W. Va. Code R. § 135-28-6

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 135-28-6 - Responsibilities
6.1. State Tech Prep Coordinator responsibilities -EDGE is administered by the Assistant Superintendent of the Division of Technical and Adult Education who serves as the State Tech Prep Coordinator. The responsibilities of the State Tech Prep Coordinator include, but are not limited to, the following:
6.1.a. Developing a collaborative agreement with the facilitating community and technical college or colleges, each consortium district and the Council for Community and Technical College Education to meet the goals and objectives of this article. The collaborative agreement shall address the following:
6.1.a.1. Agreement to support the goals and objectives of EDGE;
6.1.a.2. Compliance with the standardized reporting procedures for collecting EDGE data and submitting required data to the State Tech Prep Coordinator; and,
6.1.a.3. Assuring preparation and retention of reliable supporting documents to validate the data reported.
6.1.b. Meet the following record-keeping requirements:
6.1.b.1. Developing or adapting an existing comprehensive relational data base and data analysis system for student tracking to assure that consistent, reliable data relevant to the goals of the program are available;
6.1.b.2. Tracking and evaluating EDGE outcomes across all eight consortia districts and by creating a standardized reporting procedure for collecting consistent EDGE data at the state level;
6.1.b.3. Assuring that coordinators in the district consortia prepare and retain reliable supporting source documents necessary to validate the data included with the state electronic database;
6.1.b.4. Providing documentation to substantiate program outcomes, including, but not limited to, the number of students who enroll in the program, specific courses taken, student course and final exam grades, the number who earn EDGE credits and, of these, the number who apply the credits in pursuit of degrees or certifications at state CTCs; and
6.1.b.5. Collecting data relevant to the goals and objectives established for this initiative, analyzing the data, and preparing a report for the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability (LOCEA) annually. The specific focus of the report is the analysis of data on program outcomes to demonstrate to what degree the initiative meets the goals and objectives of the EDGE program.
6.1.c. Maintaining an informational website that includes an up-to-date listing of all courses approved for EDGE credit.
6.2. The Community and Technical College/Career and Technical Education Consortium Planning District responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
6.2.a. Serving as a regional consortium to implement the program;
6.2.b. Ensuring the full range of CTC education programs and services is provided in all areas of the state, including seamless curricula and the EDGE program;
6.2.c. Conducting an annual review of the approved EDGE course listing to ensure the accuracy of information provided to students and parents;
6.2.d. Facilitating the processes identified by the consortium membership pertaining to the identification and validation of EDGE credit courses and carrying out those duties necessary to document student completion of EDGE courses for college credit;
6.2.e. Notifying the State Tech Prep Coordinator when a course has been approved for EDGE credit through the established validation process; and,
6.2.f. Preparing and retaining reliable supporting source documents necessary to validate the data provided to the State Tech Prep Coordinator to be included in the state electronic database.
6.3. Public school career-technical responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
6.3.a. Identifying and submitting career-technical course Content Standards and Objectives (CSOs) to a CTC for evaluation and alignment with specific CTC course competencies for potential validation for EDGE credit;
6.3.b. Assigning appropriate CTE instructors and/or West Virginia Department of Education personnel to participate in the evaluation, alignment and EDGE credit validation processes with CTC faculty and academic administrators; and,
6.3.c. Ensuring instructors of career-technical courses approved through the EDGE validation process attend the EDGE orientation provided.
6.4. CTC responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
6.4.a. CTCs shall accept as validated for EDGE credit, a career-technical course requiring the same state and/or national certification exam required of students in the comparable CTC course. Passage of the state and/or national certification exam required by the CTC course shall be deemed as sufficient documentation that a student meets course competencies and the student shall receive EDGE credit;
6.4.b. When no state and/or national certification exam is available or required, the CTE instructor shall work with CTC faculty to determine if the CSOs of the career-technical course match the course competencies of the CTC course. If a career-technical course is approved for EDGE credit using this methodology, the CTE instructors agree, as part of the validation process, to document the high school student has achieved the appropriate skill level for awarding EDGE credit;
6.4.c. CTC faculty, in consultation with CTE instructors, shall determine the documentation of the achievement of course competencies required for students successfully completing EDGE courses that do not have a required state and/or national certification exam;
6.4.d. When a career-technical course has been validated for EDGE credit, the CTC validating the course shall notify Consortium members, all CTCs, the Council Chancellor's Office, and the State Tech Prep Coordinator;
6.4.e. When college credit has been assigned through an established EDGE course validation process by a CTC, other CTCs not offering a comparable course may grant the same college credit for each validated EDGE course; and,
6.4.f. Upon the validation of competencies and the assignment of college credit, each CTC shall apply EDGE credit to appropriate certificate and/or associate degree programs, and the credit shall be noted on the student's academic transcript upon enrollment to the college.
6.5. The Council Chancellor's Office and individual CTCs shall maintain an up-to-date listing of all career-technical courses approved for EDGE credit, including the amount of credit to be granted for each course, and shall make this listing available through links from the system and institutional websites to the EDGE website maintained by the State Tech Prep Coordinator.

W. Va. Code R. § 135-28-6