Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 91-2-5 - Issuance of Temporary Registration Card5.1. The installation of a data processing system in the Department of Motor Vehicles for the purpose of printing the various documents issued by the department, including applications for license, has created problems that effect the public and the Department of Motor Vehicles in the administration of the registration provisions of the Code.5.2. The problems involved would require the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a temporary registration card to applicants or their agent who presents an application in person to the department for a certificate of title and license or any other type of application for license that is not accompanied by a standard form of application. The temporary registration card is designed to permit the owner to operate a vehicle legally on the highways pending the receipt of the standard registration card from the Department of Motor Vehicles.5.3. The temporary registration card would be issued on any transaction that would require a license plate of any class or transfer of a license from one vehicle to another, an application for additional gross weight, exchange from one class of license to another class of license, or an application for a duplicate license plate. If the transaction requires the issuance of a new license plate, such plate will be valid for the period of time in effect at the time the application was made.5.4. No temporary registration card will be issued unless all of the taxes and other fees that are a prerequisite to registering a vehicle in this state have been paid. The temporary registration card will serve as evidence that a valid license plate has been issued for the vehicle described thereon and that the required fees have been paid to the Department of Motor Vehicles. The temporary registration cards will be valid for sixty days from the date of issuance printed or stamped on the face of the card. On or before the expiration of the period of sixty days, an electronically produced registration card will be furnished to the applicant, upon receipt of which the temporary registration card may be destroyed. The temporary registration card shall contain the following information:
(1) The class and number of license plate involved in the transaction.(2) The weight of the vehicle if a passenger vehicle, or the declared gross weight if a truck, truck tractor, or combination truck tractor and trailer or semi-trailer.(3) If the transaction is a transfer of license, the card will show the title number and the vehicle identification number of the vehicle the license plate is being transferred to. If the transaction is a change of classification, the temporary registration card will show the title number and class and number of the license plate that was issued in exchange for another class of license.(4) The date the temporary registration card was issued.