W. Va. Code R. agency 45, tit. 45, ser. 45-18, tbl. 45-18L

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Table 45-18L

Emission limits that apply to waste-burning kilns after February 7, 2018a

Air pollutant

Emission limitb

Averaging timec

Performance test methodsc,d


0.0014 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter.

3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters).

Performance test (Method 29 of 40CFR 60, appendix A-8).

Carbon monoxide

110 (long kilns)/790 (preheater-precalciner) parts per million dry volume.

3-run average (1-hour minimum sample time per run).

Performance test (Method 10 at 40CFR 60, appendix A-4).

Dioxins/furans (total mass basis)

1.3 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter.

3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 4 dry standard cubic meters).

Performance test (Method 23 at 40CFR 60, appendix A-7).

Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency basis)

0.075 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter.

3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 4 dry standard cubic meters).

Performance test (Method 23 of 40CFR 60, appendix A-7).

Hydrogen chloride

3.0 parts per million dry volume.

3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meter) or 30-day rolling average if HCL CEMS is being used.

If a wet or dry scrubber is used, performance test (Method 321 at 40CFR 63, appendix A) or HCL CEMS if a wet scrubber or dry scrubber is not used, as specified in subdivision 9.9.j.


0.014 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter.

3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters).

Performance test (Method 29 of 40CFR 60, appendix A-8).


0.011 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter


58 pounds/million tons of clinker.

30-day rolling average.

Mercury CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system (performance specification 12A or 12B, respectively, of appendix Band procedure 5 of appendix F of 40CFR 60) , as specified in subdivision 9.9.j.

Nitrogen oxides

630 parts per million by dry volume.

3-run average (for Method 7E, 1-hour minimum sample time per run).

Performance test (Method 7 or 7E of 40CFR 60, appendix A-4).

Particulate matter filterable

13.5 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter.

3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meter).

Performance test (Method 5 or 29 at 40CFR 60, appendix A-3 or appendix-8.

Sulfur dioxide

600 parts per million by dry volume.

3-run average (for Method 6, collect a minimum of 20 liters; for Method 6C, 1-hour minimum sample time per run).

Performance test (Method 6 or 6C of 40CFR 60, appendix A-4).

aThe date specified in the Sate Plan can be no later than 3 years after the effective date of approval of a revised state plan or February 7, 2018.

bAll emission limitations are measured at 7 percent oxygen (except for CEMS and integrated sorbent trap monitoring system data during startup and shutdown), dry basis at standard conditions. For dioxins/furans, the owner or operator shall meet either the total mass basis limit or the toxic equivalency basis limit.

cIn lieu of performance testing, the owner or operator may use a CEMS or, for mercury, an integrated sorbent trap monitoring system, to demonstrate initial and continuing compliance with an emissions limit, as long as the owner or operator complies with the CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system requirements applicable to the specific pollutant in 9.9.a through 9.9.y and 9.10.a through 9.10.t. As prescribed in 9.9.u, if the owner or operator uses a CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system to demonstrate compliance with an emissions limit, the averaging time is a 30-day rolling average of 1-hour arithmetic average emission concentrations.

d Alkali bypass and in-line coal mill stacks are subject to performance testing only, as specified in paragraph 9.9.y.3. They are not subject to the CEMS, integrated sorbent trap monitoring system, or CPMS requirements that otherwise may apply to the main kiln exhaust.

W. Va. Code R. agency 45, tit. 45, ser. 45-18, tbl. 45-18L