Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 5-13-7 - Public Health Practice of Dental Hygienists7.1. A dental hygienist may engage in public health practice rendering all services provided in subsection 6.1.7.b. of this rule allowed under general supervision and as provided in this section: 7.1.1. The dental hygienist shall submit an application to the Board for Public Health Practice and pay a fee as set forth in the Board's rule. Fees Established by the Board, 5CSR3.7.1.2. The dental hygienist shall have two years and three thousand hours of clinical dental hygiene experience.7.1.3. The dental hygienist shall, in addition to the number of hours required for dental hygiene licensure, complete six hours of continuing education during each continuing education cycle which shall include three hours in medical emergencies and three hours in general public health content.7.1.4. The dental hygienist and supervising dentist shall submit an annual report to the Board of services rendered.7.1.5. The dental hygienist, in cooperation with the supervising dentist, shall have a written plan for referral, recording conditions that should be called to the attention of the dentist.7.1.6. A licensed dentist may not supervise more than four dental hygienists engaged in public health practice.7.1.7. Facilities used for oral prophylaxis, sealant placement, or both, shall have adequate lighting, suction and isolation of teeth.7.1.8. The dental hygienist may engage in public health practice, consistent with conditions outlined above, in the following settings; hospitals, schools, correctional facilities, jails, community clinics, long term care facilities, nursing homes, home health agencies, group homes, state institutions under the Department of Health and Human Resources, public health facilities, homebound settings and accredited dental hygiene education programs.7.1.9. All applications and reporting forms shall be provided by the Board.7.1.10. The following procedures may be performed by a dental hygienist with no supervision of a licensed dentist: 7.1.10.a. Dental health education;7.1.10.b. Nutritional counseling;7.1.10.c. Preparing a generalized oral screening with subsequent referral to a dentist;7.1.10.d. Applying flouride;7.1.10.e. Charting existing restorations and missing teeth;7.1.10.f. Recording medical and dental histories;7.1.10.g. Recording periodontal findings; and7.1.10.h. Complete dental prophylaxis, which may include supra- and subgingival scaling of teeth and polishing of coronal and/or exposed surfaces of teeth. The dental hygienist and a licensed dentist shall attempt to reach a collaborative agreement regarding such treatment. If an agreement cannot be reached then the dental hygienist shall have a written order from a licensed dentist prescribing such treatment.7.1.11. A person shall not do any of the following: Practice dental hygiene in a manner that is separate or otherwise independent from a supervising dentist;7.1.11.b. Establish or maintain an office or practice that is primarily devoted to the provision of dental hygiene services;7.1.11.c. Administer local anesthesia under public health practice permit; or7.1.11.d. Use dental lasers under public health practice permit.