W. Va. Code R. § 164-2-2

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 164-2-2 - Funding School Building Authority Projects
2.1. Matching Funds. With exception of School Access Safety Funds, no matching local funds shall be required to obtain SBA funds, however, each facility plan shall address the history of efforts taken by the county board of education to propose or adopt local school bond and/or special levies for capital improvements.
2.2. Federal Fund. Expenditure of any federal funds designated for construction and/or capital improvements of school facilities shall be approved and administered by the SBA as stated in WV Code. If funds are to be utilized for projects not included in the approved CEFP, the CEFP must first be amended to include the new project.
2.3. Eligibility and Distribution of Funds. It is the intent of the legislature that the SBA fund the improvement and construction of school facilities to meet the needs of the people of West Virginia in an efficient and economical manner. To be eligible for funding, educational agencies must have on file in the SBA office an approved CEFP and all required pre-qualification data for any particular funding category from which funding is being requested. Failure to provide this information or project proposals by the deadlines established by the Authority will eliminate the submitted project from consideration. These funds shall be distributed as follows:
2.3.A. Multi-County / Statewide Grants. Ten percent (10%) of the total funds available to the Authority for distribution from the school construction fund during any funding cycle may be utilized for projects. Facilities eligible for Multi-County / Statewide Grant funding:
2.3.A.1. Must serve the statewide educational community,
2.3.A.2. House educational programs under the jurisdiction of the WVBE, or
2.3.A.3. House vocational programs at comprehensive high schools and/or vocational schools cooperating with community and technical college programs. Any project funded must be included in an approved ten-year facilities plan submitted by the State Board or Administrative Board of the facility. Projects submitted must include any and all other funding sources potentially available for the project. Grant funds shall expire based on a three-year contractual agreement between the SBA and the grantee.
2.3.B. Emergency Funds. Funds amounting to no more than two percent (2%) of the total funds available for distribution from school construction funds shall be set aside as an emergency fund to be distributed in emergency situations as defined by the Authority. Grants shall be awarded in accordance with guidelines established by the Authority. Grant funds shall expire based on a three-year contractual agreement between the SBA and the grantee.
2.3.C. Planning Grants. Effective and efficient use of resources can best be assured through appropriate development of the ten-year Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan required in WVBE Policy 6200. Therefore, if funds are deemed available, the SBA may provide grants to assist counties with the development of their CEFP for the successive ten-year planning period. These grants will be made available only during the final two years of each ten-year planning period. Planning grants will be used to assist the county boards and area vocational centers with a portion of the cost for professional services associated with the research and development of the ten-year CEFP. The SBA will establish the amount available for distribution prior to each ten-year planning cycle.
2.3.D. School Construction Grant "Needs". The remaining monies determined by the Authority to be available for distribution from school construction funds shall be allocated and expended on the basis of needs and efficient use of resources. The SBA shall make funding determinations in accordance with the provisions of the Code of West Virginia and shall assess existing school facilities and each facilities plan in relation to the needs of the individual student, general school population, the communities served by the facilities and facility needs statewide. Grant funds shall expire based on a three-year contractual agreement between the SBA and the grantee and may be extended up to two years at the discretion of the SBA.
2.3.E. Major Improvement Program Grants. Funds appropriated by the legislature to the school major improvement fund shall be distributed by the SBA on the basis of need. These funds are for major renovation or rehabilitation of existing facilities and for additions to existing schools. Grants to counties from the major improvement fund are for projects of at least $50,000 but not exceeding $1,000,000. A county may be eligible for major improvement funds provided:
2.3.E.1. The county has an approved Major Improvement Plan (MIP).
2.3.F. School Access Safety Grant. Funds appropriated by the legislature to the School Access Safety Fund shall be distributed by the SBA based on the availability of funding. These funds are for improvements of school access safety and will be distributed in accordance with SBA Policy provided the county board is in compliance with all requirements.

W. Va. Code R. § 164-2-2