Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 190-2-12 - Inactive Status12.1. Only a licensed or certified appraiser who is in good standing and not the subject of a pending complaint or disciplinary action may place his or her license or certification on inactive status.12.2. An apprentice is not eligible for inactive status.12.3. A licensed or certified real estate appraiser on inactive status may not engage in the practice of real estate appraisal but may still consider himself or herself as an appraiser.12.4. A licensed or certified appraiser may remain on inactive status for no more than five (5) years if he or she pays the annual fee for inactive status: Provided, that for an appraiser on inactive status on December 31, 2014, the five (5) year period shall begin on January 1, 2015. The appraiser's license or certification shall expire at the end of the five (5) year period, and the appraiser may not engage in the practice of real estate appraisal unless the board grants a new license or certification under this rule.12.5. An appraiser may reactivate a license or certification by paying the fee established by the board for an active license or certificate in his or her classification and verifying to the board that he or she completed, for each licensure year of inactive status, the continuing education required by Legislative Rule 190CSR3, "Renewal of License or Certification". To reactivate an unexpired license or certification, a licensed or certified appraiser shall:12.5.a. Pay the reactivation fee established by the board for the license or certification;12.5.b. Submit documentation that the appraiser has completed each new USPAP cycle during inactive status, the current West Virginia Law course and, for each licensure year of inactive status, all other continuing education required by Legislative Rule 190CSR3, "Renewal of License or Certification"; and12.5.c. Submit to, and pay for the actual costs of, a state and national criminal history record check as set forth in subsection 4.5 of this rule, for the purpose of determining whether the appraiser has been charged with, indicted for or convicted of a crime that may bear upon the appraiser's fitness to hold a license.W. Va. Code R. § 190-2-12