Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 78-1-13 - Furnishings, Equipment and Materials13.1. General Requirements. A center shall provide furnishings, equipment, and materials that: 13.1.a. Are available in sufficient quantity for the number of children;13.1.b. Are appropriate in type, arrangement, and use for the developmental needs of the children;13.1.c. Are durable and safe;13.1.d. Are in good repair and free of sharp points or corners, pinch or crush points, splinters, protruding nails or bolts, loose rusty parts, hazardous small parts that may be swallowed, and identified poisons or paint that contains lead, and are regularly inspected by staff for potential hazards;13.1.e. Are regularly cleaned and disinfected;13.1.f. Are evaluated at regular intervals by the director and teacher to ensure their ongoing appropriateness for the age and number of children; and13.1.g. Support the children's linguistic and intellectual development, and assist in providing for their physical, emotional, psychological, social, and personal needs.13.2. Specific furnishings shall include: 13.2.a. Children's chairs and tables that are multipurpose and not stationary;13.2.b. Moveable play equipment;13.2.c. Open shelves for play equipment for children's daily activities; and13.2.d. Sleeping equipment as required in this rule.13.3. Furnishings for Centers with Children 24 Months of Age and under. 13.3.a. In centers that enroll children 24 months of age and under, or children that cannot function independently, a center's furnishings shall include:13.3.a.1. Adult-sized comfortable chairs and a table or other surface for changing diapers that has raised sides or other features that prevent the child from falling and that are located in an area that is removed from the activities of the other children;13.3.a.2. Furniture that is child-sized or adapted for children; and13.3.a.3. Feeding equipment that is appropriate and sufficient for the children's sizes, ages, and numbers served. When feeding equipment is a high chair, the chair shall have a wide base and a T-shaped safety strap;13.3.b. Jumpers and infant walkers are prohibited.13.3.c. Play pens and play yards, if used, must be manufactured after February 28, 2013, properly disinfected after each use, and not used for multiple children at the same time.13.4. Sleeping Equipment. A center's sleeping equipment: 13.4.a. For children who participate in a nap-time program shall include:13.4.a.1. One crib with a firm mattress for each child 12 months of age and under or who is up to 35 inches tall;13.4.a.2. One crib with a firm mattress, mat, or cot for each child between 13 and 24 months of age;13.4.a.3. One mat, cot, or bed for each child over 25 months of age;13.4.b. For evening and nighttime programs shall not include mats as sleeping equipment;13.4.c. For the care of an ill child shall include at least one disinfected cot;13.4.d. Shall be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week, or before another child uses it, or immediately after it is soiled;13.4.e. Includes the following specifications for cribs;13.4.e.1. Cribs shall comply with the federal standards for cribs and non-full-size cribs, 16 C.F.R. § 1219 or 16 C.F.R. § 1220;13.4.e.2. The mattress shall be manufactured for sale in the United States as infant sleeping equipment and fit the crib snugly with no more than one-half inch between it and the crib side;13.4.e.3. The crib shall be sturdy, non-collapsible, and easily disinfected;13.4.e.4. The minimum height from the top of the mattress to the top of the crib rail shall be 20 inches;13.4.e.5. Each mattress shall have a form fitting cover that is durable and able to be easily disinfected; and13.4.e.6. The use of traditional drop side cribs, and any crib manufactured prior to June 28, 2011, is prohibited unless the center obtains a certificate of compliance from the manufacturer that the crib is compliant to the current federal standards.13.4.f. Includes the following specifications for mats:13.4.f.1. They shall be at least two inches thick; and13.4.f.2. They shall have form-fitting covers that are durable, waterproof, and able to be easily disinfected.13.4.g. Includes the following specifications for cots:13.4.g.1. The bottom of the cot's sleeping surface shall not be less than three inches and not more than 18 inches off the floor;13.4.g.2. The cot shall be firm enough to support the child;13.4.g.3. The cot shall be of sufficient size to comfortably accommodate the size and weight of the child; and13.4.g.4. The cot shall be constructed of a material that can be easily disinfected.13.4.h. Shall not permit children to: 13.4.h.1. Sleep on the floor;13.4.h.2. Sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag or on bed linens alone;13.4.h.3. Sleep in a stacked crib or consecutively attached crib;13.4.h.4. Share a bed or cot, even with a family member; or13.4.h.5. Use a crib if they are more than 35 inches tall.13.4.i. Includes the following specifications for bedding:13.4.i.1. Mattresses or cots shall be waterproof or have a waterproof cover;13.4.i.2. Bedding, including sheets and blankets, shall be clean and in good condition;13.4.i.3. Bedding shall not be used by more than one child at a time;13.4.i.4. Bedding shall be used to cover all sleeping surfaces before being used;13.4.i.5. Seasonally appropriate covers or clothing shall be used, sufficient to maintain adequate warmth. For children 12 months of age and younger a sleeper may be worn, or a thin blanket used for a covering. If a blanket is used, it shall be tucked around the mattress of the crib and only cover the child as high as his or her chest;13.4.i.6. Pillows or soft, fluffy bedding shall not be used for the child 12 months of age and under;13.4.i.7. Pillows or soft fluffy bedding made of substances of animal origin other than wool, including feathers and animal hair, that commonly cause allergic reactions, shall be prohibited; and13.4.i.8. A center shall change bedding when soiled, prior to use by another child and at least weekly, except sheets on cribs that shall be changed at least daily.13.4.j. Includes the following requirements when providing evening or nighttime care: 13.4.j.1. Each cot or bed shall have a pillow, pillow case and two sheets; and13.4.j.2. When the sleeping surface is a mattress, the bottom sheet shall be secure.13.5. Indoor activity Equipment and Materials. A center shall provide equipment and materials for indoor activities that:13.5.a. Are appropriate to the child's age and developmental level;13.5.b. Support many types of activities, including social and fantasy play; exploration and mastery of skills and language; music, art, and movement; and gross motor experiences as described in Appendix 78-1-A of this rule;13.5.c. Are available in sufficient quantity to permit each child to choose from among several of each type, to allow for sharing and prevent conflict, and to allow staff to keep reserves for rotation;13.5.d. Represent diverse cultures, ethnic groups, gender roles, and abilities in ways that do not reinforce stereotypes;13.5.e. Are clearly organized within activity areas that support programming goals and allow for adequate supervision;13.5.f. Are complete, sturdy, clean and in good working condition;13.5.g. Are lead-free and otherwise nontoxic; and13.5.h. Maximize safety by ensuring that: 13.5.h.1. Indoor play equipment, shelves, and large objects, such as televisions and computer monitors, are firmly anchored;13.5.h.2. Use zones are extended by at least six feet in all directions from the perimeter of indoor climbing equipment, and the use zone surfacing is constructed of material that has an American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) rating for the critical fall height of the equipment. The use zone surfacing shall be securely fixed in place;13.5.h.3. Climbing equipment for children under 24 months may not exceed 32 inches in height. If the climbing equipment is located in the designated area for children under 24 months, then the use zone shall extend at least 36 inches;13.5.h.4. Small objects, toys, and toy parts that have diameters of less than one and one-quarter inch that can be swallowed are not accessible to children less than four years of age; and13.5.h.5. Plastic bags, latex gloves, and Styrofoam objects are not accessible to the child less than four years of age, and that balloons are completely prohibited in a center that serves children less than school age.13.6. Outdoor Activity Equipment and Materials. A center shall provide equipment and materials for outdoor activities that:13.6.a. Are appropriate to the child's age and developmental level;13.6.b. Support many types of experiences as listed in Appendix 78-1-A of this rule;13.6.c. Are available to the child in sufficient quantity to permit each child to choose at least two types of outdoor play experiences and to allow for sharing and prevent conflict;13.6.d. When a child is not ambulatory, are appropriate for outings, such as a stroller or carriage; and13.6.e. Maximize safety by ensuring that:13.6.e.1. All outdoor equipment is installed, maintained, and used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;13.6.e.2. The position of the outdoor equipment prevents hazards from conflicting activities;13.6.e.3. The use zones are free of obstacles, except for the support structures for the swings;13.6.e.4. The supports for climbers, swings, and other heavy equipment are securely anchored so that they pose no threat to the children's safety, even when the equipment is designed to be portable;13.6.e.5. Each swing frame for the child 24 months of age and under has a maximum of two seats;13.6.e.6. Metal equipment is in the shade, if at all possible;13.6.e.7. When the center has a sand box, that the box permits drainage, is covered when not in use, and that the sand does not contain toxic or other harmful materials and is free of animal excrement and other debris; and13.6.e.8. The outdoor area is free of wading pools and other equipment that might hold water which pose a drowning hazard to the child or a breeding environment for mosquitoes.13.7. Safety helmets shall be worn by all riders when using a riding toy or riding equipment that requires balancing while moving or when the riding equipment is being used off site.13.8. Standard trampolines are prohibited unless used as a special activity and the activity complies with subsection 14.8. of this rule. Trampolines used as part of a child's plan due to special needs are not subject to this prohibition.13.9. Storage of Equipment, Materials and Supplies. A center shall provide storage for equipment, materials and supplies that includes:13.9.a. Open shelves, at the appropriate level from the floor, for activity items so that children may select, remove, and replace items independently;13.9.b. A container, shelf, or cupboard that is inaccessible to children but permits staff to reach supplies, such as clean diapers, without leaving a child unattended;13.9.c. A closet when used that is accessible to children and has a latch with an internal release so that the door can be opened by a child inside the closet; and13.9.d. Separate storage areas for each child's personal belongings, including appropriate safe storage for the school-age child's money and ongoing projects.