Current through December 30, 2024
Section ATCP 88.42 - Recall plan(1) PLAN REQUIRED. An egg handler shall have a written plan for identifying and recalling eggs processed at that egg handling facility, should a recall become necessary. The egg handler shall update the plan as necessary, and shall make it available to the department for inspection and copying upon request.(2) PLAN CONTENTS. A plan pursuant to sub. (1), shall do all of the following: (a) Identify key individuals or positions that are responsible for planning, approving, and implementing recalls on behalf of the egg handler.(b) Identify key individuals or entities to be contacted or consulted in connection with a recall.(c) Include procedures for the routine identification, dating, and tracking of egg lots, so that in a recall the affected lots can be identified and distinguished from unaffected lots.(d) Include procedures to enable routine identification, dating, and tracking of egg shipments from the egg handling facility. Tracking shall identify shipment recipients and contents, cross-referenced to lots, so that in a recall recipients of affected lots can be contacted.(e) Include procedures for determining the nature and scope of a recall, including affected egg lots, shipments, and shipment recipients.(f) Include procedures for identifying and communicating with affected persons, including suppliers, egg shipment recipients, down-line buyers, consumers, government agencies, and others.(g) Identify potential target audiences for recall information, including consumers, distributors, and government agencies.(h) Identify potential methods for communicating with target audiences under par. (g).(i) Identify key information, including the identity of the affected eggs, the reason for the recall, and suggested actions to be taken by affected persons, which may be necessary to communicate in a recall.Wis. Admin. Code Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ATCP 88.42
Adopted by, CR 14-037: cr. Register April 2015 No. 712, eff.5/1/2015.