on confidentiality of personally identifiable information means 34 CFR 303.460, confidentiality of information.