Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 95-1-13 - Food Service13.1. Menu inspection. A qualified nutritionist shall inspect and approve menus in advance of adoption and make recommendations regarding diets to assure adherence to nationally recommended basic daily caloric and nutritional requirements.13.2. Review. All menus, including special diets, shall be planned, dated, and available for review at least one month in advance; notations shall be made of any substitutions in the meals actually served. Substitutions shall be of equal nutritional value.13.3. Temperature. Meals must be served at the appropriate temperature. There shall be at least two (2) hot meals a day.13.4. Meal variety and nutrition. Meals must include variety and be nutritious. There shall be a rotation of at least four (4) weeks duration of planned menus prepared by a registered dietician under the direction of the food service provider.13.5. Special diets. Special diets for medical and religious reasons shall be provided.13.6. Management. A staff member experienced in food service management shall be responsible for food service management and operations.13.7. Health protection. Adequate health protection shall be provided for all inmates and staff in the jail facility as well as inmates and other persons working directly in food service. All food handlers, the jail facility, and food preparation equipment shall meet all applicable health and safety standards. Inmate food handlers shall be required to receive a complete physical examination prior to job assignment.13.8. Food service records. Records of daily menus shall be maintained; any deviations from planned menus shall be appropriately noted on the records. Records of inmates' refusal to eat shall be noted in their medical files.13.9. Restriction. Restriction of food shall not be used as a disciplinary punishment. 13.10. Toilet and hand washing facilities. A toilet and hand washing facility shall be available to food service personnel and inmates assigned to work in the food service preparation area.13.11. Regimentation. Meals shall be served under conditions which minimize regimentation, although supervision of group dining by staff members should be available. Meals shall not be served in cells unless it is necessary for purposes of safety and security or the inmate is under disciplinary, administrative or medical segregation. When a meal is served in a cell a small table or shelf and appropriate seating distanced from the toilet shall be provided.13.12. Frequency. At least three (3) regular meals, at least two (2) of which are hot, shall be served at regular meal times during each twenty-four (24) hour period with no more than thirteen (13) hours between the beginning of the evening and breakfast meals.13.13. Budgeting, purchasing and accounting. The food service operations shall use budgeting, purchasing and accounting practices that include, but are not limited to, the following systems:a. Food expenditure cost accounting designed to determine cost per meal;b. Estimation of food supply requirements;c. Purchase of supplies at wholesale prices and under other favorable conditions, when possible;d. Determination of and responsiveness to inmate eating preference; and,e. Refrigeration and storage of food with specific storage periods.13.14. Equipment and dining area inspection. Inspection of food service and dining areas shall be subject to the following conditions:a. Weekly general inspection of food service, dining and food preparation areas and equipment by a trained individual who shall maintain a record of such inspections;b. Daily inspection of the sanitary condition and proper operation of temperature controlled food storage facilities for food supplies; and,c. Daily inspection of refrigerators and dish washing temperatures by food service personnel to assure that proper operating temperatures are maintained.13.15. Documentation. Documentation shall be maintained that complies with health and safety regulations.13.16. Utensils. All inmates shall be provided appropriate utensils and drinking cups with meals.