Chapter DCF 58 - Kinship Care And Long-Term Kinship Care
- Section DCF 58.01 - Purpose
- Section DCF 58.02 - Definitions
- Section DCF 58.03 - Types of relative caregiving
- Section DCF 58.04 - Requirements for applicants and kinship care and long-term kinship care relatives
- Section DCF 58.05 - Background check
- Section DCF 58.06 - Best interests of the child
- Section DCF 58.07 - Need for protection or services
- Section DCF 58.08 - Agency procedures
- Section DCF 58.09 - Special provisions for court-ordered kinship care and long-term kinship care
- Section DCF 58.10 - Change in circumstances
- Section DCF 58.11 - Appeal rights
- Section DCF 58.12 - Procedures for requesting an exemption for good cause to the requirement for cooperation in securing child support