W. Va. Code R. § 79-1-2

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 79-1-2 - Organization

The West Virginia Commission on Children and Youth, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, was created by the West Virginia Legislature in 1984, West Virginia Code, section six, article six-c, chapter forty-nine. The Commission is to be composed of twenty (20) citizen members appointed by the Governor with one half (1/2) of the members rotating off every two (2) years. No citizen member should be appointed to serve more than two (2) consecutive four (4) year terms. In addition to the twenty (20) citizen members, the Director of Health, State Superintendent of Schools, Commissioner of Corrections, Commissioner of Human Services, the Director of Economic and Community Development, or their designated representatives will serve as voting ex-officio members of the Commission.

2.1. Purposes of the Commission.
2.1.1. To develop and provide ongoing administration of the West Virginia Children's Trust Fund.
2.1.2. To serve as advocates for children and youth in the State of West Virginia according to the mandate given to the original Commission.
2.1.3. To assist in developing cooperation among public and private agencies engaged in the delivery of services to children and youth in this State.
2.1.4. To research the specific needs of children and youth, to assess current and proposed programs to meet these needs and to make findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature annually.
2.1.5. To serve as the liaison for West Virginia with the White House Conference on Children and Youth and with any other national or international conferences or committees when representation of West Virginia's interest would bring benefit to its children and youth.
2.1.6. To perform such other functions as may be directed by the Governor.
2.2. Operating rules.
2.2.1. The Commission will meet at least once every quarter. Other meetings may be held at the request of the majority of the members and/or be called by the Executive Committee.
2.2.2. A majority of the members appointed and then serving shall constitute a quorum.
2.2.3. Due to the nature of the decisions that would need to be made at a meeting of the Commission, all members are encouraged to attend all meetings. If members find it impossible to attend regular meetings of the Commission, they should be encouraged to resign their position. Any member who misses two (2) consecutive meetings without excuse being made to the Executive Director or chairman prior to the meeting may, by action of the Commission, be asked to resign.
2.2.4. The Commission will recommend a replacement for any vacancy that occurs within its membership.
2.2.5. A chairman and a vice-chairman will be elected in January of each year. The chairman will have the following responsibilities: Appoint members of the standing committees, conduct regular and called meetings of the Commission, work with Executive Director in planning the agenda for the meetings, speak for the Commission in the media and in dealings with other agencies and the Legislature, and chair the Executive Committee. The vice-chairman will assume any of the above responsibilities in the absence of the chairman.
2.2.6. The Executive Committee will be composed of the chairman, the vice-chairman, and the chairs of the standing committees. The Executive Committee will carry out the following responsibilities. The Executive Committee may act on behalf of the Commission with the exception of decisions regarding grants for the Children's Trust Fund. The Executive Committee will work with the staff to determine the commitments of staff to outside activities, the priorities to be undertaken and similar matters. The Executive Committee will develop an ongoing planning mechanism for the operation of the Commission. The Executive Committee will be responsible for professional staff assigned to the Commission. The Executive Committee will establish its own meeting schedule.
2.2.7. Standing committees of the Commission will include, but not be limited to, the following: Children's Trust Fund committee, advocacy committee, communications committee and finance committee. Each committee will be responsible for selecting a chairman from among its members. The chairman will be responsible for conducting the meetings of the committee and will serve on the Executive Committee. The Children's Trust Fund committee will be responsible for:

Implementing the application and decision making process;

Reviewing applications and preparation of a presentation to the group;

Reviewing the monitoring and evaluation reports; and

Reporting back to the Commission regarding findings. The advocacy committee will be responsible for:

Developing and implementing an ongoing process to determine needs of children and youth in West Virginia;

Developing position papers to be reviewed and approved by the Commission; and

Reviewing and making recommendations for the elimination of duplication among agencies in the delivery of services to children and youth. The communications committee will be responsible for:

Developing and implementing an ongoing internal and external information and communications effort;

Preparing information for release to the media;

Developing printed materials for general release;

Performing other services appropriate to the effective dissemination of information about the Commission to the general public; and

Developing information for use by the Commission in advocacy and Children's Trust Fund activities. The finance committee will be responsible for:

Assisting the staff of the Commission in the preparation of budget requests and other financial reporting responsibilities; and

Exploring and actively working to secure all possible funding and report back to the Commission.

2.2.8. The West Virginia Department of Human Services shall be responsible for underwriting the expenses of the Commission and provide such staff as necessary to assist the Commission in performing its responsibilities. Such staff should include an Executive Director, program specialists and support staff. The Executive Director will be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the office of the Commission and for hiring and supervising additional staff. The Executive Director will also be responsible, in cooperation with the Commission, for establishing the necessary systems for monitoring the activities of the Commission. In the performance of the job duties and the setting of priorities, the Executive Director shall be accountable to the Commission. Should the Executive Director position become vacant, the Commission will work with the Department of Human Service's Division of Personnel to advertise the vacancy and to screen potential applicants. At the conclusion of the screening process, the Commission shall make recommendations to the Commissioner for consideration in filling the position. Additional professional staff should be hired to serve as program specialists to monitor the contracts funded through the Children's Trust Fund, to develop resources for funding grants and to be available to local communities to assist with the application process. All such staff shall be accountable to the Executive Director. There should be clerical and other support staff assigned as needed to carry out the functions of the office. All such staff shall be accountable to the Executive Director.
2.2.9. Evaluation and reporting. The Commission shall establish a self-evaluation system that will enable the members and the staff to determine if the program objectives of the Children's Trust Fund and the other advocacy responsibilities were met. The Commission shall be responsible for performing an annual membership and staff performance evaluation. The Commission shall file with the Governor and the Legislature such reports as required regarding the Children's Trust Fund and the activities of the Commission.

W. Va. Code R. § 79-1-2