W. Va. Code R. § 133-20-7

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 133-20-7 - Procedures for Granting of Authorization
7.1. Process for securing authorization.

An institution which is interested in gaining authorization to operate within the State of West Virginia must follow the prescribed procedures outlined in this rule to be considered for the requested authorization. No institution shall operate until it meets the essential conditions established by the Commission and defined in this rule. Institutional accreditation must be documented or its potential for accreditation established and accepted by the Commission. Institutions authorized to operate pending full accreditation shall pursue full accreditation continuously and shall make reasonable and timely progress toward accreditation in order to retain authorization.

When a change in ownership occurs with an institution, the Commission shall reassess the institution's authorization status within six (6) months of the notification of the change in ownership.

7.2. Newly established institutions in West Virginia and those seeking accreditation.

Newly established institutions in West Virginia and those seeking accreditation by a regional accrediting association and/or by another accrediting body must seek Commission authorization to offer courses and/or academic programs within West Virginia.

Following is a description of the steps in the authorization process:

7.2.a. It is the responsibility of the applying institution to contact the Secretary of State's office to determine if registration is required within the state.
7.2.b. A preliminary conference shall be held between the Chief Executive Officer or designee of the institution seeking authorization to operate a degree-granting institution in the State of West Virginia and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the Higher Education Policy Commission or designee. The agenda shall include a discussion of criteria to be met by the institution and procedures used in applying for requested authorization.
7.2.c. Following the preliminary conference, the institution shall submit a self-study report including all requested documents and materials related to authorization, including those which address the essential conditions in section 8 of this rule as may be requested. An initial application fee of $6,000 must accompany the submission of documentation for those institutions seeking authorization. The Commission may adjust all fees charged as deemed necessary.
7.2.d. Upon receipt of the completed self-study report and all documentation, the Commission staff shall organize a compliance review committee to visit the site(s) of the institution seeking state authorization. At the discretion of the Commission staff, the compliance visit may take place at the Commission office or other appropriate locations. The principal task of the committee will be to verify that the institution complies with the Commission's standards for preliminary authorization and to report its findings to the Commission.

The compliance review committee shall be composed of:

7.2.d.1. Persons who are qualified by academic training or professional experience to verify the institution's compliance with Commission standards for approval.
7.2.d.2. Members of the Commission staff. The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or designee shall serve as chair of the committee.

The visit will be scheduled at a time which is mutually convenient to the institution and the Commission. The institution shall pay the reasonable expenses associated with the compliance review visit.

7.2.e. Following the site visit and review of submitted documentation, the compliance review committee will prepare an analysis of the findings and develop a recommendation for the Commission regarding the institutional application. Only those institutions whose proposed offerings meet state standards of quality will be recommended for authorization. The report will contain:
7.2.e.1. a report by the compliance review committee; and
7.2.e.2. a recommendation by the compliance review committee for action by the Commission regarding granting preliminary authorization as provided for in section 7.2.h of this rule.
7.2.f. A draft of a staff report prepared in accordance with this section will be provided to the institution for correction of factual errors and comment. The institution may provide the Commission a response to the report within ten (10) working days of receipt of the report. The institutional comments will be included with the compliance review committee report presented to the Commission.
7.2.g. An out-of-state institution seeking to establish a campus in West Virginia that holds appropriate accreditation as determined by the Commission and that meets the essential conditions as provided in section 9 of this rule may be granted full authorization by the Commission.
7.2.h. Upon receipt and review of the compliance review committee recommendation, the Commission will consider the institution for Preliminary State Authorization effective for a period of time up to six (6) months. Within that period of time the institution shall satisfactorily complete preliminary information as required by the regional and/or other appropriate accrediting association, and shall not accept students, offer instruction, award credits toward a degree, or award a degree until granted further authorization by the Commission.
7.2.i. If the institution does not hold accreditation, the Commission staff shall request submission of information verifying its accreditation status and/or evidence of "reasonable and timely progress" toward accreditation. Reasonable and timely progress toward accreditation is understood to be a status with the regional accrediting association or an acceptable alternative accrediting association recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (recognition shall be documented) that indicates that the institution has been determined to hold the potential for accreditation and is actively pursuing accreditation within the timetable established by the regional accrediting association (unless an alternative timetable has been presented to and accepted by the Commission).
7.2.j. Once the institution has been accepted for consideration for candidacy by the regional accrediting organization and/or other appropriate accrediting association and has submitted evidence to this fact to the Commission, the institution shall be placed on Probationary Authorization status. The institution shall remain on Probationary status no longer than six (6) years.
7.2.k. If at the discretion of the Commission, satisfactory evidence is not received within six (6) months of the granting date of Preliminary Authorization status, that authorization may be suspended or revoked.
7.2.l. An institution holding Probationary status shall undertake the accreditation process immediately and shall comply with the accreditation requirements and procedures to achieve full institutional accreditation.
7.2.m. Failure to pursue accreditation continuously, as provided in this rule, shall result in loss of state authorization.
7.2.n. Each institution with Probationary State Authorization status shall submit an annual report in a format determined by Commission staff. The annual report should include the following:
7.2.n.1. any changes or additions to information previously submitted as part of the basis for Preliminary State Authorization;
7.2.n.2. copy of current catalog with major changes cited;
7.2.n.3. the latest financial statement from the most recent institutional fiscal year;
7.2.n.4. an enrollment report from the most recent academic year;
7.2.n.5. a list of all institutional personnel including staff, instructors and agents;
7.2.n.6. summary data on student state and federal financial aid;
7.2.n.7. data on student retention;
7.2.n.8. program completion data, as applicable;
7.2.n.9. status of progress toward receiving full accreditation status from accrediting agency; and
7.2.n.10. such other information or clarification deemed necessary by Commission staff for determination of authorization recommendation.

A nonrefundable fee of $500 shall accompany the submission of the annual report while the institution is maintaining Probationary State Authorization status. The Commission may adjust all fees charged as deemed necessary.

7.2.o. Following the on-site accreditation visit and action by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and/or other appropriate accrediting association, the institution shall immediately notify the Commission which will then assign the institution an authorization status from among the following:
7.2.o.1. Fully authorized, as a result of the decision by the accrediting association to accredit the institution, and having demonstrated compliance with the Essential Conditions.
7.2.o.2. Continuation of Probationary State Authorization. An institution that holds candidacy for accreditation shall submit annual reports to the Commission documenting its progress toward the achievement of accreditation consistent with policy of appropriate accreditation associations. Continuation of this status shall not extend beyond six (6) years.
7.2.o.3. Not authorized as a result of denial of accreditation by the accrediting association.
7.2.o.4. Continuation of Probationary State Authorization status pending an appeal of denial of accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. Continuation on these grounds shall only be granted upon showing good cause to the Commission. An institution's final authorization status will be based upon the action taken by the accrediting association.
7.3. Accredited, out-of-state institutions seeking to locate in West Virginia.

Any higher education institution having its principal place of operation outside West Virginia which holds regional or other appropriate accreditation and which desires to offer courses and/or degree programs at a physical location within West Virginia must be authorized by the Commission.

Following is a description of the steps in the authorization process:

7.3.a. It is the responsibility of the applying institution to contact the Secretary of State's office to determine if registration is required within the state.
7.3.b. The institution must submit an application for approval to the Commission for each course or degree program to be offered at the site. The application should include written unconditional assurance that:
7.3.b.1. Each course or program of study proposed to be offered in West Virginia has been approved by the governing board of the institution, and if applicable, by the appropriate state agency in the state where the main campus of the institution is located.
7.3.b.2. The institution has been approved as necessary by the appropriate agency, if any, in the state where the main campus of the institution is located.
7.3.b.3. The institution offers degree programs at the level for which credit is proposed to be awarded in those programs in West Virginia.
7.3.b.4. The out-of-state institution is authorized by its appropriate accrediting body to offer degree programs outside the state where the main campus is located.
7.3.b.5. Any credit earned in West Virginia can be transferred to the institution's principal location outside West Virginia as part of an existing degree program offered by the institution.
7.3.b.6. The institution offers the same program at the same level at its principal location outside West Virginia that it seeks to offer at a physical location in West Virginia.
7.3.b.7. The institution presents data that projects market demand and availability of openings in the job market to be served by the new program for which the institution is seeking authorization to offer in West Virginia.
7.3.c. In making its determination, the Commission will consider whether the proposed degree programs or courses duplicate existing offerings of other institutions of higher education at the locations for which approval is requested.
7.3.d. Authorization for degree programs may be for a period of up to four years at a specified location with an application for renewal of the authorization required to be filed with the Commission at least ninety days prior to the expiration of the authorization.

Authorization for courses may be granted for a period of one year at a specified location with an application for renewal of the authorization required to be filed annually with the Commission at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the authorization.

7.3.e. Accredited, out-of-state institutions authorized to deliver programs and/or courses for a specified period of time are not subject to the annual reauthorization provision of section 14 of this rule.
7.3.f. The Commission may waive any or all of the reporting requirements for institutions that are delineated in section 9 of this rule.
7.3.g. Any out-of-state or private accredited institution that is granted authorization shall receive written notification of acceptable status and will be assessed an initial authorization fee not to exceed $500.
7.4. Religious, theological or faith-based institutions

To qualify as a religious, theological, or faith-based college, an institution must qualify both as an institution as defined in section 3 of this rule and as a religious institution based on meeting each of the following criteria:

7.4.a. Be a non-profit institution owned, controlled, and operated and maintained by a bona fide church or religious denomination, lawfully operating as a non-profit religious corporation.
7.4.b. Limit the educational program to the principles of that church or denomination, and the diploma or degree is limited to evidence of completion of that education.
7.4.c. Only grant degrees or diplomas in areas of study that contain on their face, in the written description of the title of the degree or diploma being conferred, a reference to the theological or religious aspect of the degree's subject area.
7.4.d. Not market, offer, or grant degrees or diplomas which are represented as being linked to a church or denomination, but which, in reality, are degrees in secular areas of study.
7.4.e. Have obtained exemption from property taxation under state law and shall have submitted a copy of the certificate of this exemption to the Commission.
7.4.f. Additional evidence may be provided by an institution seeking to substantiate that the institution is a religious institution including:
7.4.f.1. Evidence that the institution holds at least pre-accreditation status with a nationally recognized accrediting associations.
7.4.f.2. A statement of institutional mission clearly establishing the mission of the institution as solely religious, and curricula and degree, diploma, or certification programs that clearly support that mission singularly.
7.4.f.3. Other appropriate, substantial, evidence of qualification for state authorization as a religious, theological, or faith-based college.
7.4.g. An institution shall not be eligible for authorization as a religious, theological, or faith-based college if it offers degrees appropriate only for academic institutions, such as, but not limited to, Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts or Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, or other degrees typically offered by academic institutions, regardless of curriculum of course content, unless the degree title includes the religious field of study (e.g., "Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies"). Institutions authorized as religious, theological, or faith-based colleges also shall not offer degrees associated with specific professional fields or endeavors not clearly and directly related to religious studies or occupations. Examples of such degree titles are Bachelor of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration; Bachelor of Education, Master of Education or Doctor of Education; and Doctor of Psychology.
7.4.h. An authorized religious, theological, or faith-based college, its educational programs, its degrees and diplomas, and its honorary degrees, have no state approval or recognition status whatsoever. An institution operating under this authorization shall not state or imply by any means whatsoever that there exists any endorsement by the state or by any agency or agent of the state of the education, documents awarded by the institution, or the institution itself, other than the institution's authorization to operate.
7.4.i. An institution authorized as a religious, theological, or faith-based college is not subject to the annual reauthorization provisions of this rule.

W. Va. Code R. § 133-20-7