W. Va. Code R. § 61-1-14

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 61-1-14 - Pseudorabies in Swine
14.1. A person shall not perform a test for pseudorabies on any swine without placing an eartag on each animal that is not previously identified with ear notches for their purebred registry. The Commissioner shall allow only an USDA approved eartags be used for identification of feeder pigs, when eartags are used. The person performing the test shall record the sex, age, breed and the identification of the animal by the eartag number and shall record the purebred registry earnotches.
14.2. The Commissioner may prohibit any person from selling, lending, leasing, or trading any feeder or breeder swine in this state, or importing into this state or exporting out of this state any feeder pig unless that animal:
14.2.a. originates from a pseudorabies monitored herd or a qualified pseudorabies negative herd from within this state, or from a herd that meets or exceeds the requirements of these herds provided by this section; or
14.2.b. has been tested and found to be free of pseudorabies within 1 month prior to the movement of the animal or the date of the sale; or
14.2.c. originates from a Stage V-(Free) state.
14.2.d. The Commissioner may deny any swine entrance into the state that have not met the pseudorabies requirements of the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.
14.3. Pseudorabies Monitored Herds.
14.3.a. The owner of a swine breeding herd may establish their status as a pseudorabies monitored herd after all the animals required by this subsection to be tested have been found to be free of pseudorabies. All boars shall be tested. All sows shall be tested in herds of 10 sows or fewer. Ten randomly selected sows shall be tested in herds containing 11 to 35 sows. Thirty percent of the sows, or 30 randomly selected sows, whichever is fewer, shall be tested in herds containing 36 or more sows.
14.3.b. The owner of a swine breeding herd may maintain their status as a pseudorabies monitored herd by testing the animals every twelve months as prescribed by subdivision 13.3.a. of this section plus all the boars, and thirty (30) percent of the sows added to the herd since the previous herd test.
14.4. Qualified Pseudorabies Negative Herds.
14.4.a. A swine breeding herd may establish their status as a qualified pseudorabies negative herd after the provisions of Title 9, Part 85.1 of the Code of Federal Regulations have been met; and
14.4.a.1. All swine over 6 months of age, plus a number of progeny equal to 20% of the breeding swine population of the herd have been found to be free of disease when tested using an official pseudorabies serologic test, the herd is not known to have been exposed to the disease within the month previous to the test, and at least ninety (90) percent of the animals in the herd have been in the herd and on the premises for at least 2 (2) months prior to the test or have entered the herd directly from another qualified pseudorabies negative herd. Progeny less than 6 months of age shall be randomly selected from the older swine in the herd.
14.4.b. A swine breeding herd may maintain their status as a qualified pseudorabies negative herd after:
14.4.b.1. all swine over 6 months of age, and their progeny as described in Paragraph 13.4.a.1. of this rule have been found to be free of disease when tested using an official pseudorabies serologic test; and
14.4.b.2. twenty-five (25) percent of all swine over 6 months of age and their progeny as described in Paragraph 12.4.a.1. of this rule have been found to be free of disease when tested every 80-105 days using an official pseudorabies serologic test. No animal shall be tested more often than once every 12 months; or
14.4.b.3. ten (10) percent of all swine over 6 months of age and their progeny as described in Paragraph 13.4.a.1. of this rule have been found to be free of disease when tested every month using an official pseudorabies serologic test. No animal shall be tested more often that once every 10 months.
14.5. The Commissioner shall accept a valid Swine Herd Health Certificate issued by the state veterinarian as proof that any animal is part of a Pseudorabies Negative Herd.
14.6. The Commissioner shall accept an official pseudorabies test chart indicating that the animal has been tested and found free of pseudorabies within the past month and identifying the individual feeder pig tested as proof that the animal is free of pseudorabies.
14.7. The Commissioner shall quarantine any swine herd when any animal is found to be a reactor to an official pseudorabies test. The quarantine may be released only after the provisions of Title 9 Part 85.1 of the Code of Federal Regulations has been met including:
14.7.a. depopulation of all animals that have found to be reactors and all exposed swine, followed by cleaning and disinfecting the location of the herd by a method that has been approved by the commissioner; or
14.7.b. removal of all swine that have been found to be reactors, cleaning and disinfecting the premises as directed by the Commissioner, followed by the testing schedule as follows:
14.7.b.1. after 1 month, testing all swine, except for nursing animals and finding all animals to test negative to pseudorabies, then
14.7.b.2. after an additional 1 to 2 months, testing all swine over 6 months of age and finding all animals to test negative to pseudorabies.

W. Va. Code R. § 61-1-14