Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 153-1-5 - Required formatting5.1. Margins shall be set at 0.5 inch for the top and bottom, and 1 inch for the left and right.5.2. Document shall be set at one column.5.3. Font shall be Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri.5.4. Text size shall be 11 for the body of the rule.5.5. All rules shall have a header containing the title and series number of the rule (example 153CSR1). 5.5.1. Header shall be centered on the top of each page.5.5.2. Header shall be in text size 10 and bolded.5.6. All rules shall have a footer containing the page number.5.6.1. Footer shall be centered on the bottom of each page.5.6.2. Footer shall be in text size 11 and bolded.5.7. Tabs shall be set at every .25-inch spaces.5.8. Every rule shall begin with an introduction that includes the title number, type of rule, name of agency (followed by double space), series number and name of rule. The information shall be centered, bolded, in all capital letters and laid out as follows: TITLE NUMBER (example TITLE 153)
5.8.1. Double space and start the first section of the rule.5.9. Section headings shall contain the title number, series number, section number, and name of the section. (Example: § 153-1-5. Formatting.) 5.9.1. Section headings shall be bolded.5.9.2. Section headings shall start at the left margin and be spaced as follows: §(title #)-(series #)-(section#).(2 spaces) Name of section.
5.10. Section 1 of every rule shall be called "General". This section is reserved for information regarding the circumstances of filing the rule. It shall contain the scope of the rule, the cite authority in W. Va. Code that authorizes the writing of the rule, the filing date, the effective date (for an example, refer to section 1 of this rule). All Legislative rules, except those specifically exempted, must include the sunset provision (see 5.10.3 of this rule). 5.10.1. The numbering and spacing shall be as follows:5.10.1.a. (tab) 1.1.(2 spaces)Scope.(2 spaces)(2 dashes) (2 spaces) Briefly explain the scope of the rule. (2 line returns)5.10.1.b. (tab) 1.2.(2 spaces)Authority.(2 spaces)(2 dashes)(2 spaces) W. Va. Code §(code section). (2 line returns)5.10.1.c. (tab) 1.3.(2 spaces)Filing Date.(2 spaces)(2 dashes)(2 spaces) Final file date. (2 line returns)5.10.1.d. (tab) 1.4.(2 spaces)Effective Date.(2 spaces)(2 dashes)(2 spaces) Effective date of rule. (2 line returns)5.10.2. The filing date and effective date will be added upon final filing the rule. Prior to that, if it is a new rule, these fields will be blank. If it is an amendment to an existing rule, the dates shall be struck through. 5.10.2.a. The filing date is the date the rule is final filed in the eRules system and cannot be back dated. If filed after daily office hours, use the next day's date.5.10.2.b. The effective date of the rule depends on the type of rule. This date cannot be backdated and is not the same as any authorizing bill dates.5.10.2.b.1. For legislative rules under the review authority of LRMRC or LOCEA, the effective date can be the day it is final filed, or a date specified in the authorizing bill, or a date not to exceed ninety (90) days from the final filing date (see W. Va. Code §§ 29A-3-13 or 29A-3A-14).5.10.2.b.2. For legislative-exempt, procedural and interpretive rules, the effective date can be thirty (30) days after final filing, not to exceed sixty (60) days after final filing (see W. Va. Code §§ 29A-3-8, 29A-3A-9, 29A-3B-8).5.10.3. All Legislative rules, except for those specifically exempted, shall include a sunset provision (see W. Va. Code §§ 29A-3-19, 29A-3A-20). This shall be numbered 1.5. in the General section and called "Sunset Provision". 5.10.3.a. For all filings prior to the final filing, the language used will be as prescribed by LRMRC or LOCEA.5.10.3.b. New rules will expire on August 1, 5 years after being promulgated (see W. Va. Code §§ 29A-3-19(a), 29A-3A-20(a)).5.10.3.c. For an amendment to an existing rule, the number of years until expiration will be determined by the agency and LRMRC or LOCEA (see W. Va. Code § 29A-3-19(b), 29A-3A-20(b)).5.10.3.d. Upon final filing the rule, the language shall include the approved date.5.11. Underlining shall indicate language to be added to a rule. There shall be no underlining of text except to indicate new language to be added to an existing series. New rules must be completely underlined.5.12. Strike-throughs shall indicate language to be deleted from a rule. Repealed legislative rules shall be completely struck-through (see W. Va. Code § 29A-3-1a(b)).5.13. "Track changes" shall not be used in rule filings. This could cause the rule to appear incorrectly online in the rules database. This is the responsibility of the eRules user.5.14. Capitalization shall be used only for proper names, the first word in a sentence, abbreviations which are routinely capitalized, or as necessary for words defined by the rule. Do not capitalize for emphasis.5.15. "Repeal and Replace" should not be used routinely in rule filing. This is only for proposing major changes to an existing rule involving the majority of sections. 5.15.1. Repealing and replacing a legislative rule requires prior approval from LRMRC or LOCEA. 5.15.1.a. Upon LRMRC or LOCEA approval, a repealer clause shall be added to the "General" section of the rule as The repealer clause shall state the rule to be repealed by its citation, name, filing date and effective date. (Example: This legislative rule repeals and replaces 153CSR999 "Documents Filed in the Secretary of State's Office" filed April 1, 2011 and effective April 1, 2011.)5.15.2. The repealed and replaced rule will be filed by the procedures outlined in this rule.5.16. The repeal of a legislative rule shall complete the full rulemaking process.5.16.1. A notice of public comment period shall be filed with the rule. The rule will be completely struck through, and the accompanying form will be checked indicating that the rule is to be repealed.5.16.2. The struck through rule and attached notice will be filed with LRMRC or LOCEA.5.16.3. Upon approval from the Legislature and the signature of the Governor on the authorizing bill, the rule shall be final filed.5.16.4. The final filed rule shall include the header and introduction (see 5.8 of this rule) with all of the struck-through language removed from the rule and replaced with the following language:5.16.4.a. This rule was repealed by (list the house or senate bill), effective (effective date of bill).5.17. When repealing a legislative-exempt, procedural, or interpretive rule, a letter signed by the agency head will be filed. The letter will indicate the name of the agency, the title and series number of the rule, the name of the rule, the effective date of the rule, and the date the repeal will be effective.5.18. An agency shall file the full text of a rule when proposing an amendment to an existing rule (see W. Va. Code §§ 29A-3-1a(a), 29A-3-5 and 29A-3-11(a)(1), 29A-3A-6, 29A-3A-12, 29A-3B-5, 29A-3B-9).5.19. The numbering of an item in a rule shall end with a period followed by two spaces. Double space between numerated items.5.20. Indentions shall be made using tab (see 5.7. of this rule).5.21. Tables, charts, diagrams, etc. that are included as part of a rule, shall be named as "Table," "Chart," "Diagram," etc. followed by the title number and series number of the rule in which they are located. For multiples, a letter beginning with attachment "A" for the first table, chart diagram, etc.; attachment "B" for the second table, chart, diagram, etc. and so on.5.22. A decimal and alphanumeric outline format shall be used with indentions for breakdowns of rule provisions. Each breakdown will add an indention and either a number or letter. 5.22.1. Section headings shall start at the left margin and shall contain the title number, series number, section number, and name of section (see 5.9. of this rule).5.22.2. Subsection number shall be indented once and shall contain the section heading number and numeration (Example: 6.1.).5.22.3. Subdivision shall be indented twice and shall contain the heading number, subsection number and numerated subdivision number (Example: 6.1.1.).5.22.4. Paragraph breakdown shall be indented three times and contain the heading number, subsection number, numerated subdivision number followed by lower case lettering. (Example: 6.1.1.a.).5.22.5. Subparagraph breakdown shall be indented 4 times and contain the heading number, subsection number, numerated subdivision number, lettering followed by numeration. (Example: 6.1.1.a.1.).5.22.6. Part breakdown shall be indented 5 times and contain the heading number, subsection number, numerated subdivision number, lettering, numeration followed by a capital letter. (Example: 6.1.1.a.1.A.).5.22.7. Subpart breakdown shall be indented 6 times and contain the heading number, subsection number, numerated subdivision number, lettering, numeration, capital letter followed by a number. (Example: 6.1.1.a.1.A.1.).5.22.8. Item breakdown shall be indented 7 times and contain the heading number, subsection number, numerated subdivision number, lettering, numeration, capital letter, number followed by a lower case letter in parenthesis. (Example: 6.1.1.a.1.A.1.(a)).5.22.9. Subitem breakdown shall be indented 8 times and contain the heading number, subsection number, numerated subdivision number, lettering, numeration, capital letter, lower case letter in parenthesis followed be a number in parenthesis. (Example: 6.1.1.a.1.A.1.(a)(1)).5.22.10. Sub- subitem breakdown shall be indented 9 times and include the heading number, subsection number, numerated subdivision number, lettering, numeration, capital letter, lower case letter in parenthesis, number in parenthesis followed by a capital letter in parenthesis. (Example: 6.1.1.a.1.A.1.(a)(1)(A)).5.23. For a full example of proper text breakdown, see the table below.