W. Va. Code R. § 54-4-2

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 54-4-2 - Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in this rule, shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

2.1. "Approved solid waste facility" means a commercial solid waste facility or practice which has a valid permit or compliance order under W. Va. Code '22-15-1 et seq.
2.2. "Authority" means any solid waste authority of any county or region in West Virginia, established by W. Va. Code ''22C-4-3 and 22C-4-4; or the county commission of any county which elected not to establish an authority, as allowed by W. Va. Code '22C-4-6.
2.3. "Board" means the West Virginia Solid Waste Management Board, as established by W. Va. Code '22C-3-4, or its authorized representatives.
2.4. "Class A facility" means a commercial solid waste facility which handles an aggregate of between ten and thirty thousand (10,000-30,000) tons of solid waste per month. "Class A facility" includes two or more Class B solid waste landfills owned or operated by the same person in the same county, if the aggregate tons of solid waste handled per month by such landfills exceeds nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (9,999) tons of solid waste per month.
2.5. "Class B facility" means a commercial solid waste facility which receives, or is expected to receive, an average daily quantity of mixed solid waste equal to or exceeding one hundred (100) tons each working day; or serves, or is expected to serve, a population equal to or exceeding forty thousand (40,000) persons, but which does not receive solid waste exceeding an aggregate of ten thousand (10,000) tons per month. "Class B facility" does not include construction/demolition facilities: Provided, That the definition of Class B facility may include such reasonable subdivisions or subclassifications as the director may establish by legislative rule proposed in accordance with the provisions of W. Va. Code '29A-1-1 et seq.
2.6. "Class C facility" means a commercial solid waste facility which receives, or is expected to receive, an average daily quantity of mixed solid waste of less than one hundred (100) tons each working day; and serves, or is expected to serve, a population of less than forty thousand (40,000) persons. "Class C facility" does not include construction/demolition facilities.
2.7. "Class D facility" means any commercial solid waste facility for the disposal of only construction/demolition waste, and does not include the legitimate beneficial reuse of clean waste concrete/masonry substances for the purpose of structural fill or road base material.
2.8. "Commercial recycler" means any person, corporation, or business entity whose operation involves the mechanical separation of materials for the purpose of reselling or recycling at least seventy percent (70%) by weight of the materials coming into the commercial recycling facility.
2.9. "Commercial solid waste facility" means any solid waste facility which accepts solid waste generated by sources other than the owner or operator of the facility, and does not include an approved solid waste facility owned and operated by a person for the sole purpose of disposal processing, or compositing of solid wastes created by that person or such person and other persons on a cost-sharing or nonprofit basis, and does not include land upon which reused or recycled materials are legitimately applied for structural fill, road base, mine reclamation, and similar applications.
2.10. "Compliance order" means an administrative order issued pursuant to W. Va. Code '22-15-10, authorizing a solid waste facility to operate without a solid waste permit.
2.11. "Commercial composting facility" means any solid waste facility processing solid waste by composting, including sludge composting, organic waste or yard waste composting, but does not include a composting facility owned and operated by a person for the sole purpose of compositing waste created by that person or such person and other persons on a cost-sharing or non-profit basis and shall not include land upon which finished or matured compost is applied for use as a soil amendment or conditioner.
2.12. "Construction/demolition waste" means waste building materials, packaging, and grubbing waste resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations on houses, commercial and industrial buildings, and other structures and pavements, including, but not limited to: wood, plaster, metals, asphaltic substances, bricks, blocks and concrete, other masonry materials, trees, brush, stumps, and other vegetative materials, but shall not include asbestos waste.
2.13. "Endangered or threatened species" means any endangered or threatened species, as defined in 50CFR17, of animal or plant, and includes those species listed as endangered or threatened in 50CFR17.
2.14. "Energy recovery incinerator" means any solid waste facility at which solid wastes are incinerated with the intention of using the resulting energy for the generation of steam, electricity, or any other use not specified herein.
2.15. "Incineration technologies" means any technology that uses controlled flame combustion to thermally break down solid waste, including refuse-derived fuel, to an ash residue that contains little or no combustible materials, regardless of whether the purpose is processing, disposal, electric or steam generation; or any other method by which solid waste is incinerated.
2.16. "Incinerator" means an enclosed device using controlled flame combustion to thermally break down solid waste, including refuse-derived fuel, to an ash residue that contains little or no combustible materials.
2.17. "Karst region" means a type of topography which is formed over limestone or dolomite by dissolution of the formation, and is characterized by sinkholes, caves, and similar features.
2.18. "Landfill" means any solid waste facility for the disposal of solid waste on or in the land for the purpose of permanent disposal. Such facility is situated, for the purpose of this rule, in the county where the majority of the spatial area of such facility is located.
2.19. "Materials recovery facility" means any solid waste facility at which source-separated materials or materials recovered through a mixed waste processing facility are manually or mechanically shredded or separated for purposes of reuse and recycling, but does not include a composting facility.
2.20. "Open dump" means any solid waste disposal which does not have a permit under W. Va. Code '22-15-1 et seq., or is in violation of state law, or where solid waste is disposed in a manner that does not protect the environment.
2.21. "Person" or "persons" means any industrial user, public or private corporation, institution, association, firm, or company organized or existing under the laws of this or any other state or country; the state of West Virginia; governmental agency, including federal facilities; political subdivision; county commission; municipal corporation; industry; sanitary district; public service district; drainage district; soil conservation district; watershed improvement district; partnership; trust; estate; person or individual; group of persons or individuals acting individually or as a group; or any legal entity whatever.
2.22. "Plan" or "Siting plan" means the commercial solid waste facility siting plan required under W. Va. Code '22C-4-24.
2.23. "Recycle" or "Recycling" means the process by which recovered products are transformed into new products, and includes the collection, separation, recovery and sale or reuse of metals, glass, paper, tires, lead-acid batteries and other materials.
2.24. "Recycling facility" means any solid waste facility for the purpose of recycling at which neither land disposal nor biological, chemical or thermal transformation of solid waste occurs; Provided, That mixed waste recovery facilities, sludge processing facilities and composting facilities are not considered to be reusing or recycling solid waste within the meaning of W. Va. Code ''20-11-1 et seq., 22-15-1 et seq and 22C-4-1 et seq.
2.25. "Resource recovery facility" means any solid waste facility at which solid wastes are mechanically, biologically, chemically, or thermally transformed for the purpose of separating, removing, or creating any material or energy for reuse or sale, and at which land disposal of solid waste does not occur. "Resource recovery facility" includes composting facilities, environmentally acceptable incinerators, materials recovery facilities, energy recovery facilities and other such solid waste facilities not herein specified.
2.26. "Sludge" means any solid, semisolid, residue, or precipitate separated from or created by a municipal, commercial, or industrial waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility; or any other such waste having similar origin.
2.27. "Solid waste" means any garbage, paper, litter, refuse, cans, bottles, waste processed for the express purpose of incineration, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility; other discarded material, including offensive or unsightly matter, solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained liquid or gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, or community activities, but does not include solid or dissolved material in sewage, or solid or dissolved material in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges which are point sources and have permits under W. Va. Code '22-11-1 et seq., or source, special nuclear or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, including any nuclear or byproduct material considered by federal standards to be below regulatory concern, or a hazardous waste either identified or listed under W. Va. Code '22-18-1 et seq., or refuse, slurry, overburden, or other waste or material resulting from coal-fired electric power or steam generation, the exploration, development, production, storage, and recovery of coal, oil and gas, and other mineral resources placed or disposed of at a facility which is regulated under W. Va. Code ''22-2-1 et seq., 22-3-1 et seq., 22-4-1 et seq., 22-6-1 et seq., 22-7-1 et seq., 22-8-1 et seq., 22-9-1 et seq., 22-10-1 et seq., or 22A-1-1 et seq., so long as such placement or disposal is in conformance with a permit issued pursuant to said chapters.
2.28. "Solid waste disposal" means the practice of disposing of solid waste, including placing, depositing, dumping, or throwing, or causing to be placed, deposited, dumped, or thrown any solid waste.
2.29. "Solid waste disposal shed" means the geographical area which the Solid Waste Management Board designates and files in the state register pursuant to W. Va. Code '22C-3-9.
2.30. "Solid waste facility" means any system, facility, land, contiguous land, improvements on the land, structures, or other appurtenances or methods used for processing, recycling, or disposing of solid waste, including landfills, transfer stations, materials recovery facilities, mixed waste processing facilities, sewage sludge processing facilities, commercial composing facilities and other such facilities not herein specified, but not including land upon which sewage sludge is applied in accordance with W. Va. Code '22-15-20(b). Such facilities shall be deemed to be situated, for the purposes of this rule in the county where the majority of the spatial area of such facility is located. Provided, that a salvage yard licensed and regulated pursuant to the terms of W. Va. Code '17-23, is not a solid waste facility.
2.31. "Transfer station" means a combination of structures, machinery, or devices at a place, or facility where solid waste is taken from collection vehicles and placed in other transportation units (such as a "walking floor," or other method of transfer as determined by the director) for movement to another solid waste management facility. Provided, when the initial generator of solid waste disposes of said waste into a container such as a roll-off, greenbox or bin which is temporarily positioned (not more than five days) at a specific location for transport by a transportation unit, such container shall not be considered a transfer station. Under any circumstances, leachate, litter and windblown materials must be properly managed.
2.32. "Wetlands" means those naturally occurring areas, as defined under 40CFR232.2(r), that are inundated or saturated by surface water or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. "Wetlands" generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas.
2.33. "100-year flood" means a flood that has a one percent or greater chance of recurring in any given year, or a flood of a magnitude equaled or exceeded once in one hundred (100) years on the average, over a significantly long period of time.

W. Va. Code R. § 54-4-2