Note: See similar language related to in-home employment at s. DCF 56.09 (2) (a).
Note: A foster parent has limited liability under s. 895.485, Stats. This does not mean that the foster parent has no liability. In the event that a foster parent is sued, the foster parent may be liable for any judgment and attorney's fees. As such, a waiver of the insurance requirement should be made only in rare circumstances.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Children and Families DCF 56.05
The Wisconsin Insurance Plan is property insurance of the last resort. A foster parent and an applicant for a foster home license should consider the Wisconsin Insurance Plan only if they cannot obtain conventional insurance from an insurance company. For information on the Wisconsin Insurance Plan, contact any insurance agency or the Wisconsin Insurance Plan, 700 W. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233; phone 414-291-5353.