Wis. Admin. Code ATCP § ATCP 29.32

Current through December 30, 2024
Section ATCP 29.32 - Trainee registration
(1) GENERAL. An employer licensed under s. ATCP 29.20 may register an employee as a trainee if that employer is training that employee for licensing under s. ATCP 29.25 and certification under s. ATCP 29.26 or 29.28. A registered trainee may, without being licensed or certified, temporarily engage in activities for which a license and certification are normally required if those activities are reasonably necessary for the training. A trainee registration takes effect when properly filed with the department, and expires 30 days after it is filed.
(2) RESTRICTIONS ON TRAINEE USE OF PESTICIDES. A trainee registration under sub. (1) does not authorize the trainee to do any of the following:
(a) Use any pesticide except under the direct on-site supervision of an individual who is licensed under s. ATCP 29.25 and certified under s. ATCP 29.26 or 29.28 to perform the functions for which the trainee is being trained.
(b) Direct the use of pesticides.
(c) Engage in any category of pesticide use which is not identified in the trainee registration.
(d) Use any restricted-use pesticide.
(e) Engage in aquatic pest control under s. ATCP 29.31(8).
(f) Use any soil fumigant, or apply any pesticide by aircraft or chemigation.
(a) No employer may register a trainee more than once in the same category.
(b) No trainee may be registered under sub. (1) to do any of the following:
1. Use any pesticide in any certification category under s. ATCP 29.31 in which that trainee has failed to renew a prior certification.
2. Mix or load pesticides if the trainee has failed to renew any prior certification under s. ATCP 29.26 or 29.28.
(4) REGISTRATION PROCEDURE. An employer shall file a trainee registration under sub. (1) on a form provided by the department. The completed registration form shall include all of the following:
(a) The trainee's name, home address and telephone number.
(b) The employer's name, business address and telephone number.
(c) The name, license number and certification number of each individual who will supervise the trainee under sub. (2) (a).
(d) The brand name and federal environmental protection agency registration number of each pesticide that the trainee may use during the training period.
(e) The categories under s. ATCP 29.31 in which the trainee will use pesticides during the training period.
(f) A declaration stating all the following:
1. That the employer is preparing the trainee for licensing under s. ATCP 29.25 and certification under s. ATCP 29.26 or 29.28.
2. That the employer assumes complete responsibility for the trainee's use of pesticides during the training period.
3. That the training will comply with the restrictions under sub. (2).
4. That the trainee is at least 16 years old.
5. That the trainee can understand and follow oral instructions.
6. That the trainee can read and comprehend written instructions, including pesticide labels and labeling.
7. That the trainee can carry out assignments and instructions in a responsible manner.
8. That the trainee is capable of using pesticides as a trainee, under direct on-site supervision.
(g) The dated signatures of all the following persons:
1. The trainee.
2. Each individual identified under par. (c).
3. The employer or a responsible officer of the employer.
(h) Other relevant information reasonably required by the department.
(5) COPY TO TRAINEE. An employer filing a trainee registration form under sub. (4) shall provide a true copy of that registration form to the trainee. The trainee shall carry the registration form when engaged in any activity for which licensing or certification would be required under s. ATCP 29.25, 29.26 or if the 29.28 individual were not registered as a trainee.
(6) SUMMARY SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. The department may by written notice, without prior notice or hearing, summarily suspend or revoke a trainee registration if the department finds a violation of this section, or determines that any information in the registration is false.

Wis. Admin. Code Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection ATCP 29.32

Cr. Register, May, 1998, No. 509, eff. 6-1-98.