Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 21-1-4 - Education, Training and Experience4.1. Registration of licensed and/or accredited education institutions and courses of study. 4.1.a. A licensed or accredited educational institution offering any courses of study for the purpose of qualifying applicants for licensure as a nursing home administrator shall first submit the courses of study to the Board for approval. In order for a course of study to be approved, it shall cover those subjects contained on the written national examination as provided for in section 3.4. of this rule.4.2. Continuing Education. 4.2.a. Every licensed administrator shall obtain, annually, at least 20 clock hours of continuing education, through programs approved by the Board or by the National Association of Boards of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS).4.2.a.1. Emeritus Status Administrators shall obtain, annually, at least 10 clock hours of continuing education approved as provided in subsection 4.2.a. of this rule.4.2.b. A licensee seeking continuing education hours for completion of a college course in health care administration may submit to the Board the syllabus of the completed course along with a copy of the official transcript verifying the final grade received. The Board may approve one credited college course hour, to be applied as 10 continuing education hours.4.3. Practical Training and Experience; 1000 hour AIT Program.4.3.a. Prior to entering the 1,000 hour nursing home AIT program for the purpose of obtaining practical training and experience, the applicant shall apply for the AIT permit on a form prescribed by the Board, and submit a fee of $600 payable by certified check or money order to the Board.4.3.b. The Board shall not approve an application for an AIT permit unless the applicant submits evidence satisfactory to the Board that he or she meets all pre-examination requirements under this rule and that: 4.3.b.1. The training is under the full-time supervision of a fully licensed nursing home administrator who has been licensed and practicing for at least three years in West Virginia for at least the preceding year. The nursing home administrator must be approved by the Board as a preceptor, and accept the responsibility of training the applicant;4.3.b.2. The training is of a grade and character satisfactory to the Board;4.3.b.3. The training is to be obtained in a licensed nursing home which has been approved by the Board;4.3.b.4. The trainee agreement form provided by the Board is signed by the nursing home AIT and the preceptor and submitted to the Board for approval; and4.3.b.5. The nursing home AIT has no outside employment during training hours or thereafter unless the employment is known of and approved by the preceptor.4.3.c. Progress Report. 4.3.c.1. A preceptor of an AIT shall file quarterly forms provided by the Board and shall set forth an accurate record of the duties performed by the AIT during the period covered by the report.4.3.c.2. Every report filed by the preceptor of the nursing home AIT shall be approved and signed by the preceptor and by the AIT.4.3.c.3. If a preceptor of an AIT fails to file quarterly reports for a period of two years from the date of issuance of the in-training permit, the Board shall consider that the AIT has abandoned his or her practical training and experience. If the AIT thereafter seeks to qualify for a nursing home administrator license, the Board shall consider him or her as a new applicant, with no portion of training completed. The applicant shall meet the requirements for qualification for training, examination, and licensure that exist at the time of the new application.4.3.c.4. A nursing home AIT may take two weeks leave each year for compulsory military training, vacation, or sick leave without loss of credit for his or her required practical training and experience.4.3.c.5. If an AIT discontinues his or her training, the preceptor and the AIT shall report the discontinuance of the AIT Program to the Board, within 30 days after the discontinuance.4.3.c.6. A change of preceptor of the nursing home AIT in any nursing home shall be reported to the Board in writing by the preceptor and the AIT within 10 days after the change of the supervision. The new administrator of the nursing home, if willing to continue the training program of the AIT, must meet the qualifications of a preceptor as required in this rule and shall obtain Board approval.4.3.c.7. The Board shall allow an AIT whose training and experience is interrupted by service in the Armed Forces of the United States, to resume his or her training and experience at any time within one year after the date of his or her honorable discharge from active service.4.3.c.8. The period for the training program as an AIT shall last for a period of not more than 1000 hours and shall be under the supervision of a preceptor who has been approved by the Board.4.3.c.9. Alternating and rotating shifts and working hours may be approved by the Board as being acceptable upon request by the AIT: Provided, That at least 50% of the training hours will be served between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. in regular steady, full time employment under the personal supervision of the nursing home administrator preceptor at the nursing home in which the nursing home AIT is employed; the preceptor will provide full-time supervision for the AIT; and the supervision is provided in the nursing home where the trainee is employed.4.3.c.10. If the Board determines that a preceptor has failed to provide the AIT with the opportunity to adequately train him or herself under the proper supervision in the administrative and operating functions of the nursing home, the Board shall cancel the preceptor's authorization to serve as preceptor, for a period of time prescribed by the Board.4.3.c.11. When the preceptor's authorization is cancelled, the AIT's program shall be suspended or a partial program shall be accepted until such time as the AIT locates another qualified preceptor who is approved by the Board, after which time the AIT's training shall continue.4.3.c.12. After an applicant for licensure completes the AIT program and before he or she sits for the licensing examination, the Board may appoint a committee to determine if the applicant has received training consistent with the guidelines established by the Board.4.3.c.13. After completion of the AIT Program, the AIT shall pay all additional fees referred to in subdivision 3.1.c. of this rule.