Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Incident Report - Regulated Child Care, or the licensee's own form to report accidents. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department's website,, or any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: The licensing representative will notify the licensee if a plan of correction is required and provide the plan of correction format with the notification.
Note: It is recommended that the licensee check with the local municipality to determine whether a building permit is required before beginning any construction or remodeling.
Note: Alterations, additions, or changes of use to commercial buildings may require submittal of plans to and approval by the Department of Safety and Professional Services or its agent before commencing construction. It is recommended that an architect or engineer be consulted prior to the beginning of any construction or remodeling to determine whether plans must be submitted.
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Child Care Enrollment, or the licensee's own form to obtain consent of the child's parent for emergency medical treatment. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department's website,, or any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: The licensee may use either the department's forms Field Trip or Other Activity Permission /Notification - Child Care Centers and Child Care Enrollment or the licensee's own form for securing parental information. Forms are available on the department's website at
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Informed Consent for Observation or Testing by an Outside Agency - Child Care Centers, or the licensee's own form for securing the parent's written consent. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department's website,, or any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: The licensee may use the department's form DCF-F-CFS2345, Health History and Emergency Care Plan, or the licensee's own form for obtaining the information.
Note: The licensee may use either the department's form, Alternate Arrival/Release Agreement - Child Care Centers, or the licensee's own form for securing the parent's signed agreement. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department's website,, or any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Note: Either parents or the camp may assess the child's swimming ability.
Note: The department form, Daily Attendance Record - Child Care, may be used to document a child's daily attendance. Information on how to obtain the department's form is available from the department's website,, or any regional licensing office in Appendix A.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Children and Families DCF 252.41