The West Virginia Commission on Children and Youth, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, was created by the West Virginia Legislature in 1984, West Virginia Code, section six, article six-c, chapter forty-nine. The Commission is to be composed of twenty (20) citizen members appointed by the Governor with one half (1/2) of the members rotating off every two (2) years. No citizen member should be appointed to serve more than two (2) consecutive four (4) year terms. In addition to the twenty (20) citizen members, the Director of Health, State Superintendent of Schools, Commissioner of Corrections, Commissioner of Human Services, the Director of Economic and Community Development, or their designated representatives will serve as voting ex-officio members of the Commission.
Implementing the application and decision making process;
Reviewing applications and preparation of a presentation to the group;
Reviewing the monitoring and evaluation reports; and
Reporting back to the Commission regarding findings.
Developing and implementing an ongoing process to determine needs of children and youth in West Virginia;
Developing position papers to be reviewed and approved by the Commission; and
Reviewing and making recommendations for the elimination of duplication among agencies in the delivery of services to children and youth.
Developing and implementing an ongoing internal and external information and communications effort;
Preparing information for release to the media;
Developing printed materials for general release;
Performing other services appropriate to the effective dissemination of information about the Commission to the general public; and
Developing information for use by the Commission in advocacy and Children's Trust Fund activities.
Assisting the staff of the Commission in the preparation of budget requests and other financial reporting responsibilities; and
Exploring and actively working to secure all possible funding and report back to the Commission.
W. Va. Code R. § 79-1-2