Note: Copies of API 650 and 653 are on file with the department and the legislative reference bureau. Copies may be purchased from the American Petroleum Institute at 1220 L Street NW, Washington DC 20005-4070, telephone (202) 682-8000, or the following web address:
Note: The department may grant a variance authorizing alternative materials that provide equivalent protection for waters of the state. See s. ATCP 33.02.
Note: Anchors located in soil outside the secondary containment structure do not place any added stress on the structure or its construction. It is possible to design anchor plates for the floors of a portland cement concrete secondary containment structure to withstand anchor stresses, but similar designs for walls are usually inadequate or cost-prohibitive.
Note: The Wisconsin Minimum Design and Construction Standards for Concrete Mixing and Loading Pads and Secondary Containment Structures (February 2005), written by Professor David W. Kammel, department of biological systems engineering, University of Wisconsin-Extension, is on file with the department and the legislative reference bureau. Copies are available from the department, free of charge, at the following address:
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
Agricultural Resource Management Division
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
Phone: (608) 224-4500
Note: A storage facility at which an operator repackages pesticide for sale or distribution from a storage container to mini-bulk or other containers is considered a "pesticide producing establishment" under the federal act. The operator of that storage facility must obtain a pesticide producing establishment number from the federal environmental protection agency, and must include that establishment number on every mini-bulk or other container filled at that storage facility. Mini-bulk containers must be properly labeled, regardless of whether they are mobile containers.
Whenever an operator sells pesticide from a storage container, the operator must supply the purchaser with the pesticide labeling required under ss. 94.676 and 94.70, Stats.
Wis. Admin. Code Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ATCP 33.20