Note: The list of federally regulated hazardous substances covered in this subchapter, also known as the CERCLA List, is located in 40 CFR 302.4, Table 302.4.
Note: Other sections of this chapter regulate the storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids. Chapter SPS 314 - the Wisconsin Fire Prevention Code, through the adoption of NFPA 1, Fire Code, also regulates the storage and use of liquids that have properties such as being flammable, combustible, toxic, water reactive, explosive, and corrosive.
Note: See s. ATCP 93.140 for tank registration requirements and s. ATCP 93.145 for tank permit requirements.
Note: Examples of recognized standards include ORD-C107.7 - Glass-Fibre Reinforced Plastic Pipe and Fittings; and ASTM D 2996 - Standard Specification for Filament-Wound "Fiberglass" (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting Resin) Pipe.
Note: Examples of normal venting include pilot-operated relief valves, pressure relief valves, pressure-vacuum valves, conservation vents, open vents, or a combination of devices.
Note: Examples of emergency venting include larger or additional open vents, pressure-vacuum valves, pressure relief valves, a gauge hatch that permits the cover to lift under abnormal internal pressure or a manhole cover that lifts when exposed to abnormal internal pressure.
Note: Means of protection may include temperature controllers, insulation, alarms, cooling systems, and special material selection.
Note: Section ATCP 93.400(7) requires conformance with NFPA 704.
Note: Aboveground storage tanks which store hazardous substances and which have a capacity of less than 5,000 gallons are exempt from this chapter unless the substance is also flammable or combustible.
Note: Sections ATCP 93.440 to 93.470 address inspections; seldom-used and temporarily out of service tanks; change in service to store a non-regulated substance; tank closures; tank-system site assessment; and confirming and responding to leaks, spills, overfills and releases.
Note: The department accepts use of the following standard for performing periodic inspections under this subdivision: HIR FTV RP 2007, In-Service Inspection of Aboveground Atmospheric Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Tanks and Vessels, as published by HIR Technical Services. This standard is available by contacting FTPI at
Note: Sections ATCP 93.545 to 93.585 address seldom-used and temporarily out of service tanks; change in service to store a non-regulated substance; tank system closures; conditions indicating releases; tank system integrity assessments; tank system site assessments; and responding to leaks, spills, overfills and releases.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ATCP 93.350
Information on how to develop a comprehensive site security program is available in the API document Security Guidelines for the Petroleum Industry, or the American Chemistry Council document, Site Security Guidelines for the U.S. Chemical Industry.