Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 36-1-35 - Wire Ropes35.1. This section applies to wire ropes in service used to hoist persons, materials, and equipment in shafts or slopes underground and when persons work below the suspended loads during construction and development, but does not apply to wire ropes for elevators. 35.2. The wire ropes shall be used and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's guidelines. 35.3. Minimum rope strength: 35.3.1. At installation, the nominal strength (manufacturer's published catalog strength) of wire ropes used for hoisting shall meet the minimum rope strength values obtained by the following formulas in which "L" equals the maximum suspended rope length in feet:35.3.1.a. Winding drum ropes (all constructions, including rotation resistant). 35.3.1.a.1. For rope lengths less than 3,000 feet: Minimum Value = Static Load x (7.0-0.001L).35.3.1.a.2. For rope lengths 3,000 feet or greater: Minimum Value = Static Load x Friction drum ropes. 35.3.1.b.1. For rope lengths less than 4,000 feet: Minimum Value = Static Load x (7.0-0.0005L).35.3.1.b.2. For rope lengths 4,000 feet or greater: Minimum Value = Static Load x Tail ropes (balance ropes). 35.3.1.c.1. Minimum Value = Weight of Rope x Initial measurement. 35.4.1. After initial rope stretch but before visible wear occurs, the rope diameter of newly installed wire ropes shall be measured at least once in every third interval of active length and the measurements averaged to establish a baseline for subsequent measurements. The established baseline measurement shall be recorded and kept on file and accessible to representatives of the Director throughout the lifespan of the ropes.35.5. Lubrication of ropes. 35.5.1. Wire ropes used for hoisting equipment or personnel shall be adequately lubricated according to the manufacturer's specifications.35.6. Examinations. 35.6.1. At least once every seven (7) calendar days, each wire rope in service shall be visually examined along its entire active length for visible structural damage, corrosion, and improper lubrication or dressing. In addition, visual examination for wear and broken wires shall be made at stress points, including the area near attachments, where the rope rests on sheaves, where the rope leaves the drum, at drum crossovers, and at change-of-layer regions. When any visible condition that results in a reduction of rope strength is present, the affected portion of the rope shall be visually examined on a daily basis. At the completion of each examination required by Section 34.1., the person making the examination shall certify, by signature and date, that the examination has been made. If any condition listed in Section 34.1. is present, the person conducting the examination shall make a record of the condition and the date. Certifications and records of examinations shall be retained for one (1) year.35.6.2. Before hoisting of equipment or personnel with a newly installed wire rope, the wire rope shall be examined: 35.6.2.a. Wherever wear is evident;35.6.2.b. Where the hoist rope rests on sheaves at regular stopping points;35.6.2.c. Where the hoist rope leaves the drum at regular stopping points; and35.6.2.d. At drum crossover and change-of-layer regions.35.6.3. At least once every one hundred eighty (180) calendar days, nondestructive tests shall be conducted of the active length of the rope, and rope diameter measurements shall be made at least once every ninety (90) calendar days.35.6.4. The person making the measurements or nondestructive tests as required by Subsection 35.6.3. of this Section shall record the measurements or test results and the date. This record shall be retained until the rope is retired from service. 35.7. Load end attachments. 35.7.1. Wire rope shall be attached to the load by a method that develops at least eighty (80) percent of the nominal strength of the rope. 35.7.2. Except for terminations where use of other materials is a design feature, zinc (spelter) shall be used for socketing wire ropes. Design feature means either the manufacturer's original design or a design approved by a registered professional engineer.35.7.3. Load end attachment methods using splices are prohibited.35.8. Drug end attachment. 35.8.1. For drum end attachment, wire rope shall be attached: 35.8.1.a. Securely by clips after making one (1) full turn around the drum spoke;35.8.1.b. Securely by clips after making one (1) full turn around the shaft, if the drum is fixed to the shaft; or 35.8.1.c. By properly assembled anchor bolts, clamps, or wedges, provided that the attachment is a design feature of the hoist drum. Design feature means either the manufacturer's original design or a design approved by a registered professional engineer.35.8.2. A minimum of three (3) full turns of wire rope shall be on the drum when the rope is extended to its maximum working length.