Note: The form required under subd. 1. is DCF-F-CFS2389-E, Shelter Care Face Sheet. The forms required under subd. 2. a. and ch. DCF 37 are DCF-F-872A-E, Information for Out-of-Home Care Providers, Part A and DCF-F-872B-E, Information for Out-of-Home Care Providers, Part B. The form required under subd. 2. b. is DCF-F-5124-E, Reasonable and Prudent Parent Decision Record. These forms are available in the forms section of the department website at or by writing the Division of Safety and Permanence, P.O. Box 8916, Madison, WI 53708-8916.
Note: The department of justice form JD-1710, Temporary Physical Custody Request may be obtained by writing or telephoning any field office listed in Appendix A or from the Wisconsin Circuit Court website at
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Children and Families DCF 59.07