W. Va. Code R. § 45-21-4

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 45-21-4 - Compliance Certification, Recordkeeping, and Reporting Procedures for Coating Sources
4.1. To establish the records required under this section 4., the volatile organic compound (VOC) content of each coating, as applied, and the efficiency of each capture system and control device shall be determined by the applicable test methods and procedures specified in subsections 42. and 44.
4.2. Requirements for coating sources exempt from emission limitations. -- Any owner or operator of a coating line or operation that is exempt from the emission limitations of sections 11. through 19. because combined VOC emissions from all coating lines and operations at the facility are below the applicability threshold specified in the individual sections of this regulation, before the application of capture systems and control devices, shall comply with the following for each of sections 11. through 19. from which the owner or operator claims an exemption:
4.2.1. Certification. -- The owner or operator of a facility referenced in subsection 4.2. shall certify to the Secretary that the facility is exempt by providing the following:
4.2.1.a. Name and location of the facility;
4.2.1.b. Address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility;
4.2.1.c. A declaration that the facility is exempt from the emission limitations of sections 11. through 19. because combined VOC emissions from all coating lines and operations at the facility are below the applicability threshold before the application of capture systems and control devices; and
4.2.1.d. Calculations of the daily-weighted average that demonstrate that the combined VOC emissions from all coating lines and operations at the facility for a day representative of current maximum production levels are 6.8 kilograms (kg) (15 pounds [lb]) or less before the application of capture systems and control devices. The following equation shall be used to calculate total VOC emissions for that day:

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T = Total VOC emissions from coating lines and operations at the facility before the application of capture systems and control devices in units of kg/day (lb/day);

n = Number of different coatings applied on each coating line or each operation at the facility;

i = Subscript denoting an individual coating;

Ai = Mass of VOC per volume of coating (i) (minus water and exempt compounds), as applied, used at the facility in units of kilograms VOC per liter (kg VOC/L) (pounds VOC per gallon [lb VOC/gal]); and

Bi = Volume of coating (i) (minus water and exempt compounds), as applied, used at the facility in units of liters per day (L/day) (gallons per day [gal/day]). The instrument or method by which the owner or operator accurately measured or calculated the volume of each coating, as applied, used shall be described in the certification to the Secretary.

4.2.2. Recordkeeping. -- The owner or operator of a facility referenced in subsection 4.2. shall collect and record all of the following information each day and maintain the information at the facility for a period of 3 years:
4.2.2.a. The name and identification number of each coating, as applied;
4.2.2.b. The mass of VOC per volume (minus water and exempt compounds) and the volume of coating (i) (minus water and exempt compounds), as applied, used each day; and
4.2.2.c. The total VOC emissions at the facility, as calculated using the equation in paragraph 4.2.1.d.
4.2.3. Reporting. -- The owner or operator of a facility referenced in subsection 4.2. shall notify the Secretary of any record showing that combined VOC emissions from all coating lines and operations at the coating facility exceed 6.8 kg (15 lb) on any day, before the application of capture systems and control devices. A copy of such record shall be sent to the Secretary within 30 days after the exceedance occurs.
4.3. Requirements for coating sources using complying coatings. -- Any owner or operator of a coating line or operation subject to the limitations of sections 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., or 19. and complying by means of the use of complying coatings shall comply with the following:
4.3.1. Certification. -- Upon startup of a new coating line or operation, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing subject coating line or operation from daily-weighted averaging or control devices to the use of complying coatings, the owner or operator of a coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.3. shall certify to the Secretary that the coating line or operation is or will be in compliance with the requirements of the applicable section of this regulation on and after the initial startup date. Such certification shall include:
4.3.1.a. The name and location of the facility;
4.3.1.b. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility;
4.3.1.c. Identification of subject sources;
4.3.1.d. The name and identification number of each coating, as applied, on each coating line or operation;
4.3.1.e. The mass of VOC per volume (minus water and exempt compounds) and the volume of each coating (minus water and exempt compounds), as applied; and
4.3.1.f. The time at which the facility's "day" begins if a time other than midnight local time is used to define a "day".
4.3.2. Recordkeeping. -- On and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.3. and complying by the use of complying coatings shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each coating line or operation and maintain the information at the facility for a period of 3 years:
4.3.2.a. The name and identification number of each coating, as applied, on each coating line or operation; and
4.3.2.b. The mass of VOC per volume of each coating (minus water and exempt compounds), as applied, used each day on each coating line or operation.
4.3.3. Reporting. -- The owner or operator of a subject coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.3. shall notify the Secretary in the following instances:
4.3.3.a. Any record showing use of any non-complying coatings shall be reported by sending a copy of such record to the Secretary within 30 days following that use; and
4.3.3.b. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance from the use of complying coatings to daily-weighted averaging or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of subdivision 4.4.1. or subdivision 4.5.1., respectively. Upon changing the method of compliance from the use of complying coatings to daily-weighted averaging or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of the section of this regulation applicable to the coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.3.
4.4. Requirements for coating sources using daily-weighted averaging. -- Any owner or operator of a coating line or operation subject to the limitations of sections 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., or 19. and complying by means of daily-weighted averaging on that line or operation shall comply with the following:
4.4.1. Certification. -- Upon startup of a new coating line or operation, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing subject coating line or operation from the use of complying coatings or control devices to daily-weighted averaging, the owner or operator of the subject coating line or operation shall certify to the Secretary that the coating line or operation is or will be in compliance with subsection 4.4. on and after the initial startup date. Such certification shall include:
4.4.1.a. The name and location of the facility;
4.4.1.b. The address and telephone number of the person responsible for the facility;
4.4.1.c. Identification of subject sources;
4.4.1.d. The name and identification number of each coating line or operation which will comply by means of daily-weighted averaging;
4.4.1.e. The instrument or method by which the owner or operator will accurately measure or calculate the volume of each coating (minus water and exempt compounds), as applied, used each day on each coating line or operation;
4.4.1.f. The method by which the owner or operator will create and maintain records each day as required in subdivision 4.4.2.;
4.4.1.g. An example of the format in which the records required in subdivision 4.4.2. will be kept;
4.4.1.h. Calculation of the daily-weighted average, using the procedure in subsection 43.1., for a day representative of current or projected maximum production levels; and
4.4.1.i. The time at which the facility's "day" begins if a time other than midnight local time is used to define a "day".
4.4.2. Recordkeeping. -- On and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.4. and complying by means of daily-weighted averaging shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each coating line or operation and maintain the information at the facility for a period of 3 years:
4.4.2.a. The name and identification number of each coating, as applied, on each coating line or operation;
4.4.2.b. The mass of VOC per volume (minus water and exempt compounds) and the volume of each coating (minus water and exempt compounds), as applied, used each day on each coating line or operation; and
4.4.2.c. The daily-weighted average VOC content of all coatings, as applied, on each coating line or operation calculated according to the procedure in subsection 43.1.
4.4.3. Reporting. -- The owner or operator of a subject coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.4. shall notify the Secretary in the following instances:
4.4.3.a. Any record showing noncompliance with the applicable daily-weighted average requirements shall be reported by sending a copy of the record to the Secretary within 30 days following the occurrence, except as provided in subsection 9.3.
4.4.3.b. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance from daily-weighted averaging to the use of complying coatings or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of subdivision 4.3.1. or subdivision 4.5.1., respectively. Upon changing the method of compliance from daily-weighted averaging to the use of complying coatings or control devices, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of the section of this regulation applicable to the coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.4. of this section.
4.5. Requirements for coating sources using control devices. -- Any owner or operator of a coating line or operation subject to the limitations of sections 11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., or 19. and complying by means of control devices shall comply with the following:
4.5.1. Testing of control equipment. -- Upon startup of a new coating line or operation, or upon changing the method of compliance for an existing coating line or operation from the use of complying coatings or daily-weighted averaging to control devices, the owner or operator of the subject coating line or operation shall perform a compliance test. Testing shall be performed pursuant to the procedures in sections 41. through 44. The owner or operator of the subject coating line or operation shall submit to the Secretary the results of all tests and calculations necessary to demonstrate that the subject coating line or operation is or will be in compliance with the applicable section of this regulation on and after the initial startup date.
4.5.2. Recordkeeping. -- On and after the initial startup date, the owner or operator of a coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.5. shall collect and record all of the following information each day for each coating line or operation and maintain the information at the facility for a period of 3 years:
4.5.2.a. The name and identification number of each coating used on each coating line or operation;
4.5.2.b. The mass of VOC per unit volume of coating solids, as applied, the volume solids content, as applied, and the volume, as applied, of each coating used each day on each coating line or operation;
4.5.2.c. The maximum VOC content (mass of VOC per unit volume of coating solids, as applied) or the daily-weighted average VOC content (mass of VOC per unit volume of coating solids, as applied) of the coatings used each day on each coating line or operation;
4.5.2.d. The required overall emission reduction efficiency for each day for each coating line or operation as determined in subdivisions 11.5.3., 12.5.3., 13.5.3., 14.5.3., 15.5.3., 16.5.3., 17.5.3., 18.5.3., or 19.5.3.;
4.5.2.e. The actual overall emission reduction efficiency achieved for each day for each coating line or operation as determined in subsection 44.3.;
4.5.2.f. Control device monitoring data;
4.5.2.g. A log of operating time for the capture system, control device, monitoring equipment, and the associated coating line or operation;
4.5.2.h. A maintenance log for the capture system, control device, and monitoring equipment detailing all routine and non-routine maintenance performed including dates and duration of any outages;
4.5.2.i. For thermal incinerators, all 3-hour periods of operation in which the average combustion temperature was more than 28EC (50EF) below the average combustion temperature during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance;
4.5.2.j. For catalytic incinerators, all 3-hour periods of operation in which the average temperature of the process vent stream immediately before the catalyst bed is more than 28EC (50EF) below the average temperature of the process vent stream during the most recent performance test that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance; and
4.5.2.k. For carbon adsorbers, all 3-hour periods of operation during which the average VOC concentration or reading of organics in the exhaust gases is more than 20 percent greater than the average exhaust gas concentration or reading measured by the organics monitoring device during the most recent determination of the recovery efficiency of the carbon adsorber that demonstrated that the facility was in compliance.
4.5.3. Reporting. -- The owner or operator of a subject coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.5. shall notify the Secretary in the following instances:
4.5.3.a. Any record showing noncompliance with the applicable requirements for control devices shall be reported by sending a copy of the record to the Secretary within 30 days following the occurrence, except as provided in subsection 9.3.
4.5.3.b. At least 30 calendar days before changing the method of compliance from control devices to the use of complying coatings or daily-weighted averaging, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of subdivision 4.3.1. or subdivision 4.4.1., respectively. Upon changing the method of compliance from control devices to the use of complying coatings or daily-weighted averaging, the owner or operator shall comply with all requirements of the section of this regulation applicable to the coating line or operation referenced in subsection 4.5.

W. Va. Code R. § 45-21-4