Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 56-3-32 - Explosives and Blasting32.1. Transportation vehicles. -- Motor vehicles used to haul explosives shall comply with the following provisions:32.1.1. Portable fire extinguisher. -- Only fire extinguishers approved by the Underwriters Laboratories, carrying appropriate labels as to type and purpose, shall be used. A portable fire extinguisher shall be a multi-purpose dry chemical type, containing:32.1.1.a. A nominal weight of five (5) pounds of dry powder and enough expellant to apply the powder; or32.1.1.b. A foam-producing type containing at least two and one-half (2-1/2) gallons of foam-producing liquid and enough expellant to supply foam.32.1.2. All electric wiring shall be adequately protected and securely fastened. Damaged insulated wiring shall be repaired or replaced immediately.32.1.3. Chassis, engine, pan and bottom of vehicle body shall be reasonably clean and free of oil and grease.32.1.4. Fuel tanks and lines shall have no leaks.32.1.5. Safety devices including but not limited to lights, horn, brakes, windshield wipers, and steering apparatus shall be functioning properly.32.1.6. When explosives are not transported in their original closed containers, or in special closed cases constructed of nonconductive material, the vehicle cargo space shall be lined with wood or approved nonsparking material.32.1.7. The vehicle shall be plainly marked to indicate the nature of the cargo.32.1.8. The vehicle shall be equipped with suitable side and tailgates. The explosives shall not be piled higher than the side or end.32.2. Transportation of explosives - precautions. 32.2.1. Explosives and/or detonators shall not be transported in the same vehicle unless separated by a substantially fastened four-inch (4") hardwood partition or equivalent approved material.32.2.2. Explosives and/or detonators shall be transported promptly without undue delays.32.2.3. Only those persons necessary shall be permitted to ride on or in vehicles containing explosives and/or detonators.32.2.4. When vehicles containing explosives or detonators are parked on a grade, the parking brakes shall be set and the vehicle blocked securely against rolling.32.2.5. Vehicles containing explosives and/or detonators shall not be taken to a repair garage or shop.32.3. General requirements - explosives. 32.3.1. After the effective date of the certified blasters rules, all handling and transporting of explosives shall be under the direct supervision of a certified blaster.32.3.2. Previously frozen explosives of nitroglycerin base shall not be used.32.3.3. Open fires and flames are prohibited within fifty (50) feet of the area where explosives are being stored, handled or used. Any person who violates this subdivision shall be subject to the maximum assessment of two hundred fifty dollars ($250).32.3.4. Explosives, blasting caps and electric blasting caps shall not be carried in pockets of clothing or left lying around unguarded.32.3.5. The use of explosives and all handling incident thereto, will be discontinued during the approach of and during thunderstorms and/or electrical storms.32.3.6. All runways, chutes and conveyors used for unloading of explosives shall have no exposed sparking metal parts.32.3.7. Explosives and detonators shall be kept a safe distance from the high wall and spoil bank.32.3.8. Driving vehicles or dragging boxes over firing lines, detonator wires, explosives, blasting agents, and detonators is prohibited. The backing of drills over loaded holes is prohibited.32.3.9. Deteriorated or damaged explosives and detonators shall be destroyed by an authorized representative of the manufacturing company.32.3.10. Explosives and/or detonators shall not be transported in a bucket or a dragline or like equipment.32.4. Shooting preparation. 32.4.1. Primers shall not be made up until ready to be inserted in the hole.32.4.2. Two (2) way radio equipment shall be turned off prior to the handling and use of electric detonators for proposed shot. This rule does not apply to radios operating beyond the distances shown on Table 56-3 found at the end of this rule.32.4.3. Adequate warning signs shall be located on all travel roads, distance of not less than one hundred (100) feet from the minimum transmitting distance.32.4.4. No equipment except the drill and explosive truck, other than necessary equipment for road repairs to remove the drill or explosive truck, shall be permitted to work within fifty (50) feet of loaded holes or holes being loaded.32.4.5. Equipment powered by external electrical sources and power cables shall be prohibited from being within one hundred (100) feet of loaded holes or holes being loaded; except 32.4.5.a. Where such equipment is being used and electrical detonators are being used, stray current test shall be made on the bench prior to commencing the loading of holes;32.4.5.b. If current is detected, such power cables be moved to a safe distance or the power cables shall be de-energized.32.4.6. Holes shall not be drilled if there is danger of intersecting a loaded or a misfired hole.32.4.7. Only wooden or other approved nonsparking implements shall be used to punch holes in an explosive cartridge.32.4.8. Tamping poles shall be blunt and squared at the end and made of wood or other, nonsparking, approved material.32.4.9. Tamping shall not be performed directly on a capped primer.32.4.10. When a surface mine has cut into a known active underground mine, the surface mine inspector of the district and an official representative of the deep mine shall be notified before any blasting is performed. The surface mine inspector, deep mine representative and surface mine representative shall determine and agree during what hours blasting shall be performed.32.4.11. Misfires shall be handled only by or under the direction of a designated blaster or certified foreman.32.4.12. Blasting caps shall be crimped to fuses only with implements designed for that specific purpose.32.4.13. In no case shall any forty (40)-second-per-foot safety fuse less than thirty-six (36) inches long or any thirty (30)-second-per-foot fuse less than forty-eight (48) inches long be used.32.4.14. Nothing except a safety fuse is to be inserted in the open end of a blasting cap.32.4.15. No detonators, detonating cord, igniter cord, safety fuse, or any explosives shall be used if they have been water soaked.32.4.16. Electric blasting caps shall be fired with an approved blasting device.32.4.17. Explosives shall be kept separated at least fifteen (15) feet from detonators until loading is started, unless an approved container is utilized.32.4.18. Ample warning shall be given by an approved audible warning device before blasts are fired. All persons shall be removed from the blasting area.32.4.19. Detonating caps taken into a pit prior to being used shall be kept in a wooden box or other approved suitable container.32.4.20. At least a five (5)-foot air gap shall be provided between the blasting circuit and the power circuit when the hole or series of holes are being connected.32.5. Shooting cables. 32.5.1. Shooting cables shall be well insulated and as long as may be necessary to permit persons authorized to fire shots to get in a safe place out of the line of fire.32.5.2. Shooting cables shall be kept away from power wires and all other sources of electric current.32.5.3. When shooting high wall and overburden, the shooting cable shall be at least five hundred (500) feet in length when new and never less than four hundred fifty (450) feet.32.5.4. The shooting cable for use in popping coal shall be of sufficient length to assure the safe location of persons participating in the blasting, and in no event less than one hundred (100) feet in length.32.5.5. The shooting cable shall be kept shunted until connected to the approved blasting device.32.5.6. Except when being tested with a blasting galvanometer, or other approved device, electric detonators shall be kept shunted until they are connected to the blasting line or wired into a blasting round.32.5.7. A wired round shall be kept shunted until connected to the shooting cable.32.6. Blasting. 32.6.1. Any area in which loaded holes are prepared to be fired shall be guarded by a barricade and danger signs, or by a person physically present to prevent unauthorized entry.32.6.2. The blaster shall make sure that all persons are in a safe place before firing a shot.32.6.3. The blaster performing the blasting shall be the person who makes the detonating cord connections or connects the leg wires of the detonating caps to the shot cable.32.6.4. All holes or series of holes containing detonators shall be fired immediately upon completion of loading. However, after connecting the loaded holes, if for any reason the holes cannot be fired immediately, all work shall cease within a radius of three hundred (300) feet of the blasting area and work shall not commence again until the holes have been fired.32.6.5. The firing of holes shall be conducted during daylight hours.32.6.6. After a blast the blaster shall examine the area and pronounce it safe before others enter.32.7. Post firing. 32.7.1. Shooting cables shall be disconnected immediately from the blasting unit after each blast and shunted.32.7.2. No person shall return to the area where blasting has been performed until the dust has settled and the area cleared of smoke.32.8. Misfires.32.8.1. When electric blasting caps have been used, neither the blaster nor any other person is permitted to return to misfired holes for at least fifteen (15) minutes. Misfires shall be handled only by a designated blaster in the presence of the mine/pit foreman.32.8.2. When a shot has misfired, extra precaution shall be taken in the handling of the misfires.32.8.3. The blaster shall wait at least thirty (30) minutes before returning to a misfired shot, when using blasting caps and fuse.32.8.4. After shooting a misfired shot, the blasting cable shall be disconnected from the source of power and the battery end short circuited before electric connections are examined.32.8.5. If explosives or blasting agents are suspected of burning in a hole, all persons in the blasting area shall move to a safe location and no person shall return to the hole for at least one (1) hour.32.9. Storage of explosives. 32.9.1. After loading boreholes all unused explosives shall be returned to the proper explosive storage magazine.32.9.2. Separate surface magazines shall be provided for storage of explosives, detonators, and blasting heater elements.32.9.2.a. Surface magazines shall:32.9.2.a.1. Be constructed of incombustible material exposed inside the magazine;32.9.2.a.2. Be provided with doors constructed of at least one-fourth (1/4) inch steel plate lined with a two (2) inch thickness of wood, or the equivalent;32.9.2.a.3. Be provided with adequate and effectively screened ventilation openings near the floor and ceiling;32.9.2.a.4. Be kept locked securely when unattended; and32.9.2.a.5. Beposted with suitable danger signs so located that a bullet passing through the face of the sign will not strike the magazine.32.9.2.b. The location of the magazine shall not be less than two hundred (200) feet from any active work area, occupied buildings, or public roads unless barricaded.32.9.2.c. If magazines are illuminated electrically the lamps shall be of vapor-proof type, properly installed and wired.32.9.2.d. Smoking, open flames, open lights or spark-producing devices shall be prohibited in or within fifty (50) feet of a detonator or explosive magazine or facility.32.9.3. Explosives magazines shall be located at least one hundred (100) feet away from power lines and fuel storage areas.32.9.4. Cases or boxes containing explosives shall not be stored on their ends or sides in magazines nor stacked more than six (6) feet high.32.9.5. An area of twenty-five (25) feet around magazines shall be kept clear of dry leaves, grass, undergrowth, trash and debris.32.9.6. Detonator and explosives storage magazines shall be separated by at least twenty-five (25) feet.32.9.7. Ground rods shall be properly installed and secured on explosive storage magazines so as to provide sufficient electrical ground.32.9.8. Semitrailer van(s) used for highway or on-site transportation of blasting agents are satisfactory for storing these materials, provided they are located according to the American Table of Distance with respect to inhabited buildings, passenger railroads and public highways. Trailers will be provided with substantial means for locking, and the trailer doors shall be kept locked except during time of placement and removal of blasting agents.