W. Va. Code R. § 150-2-20

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 150-2-20 - Information to be Submitted with Filing of Tariff or Application to Initiate or Change Rates
20.1. (Historical Rule 42). The information required by this rule represents die MINIMUM data that must accompany all tariff filings, applications for authority to change rates and charges or applications for approval of initial rates unless the Commission grants a waiver of this requirement or the filing is exempt as provided herein. If a utility fails to comply with this rule the tariff filing or application may be dismissed by the Commission. Each utility, at the time it files a tariff or application for initial rates or changes in rates shall present the proposed tariff, schedules and exhibits upon which it intends to rely in support of its application or filing. Such tariff schedules and exhibits shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the minimum requirements outlined in Statements A to G, inclusive. A utility should be fully prepared to explain and support its application on die date of filing. Filing of testimony in support of die application is permitted on the date of filing. If testimony is not filed with die tariff filing or application, the Commission may require the filing of testimony in support of the filing.
20.1.1. Deletion of any required schedule as outlined in this rule may cause the Commission to dismiss the tariff filing.
20.1.1.a. Provided, this rule may be waived for good cause where the proposed tariff provision has a de minimis financial impact, change in practices, a rate reduction, or removal of an obsolete rate or provision. Requests for waiver for good cause in these categories shall be accompanied by explanatory information including the reasons for die proposed change; the class or classes of customers affected; the net financial effect of the proposed change; and a verification of such information by an appropriate company official.
20.1.1.b. Provided further, the provisions of Tariff Rule 20.1. et seq. (Historical Rule 42) shall not apply to filings to institute;
(1) bad check charges,
(2) delayed payment penalties,
(3) disconnect and reconnect charges,
(4) private fire protection fees,
(5) leak adjustment rates,
(6) storm water surcharges,
(7) for sewer utilities only, unusual waste surcharges,
(8) charges for optional services which have no adverse impact on customers who do not choose to use the new service; and
(9) accelerated rate proceedings allowed under these rules.
20.1.1.c. Provided further, that die Tariff Rule 20.1. (Historical Rule 42) information filed by a public service district need not include Statement A, Schedule 3, Statement A, Schedule 5, and Statement B and die Statement B schedules. The Statement C, Amortization Schedule may be limited to annual (not monthly) data for die test year and subsequent years for which die annual total principal and interest requirements change. Furthermore, die following modifications apply to Tariff Rule 20.1. (Historical Rule 42) information filed by public service districts;
20.1.2. Statement C, Amortization Schedule(s) - If the total annual principal and interest payments are levelized over die life of die bonds, it shall be sufficient to show the levelized payment amount with a notation that the amortization is levelized over the life of the bonds;
20.1.3. Statement C, Bond Documents - If die public service district filed final bond ordinances or agreements in a prior Commission rate case(s), it shall be sufficient to provide a notation regarding the prior filing(s); and
20.1.4. Statement F, Schedule 2 -- In lieu of a standard Sources and Uses of Funds with reconciliation to increases and decreases in asset and liability accounts, the public service district shall use this schedule to show the cash flows under present and proposed rates based on the going-level and proforma income statement accounts and debt service requirements, and the level of coverage and cash surplus available to meet capital expenditure requirements under present and proposed rates. The public service district shall provide an additional page or pages to this Schedule showing historical nominal capital expenditures for construction, funds provided by debt, grants or other contributions in aid of construction, over die past five years. The net expenditures funded from internal cash flow should be adjusted to a real basis into the first year new rates will be in effect using a reasonable and fully explained inflation factor. The annual average of the inflation adjusted net capital expenditures will be the basis for determining revenue requirements unless adjustments are proposed and supported by any party to die case. If die public service district represents that it has additional capital requirements above the historical levels, the district shall also provide quantification and justification for additional capital expenditures above die historical, inflation adjusted average.
20.1.5. Utilities that are political subdivisions of the state must maintain a minimum cash working capital reserve that is no less than one-eighth of its actual annual Operation and Maintenance Expenses. Any utility that is a political subdivision of the state and that is subject to the initial ratemaking jurisdiction of the Commission or may be subject to a Commission review of rates established by its governing bodies, shall, at the time it files its tariff application for initial rates or change in rates, or, in the case of a locally rate regulated utility, at die time it files information supporting a rate change approved by its governing bodies, clearly set out die increment, if any, included in its proposed rates that will be used to fund its statutory minimum cash working capital reserve in compliance with W. Va. Code § 24-1-l(k), and the derivation of that rate increment. The utility may propose any method of achieving and maintaining no less than die required minimum cash working capital reserve that may include but is not limited to, a combination of a loan or loans, a grant or grants, and funding the reserve through an initial or continuing rate increment.
20.2. Test Period; Actual audited or finally closed experience for die most recent 12 month period ending on a calendar quarter available shall be used in preparing Statements A to G, inclusive. All adjustments for known and measurable changes in revenues and costs shall be clearly and fully explained. If the utility has been in operation less than twelve (12) months, estimates covering die period in which actual experience was not available, may be used in preparing the statements. The bases, procedures and data used to prepare such estimates shall be submitted in such detail as to permit ready analysis of the estimates.
20.2.1. Filings shall be in such form and content so as to provide the Commission sufficient information with which to evaluate the request of the applicant. Information shown in the financial statements (prior to adjustments) shall originate from the applicant's general records (general ledger and/or subledgers).
20.2.2. The information required by this Rule shall be furnished as a minimum requirement. Other information shall be provided as deemed appropriate by die applicant or as requested by the Commission.
20.2.3. An original and six (6) copies of the filing shall be submitted to die Commission. Additional copies shall be supplied to the Commission upon the request of the Commission's Executive Secretary.
20.2.4. An Investor owned utility shall include a copy of its most recent annual report to stockholders with its filing. The most recent annual report to stockholders of its parent company shall also be filed.
20.2.5. The format for financial statements and supporting schedules shown in this rule must be followed.
20.2.6. The prescribed forms of statements and supporting schedules for utilities whose operations do not require apportionment of cost of service between jurisdictions are contained in Tariff Form No. 42.
20.2.7. The prescribed forms for multi-jurisdictional utilities are contained in Tariff Form No. 42-MJ.
20.3. Statement A - Statement of Income
20.3.1 This statement develops the net income (loss) for the test year upon which die need for rate relief is to be measured. Statement A is a summary statement and must be supported by detailed schedules as provided herein.
20.3.1.a. Per books data shown on this statement as well as on supporting schedules must agree with the company's books of account.
20.3.1.b. Accounting adjustments should be used to correct accounting errors.
20.3.1.c. Going-level adjustments should be used to annualize the effect of significant changes that occurred during the test year but which were not reflected for the full twelve month period, and to reflect the effect of known and measurable changes in revenue and expense levels following the end of die test year. Consideration of items treated differently for ratemaking purposes than for bookkeeping purposes should also be reflected as going-level adjustments.
20.3.1.d. Pro forma adjustments should be used only to reflect the effect of the proposed rates on revenues and any related expense changes.
20.3.2. Statement A - Schedule 1. This schedule details operating revenues shown on Statement A. Revenues must be shown by account number.
20.3.3. Statement A - Schedule 2. This schedule details operating expenses shown on Statement A. Expenses must be shown by account number.
20.3.4. Statement A - Schedule 3. This schedule will show depreciation expense as reflected on the utility's books for die test period and any accounting or going-level adjustments that are appropriate. The going-level depreciation expense must be supported by a detailed calculation showing average test year plant balances, annual depreciation rates approved by this Commission and the annual depreciation resulting from such plant balances and depreciation rates, and the amount of depreciation accrued per books.
20.3.4.a. Changes in depreciation rates that have been previously approved by the Commission but that were not fully reflected in test year depreciation would result in proper going-level adjustments; however, filings under this rule should not reflect changes in depreciation rates not submitted for the Commission's approval in a separate filing.
20.3.5. Statement A - Schedule 4. This schedule must detail by type and state all taxes other than state and federal income taxes. Federal taxes, other than income, must also be shown on this schedule.
20.3.6. Statement A - Schedule 5. This schedule will contain the detail of die calculation of state and federal income tax for the test year as well as at adjusted levels. For corporations the per books adjusted tax calculation must contain detail of each statutory adjustment assuming all provisions that would be applicable during company's normal tax year would also apply to the test year. If there is any difference between the current provision for state or federal income tax as calculated on this schedule and die income tax recorded on the books for die test year such difference must be fully explained in an attachment to this schedule.
20.3.6.a. Any utility which participates in a consolidated state or federal income tax return must disclose such participation on this schedule. Savings arising from the filing of a federal consolidated tax return shall, for purposes of rate consideration before this Commission, be stated as a percentage of tax on a separate return basis. When a consolidated and/or multi-jurisdictional state tax return is applicable, the calculation of the tax liability must be included on the face of die statement or as a separate schedule.
20.3.6.b. If (because of "normalization" of timing differences between book and tax deductions, deferral of tax credits or any other reason) die provision for state or federal income tax calculated at going-level and/or proforma is different than a "flow through" calculation the effect of the difference must be fully disclosed and clearly explained on this schedule.
20.3.6.c. Supplemental sheets to this schedule must be filed containing pertinent data from consolidated state and federal income tax returns for the five most recent tax years available. Information required on such supplemental sheets must include the following;
20.3.6.d. A listing showing the name of companies participating in each consolidated return and the contribution of each company to die consolidated taxable income or (loss).
20.3.6.e. Operating loss carry forwards (or carry backs) included in each company's consolidated basis taxable income.
20.3.6.f. Capital gains and/or (losses) included in each company's consolidated basis taxable income.
20.3.6.g. Total state and federal income tax for the consolidation.
20.3.6.h. Tax on capital gains and/or (losses) included in total consolidated tax. This data should be detailed for each company.
20.3.6.i. Difference between depreciation expenses included for tax purposes and book straight line depreciation.
20.3.6.j. Taxable income on a separate return basis for each company and a reconciliation of the differences between taxable income on a separate return and consolidated return basis.
20.3.7. Statement A - Schedule 6 - This schedule must detail other income shown on Statement A Other income must be shown by account number and classification set out in the applicable uniform system of accounts prescribed by this Commission.
20.3.8. Statement A - Schedule 7 - This schedule must detail other income deductions shown on Statement A. Other income deductions must be shown by account number and classification set out in the applicable uniform system of accounts prescribed by this Commission.
20.4. Statement B - Average Rate Base - This statement is a summary of the rate base components detailed in supporting schedules to Statement B. Publicly owned water and sewer utilities are not required to file Statement B and its supporting schedules. The average balance for each rate base component shall be determined by totaling die balance at the beginning of the test year and the balance at the end of each month of the test year and dividing such total by thirteen. An average rate base must be developed and filed as a part of the financial data required by this rule. Departure from the development of an average rate base or inclusion of items not specifically shown herein shall be unacceptable; however, such departures may be shown in supplemental exhibits which must be filed in a separate addendum to the financial data prescribed herein. Any such exhibits should include a complete description of the proposed departure from prescribed rate base development and a clear explanation of the underlying reasons indicating justification for such departure.
20.4.1. Statement B - Schedule 1 - This schedule provides a detail of Utility Plant in Service by account number and classification prescribed by this Commission in the applicable uniform system of accounts. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to die explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.2. Statement B - Schedule 2 - This schedule provides a detail of plant held for future use by account number and classification prescribed by this Commission in the applicable uniform system of accounts. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to die explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.3. Statement B - Schedule 3 - This schedule provides a detail of Unclassified Plant. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.4. Statement B - Schedule 4 - This schedule provides a detail of Construction Work in Progress - Completed by account number and classification prescribed by this Commission in the applicable uniform system of accounts. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.5. Statement B - Schedule 5 - This schedule provides a detail of Materials and Supplies by account number and classifications prescribed by this Commission in the applicable uniform system of accounts. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to die explanation of adjustments on Statement G. This schedule shall also include accounts 151 Fuel Stock, 152 Fuel Stock Expense Undistributed, 154 Plant Materials and Operating Supplies, 163 Stores Expense Undistributed, 164.1 Gas Stored Underground-Current, 164.2 Liquefied Natural Gas Stored, and 164.3 Liquefied Natural Gas Held for Processing.
20.4.6. Statement B - Schedule 6 - This schedule provides a detail of Prepayments by account number and classification prescribed by this Commission in the applicable uniform system of accounts. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G. Prepayments will not be allowed unless a working cash allowance calculation demonstrates that prepayments are not offset by negative working cash.
20.4.7. Statement B - Schedule? - If a utility is requesting working cash allowance to be included in rate base then die utility must provide Statement B - Schedule 7. This schedule must provide detail of the calculations of a working cash allowance to be included in the average rate base. Any request for inclusion of working cash in rate base must be fully explained and supported.
20.4.8. Statement B - Schedule 8 - This schedule provides a detail of Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization by account number and classification prescribed by this Commission in die applicable uniform system of accounts. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.9. Statement B - Schedule 9 - This schedule provides a detail of Retirement-Work-in-Progress. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to die explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.10. Statement B - Schedule 10 - This schedule provides a detail of Contributions-in-Aid-of-Construction. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in the prescribed form).

Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to die explanation of adjustments on Statement G.

20.4.11. Statement B - Schedule 11 - This schedule provides a detail of Customers' Advances for Construction. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in die prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to die explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.12. Statement B - Schedule 12 - This schedule provides a detail of Customers' Deposits. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.13. Statement B - Schedule 13 - This schedule provides a detail of Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes. Detail should be provided separately for state and federal balances, by nature of the deferral, for both debit and credit balances. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.14. Statement B - Schedule 14 - This schedule provides a detail of Deferred Investment Tax Credits. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to die explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.15. Statement B - Schedule 15 - This schedule provides a detail of Other Deferred Debits applicable to rate base not provided elsewhere. Detail should be provided separately by nature of the item. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.4.16. Statement B - Schedule 16 - This schedule provides a detail of Other Deferred Credits applicable to rate base not provided elsewhere. Detail should be provided separately by nature of the item. Adjustments should be individually listed (as indicated in prescribed form). Alternatively, additional columns may be added following those prescribed to present adjustments in a format similar to that for revenues and expenses. All adjustments must include a reference to the explanation of adjustments on Statement G.
20.5. Statement C - Detail of Equity and/or Debt Capital - The information required by this Statement shall vary depending on die ownership of die filing utility.
20.5.1. The following information must be submitted by all publicly-owned utilities. This statement must detail all long term debt outstanding as of die end of the test year. In addition, if the rate relief requested in the filing for which this statement is supplied is wholly or partially based on expected future debt offerings, that fact must be noted on this statement and estimated (actual, if available) data pertaining to the proposed debt issue or issues must be included on this statement.

For each outstanding or proposed debt offering (as described above) the following data must be supplied.

20.5.1.a. Title of issue or brief description of purpose.
20.5.1.b. Date of issuance and date or dates of maturity.
20.5.1.c. Coupon interest rate.
20.5.1.d. Net amount realized from issue, as follows;

Principal Amount


Plus premium or (less discount)




Underwriters discount or commission


Trustees fees


Counsel fees


Accountant's fees


Other expenses (describe)


Total Deductions


Net Amount Realized


20.5.1.e. Sinking fund information;
20.5.1.e.1. Is a sinking fund maintained for issue? Yes or No.
20.5.1.e.2. If answer to A. is "yes", where or by whom is sinking fund maintained?
20.5.1.e.3. If sinking fund is maintained, supply a statement showing fund balances at beginning of test year, payments into fund during test year, fund earnings for test year, fund disbursements during test year and balances at end of test year. (Fund balances for each issue refers to a breakdown between fund cash and investment balances if applicable.
20.5.1.f. A complete amortization schedule showing annual principal and interest requirements plus annual coverage requirements, if any.
20.5.1.g. A copy of the bond ordinance authorizing the debt issue. If ordinance is not applicable, supply a copy of die bond agreement. (This data need not be incorporated in the exhibit required by this rule, but should be filed as a supplement to Statement C.)
20.5.2. The following information must be submitted by all investor owned utilities. If more than forty-nine percent of the utility's common stock is owned by another corporation the required information under die captions "Common Stock", "Preferred Stock" and "Debt Capital" shall be submitted for both the utility company filing under this rule and its parent company.
20.5.2.a. Common Stock
20.5.2.a.1. List the amount of common stock authorized as of the beginning and end of the test year.
20.5.2.a.2. List the number of shares and capital received from common stock issued and outstanding as of the end of each quarter of the test year and quarterly for the four years immediately preceding the test year.
20.5.2.a.3. List die total common dividends and dividend per share of common stock quarterly for die test year and quarterly for the four years immediately preceding the test year.
20.5.2.a.4. Where applicable, show the quarterly high and low market price of common stock for die test year and quarterly for the four years immediately preceding die test year.
20.5.2.a.5. List the book value per share of common stock for the test year and the four years immediately preceding the test year.
20.5.2.a.6. List the total earnings and earnings per share of common stock for die test year and die four years immediately preceding the test year.
20.5.2.b. Preferred Stock
20.5.2.b.1. List the amount of preferred stock authorized as of die beginning and end of the test year.
20.5.2.b.2. List the number of shares and capital received from preferred stock issued and outstanding as of die end of the test year and each of the four years immediately preceding the test year.
20.5.2.b.3. List die dividend rate for each class of preferred stock listed.
20.5.2.b.4. List the total preferred dividends paid quarterly for the test year and for each of die four years immediately preceding the test year.
20.5.2.b.5. List the terms of preference of all preferred stock including convertible and/or call dates, if any.
20.5.2.c. Debt Capital
20.5.2.c.1. Provide a brief description of each property mortgage giving date of execution, name and address of mortgagee or trustee, amount of indebtedness authorized to be secured thereby, amount of indebtedness actually issued, amount of principal outstanding and interest due and payable as of the end of die test year and a brief description of mortgaged property.
20.5.2.c.2. Provide a schedule of all long-term debt as of die beginning and end of the test year listing number and amount of bonds issued, date of issue, call dates, call provisions, rate of interest, date of maturity and how secured. If convertible debentures are issued and outstanding, list the date between which die conversion privilege may be exercised and die securities into which and the rate at which the conversion may be made.
20.5.2.c.3. Detail all other indebtedness not shown above (including long-term debt rentals and/or capital leases) as of die beginning and end of the test year. The detail should include classification of debt, description of securities, if any, and annual interest rate of each class.
20.5.2.c.4. List the interest paid during the test year on each debt issue, and the weighted average total annual interest rate based on average long-term debt outstanding during the test year and average other indebtedness outstanding during the test year.
20.5.2.d. Other Information Required - (This data need not be incorporated in die exhibit required by this rule, but should be filed as supplements to Statement C.)
20.5.2.d.1. Briefly describe the expected short-term and long-term future capital requirements of the company. This summary should include a brief description of the construction budget for the year following the test year as well as estimated budgets through the end of the third year following the test year. If available, such construction budgets should be shown in sufficient detail to determine the general extent of replacement of revenue producing facilities, expansion involving income producing facilities and non-income producing facilities.
20.5.2.d.2. Briefly outline the expected sources of capital, including internally generated funds, that will finance the expected construction budgets.
20.5.2.d.3. If future capital requirements include refinancing of existing capital, list the proposed source of funds to be used for the refinancing.
20.5.2.d.4. Furnish a detailed income statement for the test year and a comparative balance sheet as of the beginning and end of the test year.
20.6. Statement D
20.6.1. Statement D - Bill Analysis - This statement must show an analysis of customers' bills for die same twelve month period used for Statement A. A separate sheet must be used to detail the analysis of billings under each separate rate schedule included in the company's West Virginia tariff. Where different classes of customers are served under a single rate schedule, it is not necessary to provide separate sheets for each class of customers if the utility is seeking a percentage across-the-board rate increase to all blocks within die rate schedule, provided however, that if sale for resale are billed within the single rate schedule, a separate sheet must be filed showing die volumes and dollars for the sale for resale class. The bill analysis must be prepared in such manner as to provide ready calculations of revenues derived under rates in effect during the test year as well as revenue to be derived under proposed rates.
20.6.2. Statement D - Schedule 1 -- This schedule must be a comparison of present rates and proposed rates. The required pages of Statement D, Schedule 1 must be formatted using the rate structure of the current and/or proposed tariff page(s) of the applicant. For each rate element of each rate schedule, the applicant should show the current rate, the proposed rate, the increment of increase or (decrease) requested, and the percentage of increase or (decrease) requested. If rate blocks have been changed and must be split to make the comparisons herein required, explanatory notes should be added to this schedule to explain the formatting of the schedule.
20.7. Statement E - Apportionment of Cost of Service - Statement E must be filed by all multi-jurisdictional utilities whose operations require an apportionment of cost of service between jurisdictions. In addition, all utilities which seek a departure from die rate structure last approved by this Commission, including disproportionate percentage rate changes between rate blocks or between customer classes, must file an apportionment of cost of service between customer classes and/or between usage groups within each class.
20.7.1. The functional categories used, and bases for distributing cost components between two or more functional categories must be clearly shown and fully explained. This statement must be presented in such form as to clearly indicate which cost components are directly assignable to a particular jurisdiction, class or group and which cost components require allocation. Where allocations are required, all allocation factors should be separately shown and explained with sufficient detail given to verify die computation of the factor. In the case of allocation between jurisdictions, allocation factors should be presented in a form that fully discloses each jurisdiction served and the relationship between allocations to each jurisdiction. If any volumes, demands, numbers, line mileage or other allocation factor determinants are either excluded in development of allocation factors or are included with another jurisdiction, class or group (rather than being shown separately) such treatment must be fully and clearly explained and justified.
20.7.2. For each utility, cost apportionment procedures last approved by this Commission shall be the guide for procedures used in this Statement. Departure from the cost apportionment procedures last approved by this Commission shall be unacceptable; however, such departures may be shown in supplemental exhibits which must be filed in a separate addendum to the data prescribed by this rule. Any such exhibits should include a complete description of the proposed departures from cost apportionment procedures last approved by this Commission and a clear explanation of the underlying reasons indicating justification for such departures.
20.7.3. Since die complexities of cost apportionment studies are such that uniform reporting forms that would be applicable to all utilities would be difficult to conceive, no such forms are prescribed herein.
20.8. Statement F - Comparative Balanee Sheet - This statement should show, by account numbers and classification set out in the applicable uniform system of accounts prescribed by this Commission, the balance sheet account balances as of the end of the test period and as of the end of the year ending with the day immediately preceding the first day of the test period.
20.8.1. Statement F - Schedule 1 - Statement of Retained Earnings or Statement of Changes in Fund Balance. This schedule shall be filed in support of the amounts shown in the balance sheet as applicable to for-profit or governmental entities.
20.8.2. Statement F - Schedule 2 - Statement of Cash Flows. This schedule shall be filed to show annual cash flows from the income statement income accounts, less expenditures reflected in expense and tax accounts, less debt service expenditures and reserve funding.
20.9. Statement G - Detail of Adjustments - All adjustments must be referenced to the explanations contained on this Statement. Adjustments should be sequentially numbered and grouped under the three adjustment headings used; Accounting, Going-Level and Proforma.
20.9.1 Grouping of two or more adjustments into a single net adjustment will not be permitted, provided that adjustments to expense categories that are spread across multiple accounts (such as payroll expense) may be shown as a single undistributed adjustment if the basis for die adjustment is a single across-the-board percentage multiplier. For single adjustments or undistributed adjustments the detail of adjustments must include the account number(s) and the book amount(s) to which the proposed adjustments relate.
20.9.2. Where adjustments are based on calculations shown on other statements of supporting schedules provided for herein such basis for the adjustment should be indicated on this Statement. All calculations of adjustments not shown elsewhere should be shown with the explanation; however, should the calculation be so extraordinarily voluminous as to unduly lengthen and complicate this Statement, it may be omitted. In the case of omission of the detailed calculation of an adjustment the basis for the adjustment must be fully explained on this Statement and the detail of the calculation must be separately filed.
20.9.3. The statements filed under this rule should not contain any adjustments that do not reflect known and quantifiable changes. Should a company desire to present other adjustments for the Commission's consideration they should be shown on supplemental sheets to the statements and schedules provided for herein and reflected in a separate going-level column added to the original statements and schedules. All such supplemental sheets should be grouped together as an addendum to the basic financial data prescribed by this rule.

W. Va. Code R. § 150-2-20