Note: Federal regulations must be followed for interstate movements. Under federal regulations of interstate shipment of steers, beef steers are not required to have official individual identification, but dairy steers are required to have official individual identification. Federal regulations define dairy cattle as all cattle, regardless of age or sex or current use, that are of a breed(s) or offspring of a breed used to produce milk or other dairy products for human consumption. See 9 CFR 86.
Note: ATCP 10.07 (4) (c) prohibits the operator of a federally approved livestock marketing facility from releasing an imported bovine animal to a location in this state unless the animal meets bovine import requirements under this chapter. Animals shipped directly to slaughter are exempt from certain import requirements that would otherwise apply.
Note: Federal bureau form VS 1-27 must be completed by an accredited veterinarian, an authorized state animal health official, or the federal bureau.
Note: USDA rules for interstate shipment of animals may specify a different time period for tuberculosis testing prior to interstate shipment. An importer must comply with USDA rules. However, compliance with USDA rules does not excuse a violation of subd. 4.
Note: Federal bureau form VS 1-27 must be completed by an accredited veterinarian, an authorized state animal health official, or the federal bureau.
Note: Federal bureau form VS 1-27 must be completed by an accredited veterinarian, an authorized state animal health official, or the federal bureau.
Note: Currently, USDA has approved a 15-digit eartag, starting with the US code "840", which is an electronic form of official individual identification.
Note: A feed lot is not required to hold an approved import feed lot permit under this subsection. However, feeder cattle imported directly to an approved import feed lot are exempt from certain import restrictions and pre-import testing requirements, as provided in this section.
Note: A person may obtain an import feed lot application form by calling (608) 224-4872, by visiting the department website at, or by writing to the following address:
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Division of Animal Health
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ATCP 10.22
A person may obtain a movement permit application form by calling (608)224-4872, by visiting the department website at, or by writing to the following address:
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Division of Animal Health
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911