W. Va. Code R. agency 141, tit. 141, ser. 141-30, app I, 141-30-8

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025

Precedence or relative rank among officers of the same grade in the West Virginia National Guard will be determined as follows:

a. The date of rank is the date of Federal Recognition in the National Guard, provided the officer has had no prior active Federal or Reserve component service in the same or higher grade, or;
b. When an officer has had prior active or Reserve component service in the same or higher grade, his date of rank will precede his date of Federal recognition by a period equal to the total length of such service (Inactive service in either the Army of the United States, Reserve or National Guard will not count) , except during such period as any such component may not have had an active program.
c. When date of rank of two (2) or more officers are the same when computed under either a or b, above, the senior will be determined by the length of active commissioned service in the National Guard. Further determination will be made by total active commissioned service in all components, then by age.

W. Va. Code R. agency 141, tit. 141, ser. 141-30, app I, 141-30-8