W. Va. Code R. § 47-38-6

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 47-38-6 - Closure and Post-Closure Care
6.1. Permanent Closure Criteria.
6.1.1. Applicability.

Any person who maintains or operates a solid waste facility must, when the fill area or portion thereof reaches final grade or when the director determines that closure is required, cease to accept waste and perform closure activities at the facility or portion thereof in accordance with the plan approval issued by the director and the provisions of section 6.1 of this rule unless otherwise approved by the director in writing.

6.1.1.a. Upon request of the permittee, or upon the director's own initiative, the director may waive or modify any of the closure requirements of section 6 of this rule or allow alternative permit conditions or practices as appropriate for a specific coal combustion by-product facility or industrial solid waste facility based upon the type of wastes disposed, type of facility, site characteristics and sound engineering judgement.
6.1.1.b. Closure of existing solid waste landfills.
6.1.1.b.A. Existing SWLPs that cannot make the demonstration specified in section 3.2.7 pertaining to airports, section 3.2.4 pertaining to floodplains, or section 3,2.10 pertaining to unstable areas, must close by October 9, 1996, in accordance with section 6.1 of this rule and conduct post-closure activities in accordance with section 6.3 of this rule.
6.1.1.b.B. The deadline for closure may be extended up to two years if the permittee can demonstrate to the director in writing that:
6.1.1.b.B. (a) There is no available alternative disposal capacity;
6.1.1.b.B. (b) There is no immediate threat to human health and the environment.
6.1.2. Notification Procedures.
6.1.2.a. At least one hundred and twenty (12 0) days prior to closing the facility, the permittee must notify the director in writing of the intent to close the facility and the expected date of closure. Prior to this date, the permittee must notify all users of the facility of the intent to close the facility so that alternative disposal options may be evaluated.
6.1.2.b. Signs must be posted at all points of access to the facility at least thirty (30) days prior to closure indicating the date of closure and alternative disposal facilities.
6.1.2.c. Notice of the upcoming closure must be a Class II legal advertisement which must be published in a local newspaper at least thirty (30) days prior to closure and a copy of the notice must be provided to the director within ten (10) days of the date of publication,
6.1.3. Restricted Access.

Within ten (10) days after ceasing to accept waste, the permittee must restrict access by the use of gates, fencing, or other appropriate means to ensure against further use of the facility. If the final use allows access, such access must be restricted until closure has been completed and approved by the director.

6.1.4. Deed Notation.
6.1.4.a. Following closure of all portions of the SWLF, the owner or operator must record a deed notation to the SWLF facility property with the county clerk's office that must be available with the deed of the property that will in perpetuity notify any potential purchaser of the following: (The permittee must also retain a copy of the deed notation in the facility operating record.)
6.1.4.a.A. The land has been used as a landfill facility;
6.1.4.a.B. Its use is restricted under section 6.3.6.c to ensure post-closure care including any use that would interfere with maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the final cover and maintaining the system to control the formation and release of leachate and explosive gases into the environment.
6.1.4.a.C. The permittee may request permission from the director to remove the notation from the deed if all wastes are removed from the facility.
6.1.4.b. The deed must include at a minimum:
6.1.4.b.A. A survey plot indicating the location and dimension of the landfill;
6.1.4.b.B. A record of waste, including type, location, and quantity of waste disposed of at the site; and
6.1.4.b.C. Disposal location of asbestos and any other waste specified by the director.
6.1.4.c. A certification of deed notation must be filed with the director within ninety (90) days of closure.
6.1.5. Closure and Post-Closure Care.
6.1.5.a. Unless otherwise approved by the director in writing, the closure plan must include the installation of a final cover system that is designed to minimize infiltration and erosion, as follows:
6.1.5.a.A. The permittee must provide a final cover system comprised of an erosion layer underlain by an infiltration layer and grading in the following manner:
6.1.5.a.A.(a) Gas Management Layer.

A one (1) foot layer of a material with a high hydraulic conductivity or a geocomposite drainage layer having a permeability of at least 1 X 10 cm/sec may be used in lieu of the one (l) foot drainage layer must be placed directly on the intermediate cover to facilitate landfill gas control;

6.1.5.a.A.(b) Clay Cap Layer.

A cap consisting of a uniform and compacted one (1) foot layer of clay that is no more permeable than l x 10 cm/s must be placed and graded over the entire surface of each final lift in six (6) inch lifts. The director may, in the issued permit, approve the use of a synthetic material in lieu of the layer of clay;

6.1.5.a.A. (b)(A) An alternative clay cap layer may be approved by the director on a site-specific basis. In no case may this (infiltration) layer be comprised of a less than a minimum of 18 inches of earthen material that has a permeability less than or equal to the permeability of any bottom liner system or natural subsoils present, or a permeability no greater than l x 10 cm/sec, whichever is less, and
6.1.5.a.A. (c)Drainage Layer.

A one (1) foot drainage layer that is more permeable than 1 X 10 cm/s or a geocomposite drainage layer having a permeability of at least 1 X 10" cm/sec may be used in lieu of the one (1) foot drainage layer, capable of transmitting flow and preventing erosion must be placed over the cap.

6.1.5.a.A.(d) Vegetative Cover Layer.

A uniform and compacted layer of soil that is at least two (2) feet in thickness and capable of supporting vegetati on must be placed over the drainage layer. The erosion layer portion of the drainage layer must consist of a minimum six (S) inches of earthen material that is capable of sustaining native plant growth.

6.1.5.a.B. Placement of Final Cover.

The operator must place final cover within six (6) months after disposal in the final lift ceases or as soon thereafter as weather permits, unless the permittee obtains written approval from the director allowing a later period based on a demonstration that a later period is necessary to protect the cap and drainage layer from differential settlement of waste at the facility. The director will not allow a later period unless, at a minimum, delayed installation will not cause or allow any violations of any provision of this rule, or based on a demonstration that a later period is necessary to protect the cap and drainage layer from differential settlement of waste at the facility.

6.1.5.a.C. Surface water run-on must be diverted around all areas used for waste disposal to limit the potential for erosion of the cover soils and increased infiltration. Drainage swales conveying surface water runoff over previous waste disposal areas must be lined with a minimum thickness of two (2) feet of earthen material or a layer of synthetic material acceptable to the director.
6.1.5.a.D. The grade of the final surface of the facility must not be less than three percent (3%) nor more than twenty-five percent (25%) unless otherwise approved by the director as a part of the issued permit. Long slopes must incorporate runoff control measures and terracing in order to minimize erosion. For sites having a natural slope greater than twenty-five percent (25%), a slope up to thirty-three percent (33%) may be considered acceptable if terracing is incorporated at least every twenty (20) feet of vertical distance with runoff control.
6.1.5.a.E. Within ninety (90) days after the placement of final cover, the permittee must complete seeding, fertilizing, and mulching of the finished surface. The seed type and amount of fertilizer applied must be selected depending on the type and quality of topsoil and compatibility with both native vegetation and the final use. Unless otherwise approved by the director in writing, seed mixture and application rates must be in accordance with section 4.5.6 of this rule.
6.1.5.a.F. Additional information may be required at the discretion of the director.
6.1.5.a.G. A closure plan for solid waste facilities other than landfills must include the requirements of sections 6.1.5.a.D and 6.1.5.a.E of this rule and any other requirement specified by the director.
6.1.5.b. Alternative Final Cover Design The director may approve an alternative final cover design that includes:
6.1.5.b.A. An infiltration layer that achieves an equivalent reduction in infiltration as the infiltration layer specified in section 6.1.5.a.A.(b)(A) and
6.1.5.b.B. An erosion layer that provides equivalent protection from wind and water erosion as the erosion layer specified in section 6.1.5.a.A.(d).
6.1.5.c. The permittee must prepare a written closure plan that describes the steps necessary to close all portions of the SWLF at any point during its active life in accordance with the cover design requirements in section 6.1.5.a or 6.1.5.b, as applicable.
6.1.5.c.A. The closure plan, at a minimum, must include the following information:
6.1.5.c.A. (a) A description of the final cover, designed in accordance with section 6.1.5.a and the methods and procedures to be used to install the cover;
6.1.5.c.A. (b) An estimate of the largest area of the SWLF ever requiring a final cover as required under section 6.1.5.a at any time during the active life;
6.1.5.c.A. (c) An estimate of the maximum inventory of wastes ever on-site over the active life of the landfill facility; and
6.1.5.c.A. (d) A schedule for completing all activities necessary to satisfy the closure criteria in section 6 of this rule.
6.1.5.d. The permittee must notify the director that a closure plan has been prepared and placed in the operating record no later than the effective date of this rule, or by the initial receipt of waste, whichever is later,
6.1.5.e. Prior to beginning closure of each portion of the SWLF as specified in section 6.1.5.f a permittee must notify the director that a notice of the intent to close the portion of the SWLF has been placed in the operations record,
6.1.5.f. The permittee must begin closure activities of each portion of the SWLF no later than 30 days after the date on which the SWLF receives the known final receipt of wastes or, if the SWLF has remaining capacity and there is a reasonable likelihood that the SWLF will receive additional wastes, no later than one year after the most recent receipt of wastes.
6.1.5.f.A. Extensions beyond the one-year deadline for beginning closure may be granted by the director if the permittee demonstrates that the SWLF has the capacity to receive additional wastes and the permittee has taken and will continue to take all steps necessary to prevent threats to human health and the environment from the unclosed portion of the SWLF.
6.1.5.g. The permittee of all SWLFs must complete closure activities of each SWLF in accordance with the closure plan within 180 days following the beginning of closure as specified in section 6.1.5.f of this rule
6.1.5.g.A. Extensions of the closure period may be granted by the director if the permittee demonstrates that closure will, of necessity, take longer than 18 0 days and he or she has taken and will continue to take all steps to prevent threats to human health and the environment from the unclosed portion of the SWLF.
6.1.6. Final Use at Landfills.

The following activities are prohibited at closed landfills unless specifically approved by the director in writing:

6.1.6.a. Use of the facility for agricultural purposes;
6.1.6.b. Establishment or construction of any buildings; or
6.1.6.c. Excavation of the final cover or any waste materials.
6.1.7. Certification by Registered Professional Engineer.
6.1.7.a. Following closure of each portion of the SWLF, all closure activities must be inspected and approved by a registered professional engineer prior to the application to the director for closure approval. The permittee must also notify the director, in writing of this certification, signed by an independent registered professional engineer and approved by the director, verifying that closure has been completed in accordance with the closure plan. A copy of all related information must be retained in the facility operating record.
6.1.8. Closure Approval.

Upon completion of requirements related to closure, the director will issue a final closure approval. The date of the director's final closure approval must be the date of commencement of the post-closure bond liability period.

6.2. Inactive Status.

Upon application to the director, a permittee may request inactive status for a period not to exceed six (6) months. To qualify for inactive status, the permittee must:

6.2.1. Intermediate Cover.

Demonstrate that all solid wastes are covered by at least one (1) foot of intermediate cover.

6.2.2. Final Cover.

Demonstrate that all areas where solid waste disposal is complete have been covered with final cover as described in section 4.6.2.b.C of this rule.

6.2.3. Revegetation.

Demonstrate that all disturbed areas have been seeded in accordance with the revegetation plans specified by section 4.5.6 of this rule.

6.2.4. Restricted Access. Restrict access to the area.
6.2.5. Maintenance of Leachate Control.

Demonstrate that leachate collection and treatment will be maintained.

6.2.6. Deed Notation.

Demonstrate that notations have been made in permanent deed records in the County Clerk's Office that the site has been used as a solid waste facility.

6.2.7. Other Assurances.

Provide any other assurance specified by the director.

6.3. Post-Closure Care Requirements.

Following closure of each portion of the SWLF, the permittee must conduct post-closure care as required by the permit. Post-closure care must continue for up to thirty (30) years after final closure of areas unless otherwise modified by the director and must consist of the following:


Monitoring must continue as specified in the monitoring plan required by the permit.

6.3.2. Repair of Settlement.

Any settling of solid waste which occurs up to ten (10) years of the date of final closure, causing pending of waters in areas of solid waste deposits, must be repaired promptly. Such repairs must include any necessary regrading, additions of fill material, and revegetation of settled areas, while maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of any final cover, including making repairs to the cover as necessary to correct the effects of settlement, subsidence, erosion, or other events, and preventing run-on and rxin-off from eroding or otherwise damaging the final cover;

6.3.3. Repair of Cover Material.

Any cracking or erosion of cover material which occurs and may cause waters to enter solid waste deposits must be repaired immediately. Such repairs must include any necessary regrading, additions of cover material, and revegetation to eliminate such cracks or eroded areas.

6.3.4. Site Monitoring.

Further disposal of solid waste at a closed solid waste facility is prohibited. The closed solid waste facility must be monitored by the permittee, at a minimum frequency of once each month during the post-closure period, to ensure that solid waste deposits and vandalism do not occur at the closed solid waste facility. Any solid waste deposited at the closed solid waste facility during the post-closure period must be promptly removed and disposed of at an approved solid waste facility. Evidence of disease vectors must be treated promptly.

6.3.4.a. Maintaining and operating the leachate collection system in accordance with the requirements in section 4.5.4.a.
6.3.4.a.A. The director may allow the permittee to stop managing leachate if the permittee demonstrates that leachate no longer poses a threat to human health and the environment;
6.3.4.b. Monitoring the groundwater in accordance with the requirements of section 4.11 and maintaining the groundwater monitoring system, if applicable; and
6.3.4.c. Maintaining and operating the gas monitoring system in accordance with the requirements of section 4.10 of this rule.
6.3.5. Length of the Post-Closure Care Period

The length of the post-closure care period may be:

6.3.5.a. Decreased by the director if the permittee demonstrates that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment and this demonstration is approved by the director; or
6.3.5.b. Increased by the director, if the director determines that the lengthened period is necessary to protect human health and the environment.
6.3.6. Post-Closure Plan The permittee of all SWLFs must prepare a written post-closure plan that includes, at a minimum, the following information:
6.3.6.a. A description of the monitoring and maintenance activities required in section 6.3 for each SWLF, and the frequency at which these activities will be performed;
6.3.6.b. Name, address, and telephone number of the person or office to contact about the facility during the post-closure period; and
6.3.6.c. A description of the planned uses of the property during the post-closure period.
6.3.6.c.A. Post-closure use of the property must not disturb the integrity of the final cover, liner(s), or any other components of the containment system, or the function of the monitoring systems unless necessary to comply with the requirements in this rule.
6.3.6.c.B. The director may approve any other disturbance if the permittee demonstrates that disturbance of the final cover, liner or other component of the containment system, including any removal of waste, will not increase the potential threat to human health or the environment.
6.3.7. The permittee must notify the director that a post-closure plan has been prepared and placed in the operating record no later than the effective date of this rule, or by the initial receipt of waste, whichever is later.
6.3.7.a. Following completion of the post-closure care period for each portion of the SWLF, the permittee must notify the director that a certification, signed by an independent registered professional engineer and approved by the director, verifying that post-closure care has been completed in accordance with the post-closure plan, has been placed in the operating record.
6.4. Final Post-Closure Inspection.
6.4.1. If the permittee of a solid waste facility believes that post-closure requirements have been met, the permittee may file a request for a final post-closure inspection with the director.
6.4.2. Upon a request for a final post-closure inspection, the director will inspect the facility to verify that final post-closure has been completed as follows;
6.4.2.a. The applicable operating requirements of the Solid Waste Management Act and all other environmental laws of the State of West Virginia, the rules and regulations of the West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection, all terms and conditions of the facility permit(s), including the approved closure plan, and all orders issued by the director have been complied with.
6.4.2.b. No further remedial action, maintenance, or other activity by the permittee is necessary to continue compliance with the Solid Waste Management Act, all other environmental laws of the State of West Virginia, the rules and regulations of the division, orders issued by the director, and the terms and conditions of the permit and the approved closure plan.
6.4.2.c. The facility is not causing, and will not cause, any adverse effects on the environment, and is not causing a nuisance.
6.4.3. Upon a finding by the director that the facility is in compliance with all factors listed in section 6.4 of this rule, the permittee will be eligible for bond release pursuant to section 6.6 of this rule.
6.4.4. Upon a finding by the director that the facility is not in compliance with all the factors listed in section 6,4 of this rule, the director will initiate proceedings for bond forfeiture pursuant to section 6.5 of this rule.
6.5. Bond Forfeiture.
6.5.1. Procedure.

If the director declares a bond or any other form of financial assurance provided by the permittee forfeited, the director will:

6.5.1.a. Send written notification to the principal, to the bond surety, and to every county or regional solid waste authority in the area that utilizes the facility; of the director's determination to declare the bond forfeit and the reasons for the forfeiture;
6.5.1.b. Advise the principal and surety of the right to appeal to circuit court; and
6.5.1.e. Proceed to collect on the bond as provided by applicable laws for the collection of defaulted bonds or other debts.
6.5.2. Collateral Bonds and other Forms of Financial Assurance.

If the director declares a collateral bond forfeited, the director will pay, or direct the state treasurer to pay, the collateral funds into an appropriate Solid Waste Fund. If upon proper demand and presentation, the banking institution or other person or municipality which issued the collateral refuses to pay the division the proceeds of a collateral undertaking such as a certificate of deposit, letter of credit or government negotiable bond, the director will take appropriate steps to collect the proceeds.

6.5.3. Surety Bond.

If the director declares a surety bond forfeited, he or she will certify the same to the Office of Attorney General which will proceed to enforce and collect the amount forfeited, which will, upon collection, be paid into an appropriate Solid Waste Fund.

6.5.4. Use of Funds.

Monies received from the forfeiture of bonds, and interest accrued, will be used first to accomplish final closure of, and to take steps necessary and proper to remedy and prevent adverse environmental effects from, the solid waste facilities upon which liability was charged on the bonds. Any monies remaining after such final closure, post-closure and all necessary remedial actions have been accomplished must be deposited in the Solid Waste Enforcement Fund that was established pursuant to W. Va. Code § 22-15-11(h)(1).

6.6. Release of Bonds.
6.6.1. Request.

An operator seeking a release of a bond previously submitted to the director must file a written request with the director for release of the bond amount after inspection or after posting a replacement bond in accordance with the provisions of section 3.13 of this rule.

6.6.2. Application.

The application for bond release must contain the following:

6.6.2.a. The name of the permittee and identification of the facility for which bond release is sought;
6.6.2.b. The total amount of the bond in effect for the facility; and
6.6.2.c. Other information that may be required by the director.
6.6.2.d. The release or forfeiture of a bond by the director does not constitute a waiver or release of other liability provided in law, nor does it abridge or alter rights of action or remedies of a person or municipality now or hereafter existing in equity or under common law or statutory law, both criminal and civil.
6.6.2.e. The director may grant bond releases immediately upon final closure, for facilities other than landfills, if it is clearly demonstrated that further monitoring, restoration, or maintenance is not necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and the environment.
6.7. Preservation of Remedies.

Remedies provided or authorized by law for a violation of applicable federal or state statutes, the regulations or rules promulgated thereunder, orders issued by the director, or the terms and conditions of permits are expressly preserved. Nothing in this rule is an exclusive penalty or remedy for such a violation. No action taken under this rule waives or impairs another remedy or penalty provided in law or equity.

W. Va. Code R. § 47-38-6