W. Va. Code R. § 141-34-1-6

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 141-34-1-6 - Safety Functions

The various safety functions will be accomplished as follows:

a. The State Safety Officer will:
(1) Serve as principal staff officer, technical consultant and coordinator to the Adjutant General in all matters concerning safety.
(2) Plan, organize, direct, evaluate, supervise the overall State Safety Program.
(3) Establish plans, policies and procedures for conducting safety programs at all levels of command within the State.
(4) Interpret policies and procedures.
(5) Provide technical assistance to all levels of command on safety matters.
(6) Assist subordinate commanders in determining requirements and qualification for safety personnel.
(7) Establish procurement channels for distribution of safety materials.
(8) Serve as member of an accident investigation board as required.
(9) Interpret collected data to provide information required on accident experience to subordinate and higher commands.
(10) Initiate recommendations to staff or higher command levels for corrective actions to eliminate or reduce hazardous situations.
(11) Ensure incorporation of adequate safety standards into operating procedures, regulations, manuals, directives or other material.
(12) Establish procurement channels to provide accident prevention and education materials for safety training at all levels.
(13) Ensure safety procedures are included in all plans for proposed demonstrations or exhibits to ensure the safety of ARNG personnel and the public.
(14) Assist in the development and maintenance of the safety segment of the technician career program.
(15) Coordinate with other agencies to ensure maximum cooperation in all matters concerning ARNG safety.
(16) Coordinate with local DOD agencies to ensure cooperation on all matters concerning ARNG safety.
(17) Coordinate with local federal and non-federal agencies to ensure cooperation in all matters concerning ARNG safety.
(18) Provide for analysis of accidents to determine causative factors and promulgate appropriate preventative measures.
(19) Receive initial and periodic update training in safety program management, analysis, reporting, awareness and prevention.
(20) Monitor training and establish training programs for state safety professionals.
(b) State Aviation Safety Officer. The State Aviation Safety Officer will be a graduate of the Army Aviation Safety Officer Course and perform the following minimum functions:
(1) Establish basic policies, plans and procedures for the establishment, supervision and direction of a functional State Aviation Safety Program.
(2) Report accidents, accident experience and the progress of aviation safety activities as required.
(3) Advise and coordinate with the State Safety Officer on all matters pertaining to the State Aviation Safety Program.
(4) Coordinate the State Aviation Safety Program with all elements of the State Staff.
(5) Arrange for the procurement and selective use of aviation safety posters, films and other safety educational and promotional publications and materials.
(6) Supervise and direct specific state aviation safety training as required.
(7) Serve as a member of the State Safety Council.
(8) Conduct airfield surveys and aviation safety inspections.
(9) Report accidents in accordance with the provisions of AR 385-4O, NCR 385-10 and this regulation
c. State Safety and Occupational Health Manager (Technician). The State Safety and Occupational Health Manager provides the day-to-day functional management of the State General Safety Program including Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) for all elements of the ARNG within the State.
(1) Implement safety policies as directed by the Adjutant General, develop plans and procedures for the establishment, supervision and direction of a functional State general program, and report accidents, accident experience and progress of safety activities as required.
(2) Advise and coordinate the State general safety program with all elements of the State Staff.
(3) Arrange for the procurement and selective use of general safety posters, films and other safety educational and promotional publications and materials.
(4) Supervise and direct specific State general safety training as required.
(5) Review and forward accident reports in accordance with this regulation and AR 385-40.
(6) Provide technical assistance in accident investigating and reporting.
(7) Supervise or conduct surveys and inspections of accident prevention programs and activities. Attention will be given to predominant and inherent hazards and to new and varied operations.
(8) Interpret safety policies and procedures.
(9) Assist commanders in determining the numbers and qualifications of personel necessary' to ensure and effective accident prevention program.
(10) Assemble, analyze, sammarize and disseminate data concerning the accident experience of the command, or subordinate elements thereof, and prepare reports of progress of safety activities and other reports and studies required by higher authority.
(11) Initiate and monitor recommendations for appropriate corrective measures where warranted by adverse accident rates or trends, hazardous conditions or procedures, or other inadequacies of the safety program.
(12) Incorporate adequate safe practices and safe physical standards in operating procedures, manuals, directives and other instructions.
(13) Review or arrange for the review of plans for proposed demonstrations, exhibits or exercises to ensure the safety of ARNG personnel and the public.
(14) Establish and maintain close liaison with other staff agencies to ensure maximum cooperation in connection with fire protection and prevention, ammunition, guided missile, aviation safety and disaster readiness operations, completeness of accident prevention efforts; accuracy of accident data; and other matters of mutual concern.
(15) Analyze or provide for the analyses of field exercise accidents to determine causative factors and promulgate appropriate prevention measures.
(16) Establish and maintain liaison with local Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Air Force and Civil Defense organizations to ensure cooperation on matters of mutual concern.
(17) Cooperate with local Federal and non-Federal organizations engaged in accident prevention activities.
(18) Serve as the executive secretary of the State Safety Council.
(19) Assists supervisors in preparing materials for safety meetings.
(20) Acts as the primary link between State Safety Office and the ARNG Multi-Media Group, Ft Rucker, AL.
(21) Coordinates with ARNG Safety Office to ensure implementation of established standards and procedures.
(22) Receives initial and periodic update training in the conduct of the safety program, its administration, training, awareness and prevention.
(23) Provides feedback on safety program effectiveness to the ARNG Safety Office and the ARNG Multi-Media Group.
d. Unit Safety Officer.

The following tasks and responsibilities have been established as the minimum necessary for the Unit Safety Officer to successfully accomplish his mission and the mission of the Army National Guard Safety Program:

(1) Write the Unit Safety SOP in coordination with the Unit Aviation Safety Officer, if applicable.
(2) Conduct the unit Safety Awareness Program.
(3) Conduct unit Special Safety Training Program.
(4) Maintain accident report records.
(5) Investigate unit accidents and serve on accident investigation boards as directed.
(6) Report accidents in accordance with NGR 385-10 and AR 385-40.
(7) Conduct safety inspections and surveys at unit level.
(8) Review unit operating and training instructions/ procedures to detect safety hazards or problem areas.
(9) Initiate corrective action to eliminate inherent or accident-producing hazards.
(10) Coordinate with other Safety Officers and staff officers to ensure maximum cooperation on safety matters.
(11) Coordinate with State Safety personnel to obtain safety training and awareness program materials.
(12) Coordinate with State Safety personal to obtain assistance in any matter which relates to the overall safety program.
(13) Receive initial and periodic update training in safety program conduct, analysis, reporting, awareness and prevention.
e. Armory and Facility Safety Officer. The following tasks and responsibilities have been established as the minimum necessary for the Armory/Facility Safety Officer to successfully accomplish his mission and the mission of the Army National Guard Safety Program.
(1) Write an army/facility safety SOP which applies to all units activities utilizing the army/facility.
(2) Coordinate with unit Safety Officers to avoid duplication and/or coordinate in instructions/ procedures. (i.e. SOFs)
(3) Coordinate accident reporting when involvement includes more than one using unit.
(4) Report accidents occurring at the army/facility during periods of use by other than occupying units.
(5) Procure safety films, posters or other materials applicable to safe utilization/operation of the facility/ army.
(6) Conduct army/facility inspections and surveys to identify hazardous or potentially hazardous areas.
(7) Coordinate with using unit Safety Officers in all matters concerning the effective application of the Army National Guard Safety Program.
(8) Coordinate with State Safety personnel to obtain assistance and cooperation in all matters of mutual concern.
(9) Receive initial and periodic update training in safety program conduct, analysis, reporting, awareness and prevention.
(10) Serve as investigator or member of an accident investigation board as directed.

W. Va. Code R. § 141-34-1-6