Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 177-1-4 - Licenses4.1. General. -- The Commission at its discretion may issue a license to promote, conduct or hold professional boxing or sparring matches and exhibitions to any individual, club, corporation or association eligible for a license under this chapter.4.2. Application requirements. 4.2.a. All applications for a license shall be signed by the applicant and verified by an official of the Commission. In making application for such license, the applicant shall set forth such facts as this rule may require.4.2.b. Each application for license of professional boxer shall be accompanied by two (2) passport size photographs of the applicant.4.3. Requirements for granting or renewing license. Before being granted a license or license renewal the applicant must establish to the satisfaction of the Commission that he or she:
4.3.a. Is skilled in the profession of boxing;4.3.b. Is of good moral character;4.3.c. Is physically fit and mentally sound;4.3.d. Has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;4.3.e. Will conduct his business in the best interest and welfare of the public, preserving the safety and health of participants and the best interest of professional boxing;4.3.f. Will adhere to and comply with all rules;4.3.g. In the case of a corporate applicant, these factors shall pertain to its officers, directors, principal stockholders and employees; and4.3.h. Every license and licensee shall be subject to the provisions of W. Va. Code § 29-5A-1et seq.4.4. Suspensions, revocation or probation of license or licensee. -- The Commission shall have the additional authority and power to suspend, revoke or place on probation the license of any licensee licensed under this rule, who in the discretion of the Commission:4.4.a. Is guilty of failure to obey any lawful order of the Commission or any inspector thereof;4.4.b. Is guilty of gross immorality;4.4.c. Is unfit or incompetent by reason of negligence;4.4.d. Is guilty of violating any provision of this rule;4.4.e. Has committed fraud or deceit in securing a license for himself or another, or by falsifying application;4.4.f. Has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude in any jurisdiction within one year preceding the suspension or revocation and such conviction not previously reported to the commission by said licensee;4.4.g. Is an habitual drunkard or addicted to the use of narcotics, as determined by a physician;4.4.h. Is or has become mentally incompetent, as determined by a physician;4.4.i. Is or has been guilty of unprofessional or unethical conduct or such conduct as to require a suspension or revocation of license in the best interest of the public;4.4.j. Has failed to furnish the proper party a copy of any contract or agreement required by this rule or has breached such contract;4.4.k. Has loaned or permitted another person to use his license or has borrowed or used the license of another;4.4.l. Has failed to maintain in force the bond required by this rule;4.4.m. Has by act or omission conducted himself or herself in a manner which would tend to be detrimental to the best interests of boxing or to the public interest and general welfare;4.4.n. Has been disciplined in any manner by the Commission or similar agency or body of any jurisdiction;4.4.o. Has failed to pay a fine or forfeiture imposed by this rule;4.4.p. Has by any act, threat, statement or otherwise, restrained, hindered, interfered with or prevented another applicant or promoter, club, corporation, association or booking agent from presenting any professional boxing or amateur boxing within the State of West Virginia; or4.4.q. Has engaged directly or indirectly in restraints or monopolies, or taken any action tending to create or establish restraints or monopolies, or conspired with others to restrain any person or persons from participating or competing in any professional boxing or amateur boxing for any promoter, club, corporation, association or booking agent.4.5. License fees.4.5.a. Promoters (1 year) - $125.004.5.b. Professional Boxer (1 year) - $25.004.5.c. Semi-Professional Boxer - $10.004.5.d. Seconds and Trainers - $20.004.5.e. Managers, Professional (no charge amateur) - $50.004.5.f. Referees and other Officials - $30.004.5.g. Amateur Boxers -- $20.004.6. -- Each amateur club must register one (1) manager and two (2) seconds. There will be no fees required for an amateur manager. Each manager of an amateur contestant must meet the requirements for a license and register with the Commission. There will only be two (2) people at ringside during an amateur boxing match.