Series 135-09 - Academic Freedom, Professional Responsibility, Promotion And Tenure
- Section 135-9-1 - General
- Section 135-9-2 - Academic Freedom and Professional Responsibility
- Section 135-9-3 - Faculty: Ranks and Definitions
- Section 135-9-4 - Faculty: Types and Conditions of Appointment
- Section 135-9-5 - Joint Institutional Appointments
- Section 135-9-6 - Emeritus Status
- Section 135-9-7 - Promotion in Rank
- Section 135-9-8 - Faculty Resignations
- Section 135-9-9 - Tenure
- Section 135-9-10 - Tenure-Track Status
- Section 135-9-11 - Faculty Evaluation
- Section 135-9-12 - dismissal
- Section 135-9-13 - Termination Because of Reduction or Discontinuance of an Existing Program
- Section 135-9-14 - Termination Due to Financial Exigency
- Section 135-9-15 - Faculty Grievance Procedure
- Section 135-9-16 - Informal Procedures for Conflict Resolution
- Section 135-9-17 - Notification of Terms and Conditions of Faculty Appointments
- Appendix B