Wis. Admin. Code ATCP § ATCP 88.14

Current through December 30, 2024
Section ATCP 88.14 - Cleaning and sanitizing equipment and utensils
(a) All egg contact surfaces of equipment and utensils shall be cleaned and sanitized after each day's use, or more frequently if necessary.
(b) Sanitizers and methods used to sanitize equipment shall comply with s. ATCP 70.11.
(c) The department may approve alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedures under sub. (2).
(a) An egg handler may request the department to approve alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedures under this section. The department shall approve alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedures if the department determines that those alternative procedures will effectively prevent egg contamination and ensure the microbiological safety of the eggs.
(b) The egg handler shall submit a written request to use alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedures as allowed under this subsection. The request shall include all of the following, and any other information required by the department:
1. A clear and complete description of the affected egg handling equipment, including any continuously-operated equipment. The description shall identify sanitary design features that are relevant to the proposed cleaning and sanitizing procedures.
2. The types of eggs handled with the affected equipment, and the temperatures to which the eggs will be exposed during handling.
3. A clear and complete description of the alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedure, including cleaning and sanitizing equipment, frequency, methods, materials, and relevant process parameters such as time and temperature. The description shall include a flow diagram of the cleaning and sanitizing procedure.
4. A written statement, by the egg handler, that the alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedure has been evaluated and determined to be effective in preventing egg contamination and ensuring the microbiological safety of the eggs. The written statement shall be based on a written plan under subd. 5.
5. A written plan, prepared by qualified personnel, to ensure that the alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedure will be effective in preventing egg contamination and ensuring the microbiological safety of eggs. The written plan shall identify and assess foreseeable hazards, identify critical control points, identify parameter limits associated with the critical control points which must be met to ensure safety, and identify monitoring procedures and controls to ensure that the procedure is effective.
(c) The department shall grant or deny a request under par. (a), in writing, within 60 days after it receives a complete request, except that the department may give written notice extending the action deadline for reasons stated in the notice.
(d) The department may qualify or limit its approval under par. (c), as it deems appropriate. The department may withdraw its approval for cause, including information that casts doubt on the efficacy or implementation of the approved procedure.
(e) An egg handler that implements an alternative cleaning and sanitizing procedure approved under this subsection shall do all of the following:
1. Control and monitor the procedure to ensure that it is implemented as approved, and is effective in preventing egg contamination and ensuring the microbiological safety of the eggs.
2. Promptly notify the department of any material deviation from the approved procedure, and any information that casts doubt on the efficacy of the procedure.
3. Collect and retain data and records to document, on a continuing basis, the implementation and efficacy of the approved procedure. The operator shall retain the data and records for at least 90 days, and shall make them available upon request for inspection and copying by the department.
(3) STORAGE OF CLEAN EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS. Equipment and utensils, unless stored in an approved sanitizing solution, shall be stored so as to drain dry. Equipment and utensils shall be protected from contamination prior to use.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ATCP 88.14

Adopted by, CR 14-037: cr. Register April 2015 No. 712, eff.5/1/2015.