W. Va. Code R. § 133-12-5

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 133-12-5 - Campus Development Plan
5.1. Each governing board shall update its current campus development plan and submit the updated plan to the Council for approval or the Commission for confirmation. A campus development plan shall be developed for a ten-year period and shall align with criteria specified in the following sources:
5.1.a. The system capital development oversight policy;
5.1.b. The institution's approved master plan and compact; and
5.1.c. The current campus development plan objectives.
5.2. Campus development plans are intended to be aspirational; however, an institution's plan shall be appropriate to its size, mission, and enrollment and to the fiscal constraints within which the institution operates. At a minimum the campus development plan shall include the following:
5.2.a. The governing board's development strategy;
5.2.b. An assessment of the general condition and suitability of buildings and facilities using the following data elements:
5.2.b.1. Physical plant needs segregated by the following asset groups:
5.2.b.1.A. Educational and general.
5.2.b.1.B. Auxiliary.
5.2.b.1.C. Transitional.
5.2.b.2. Physical plant package needs segregated by the following by project categories:
5.2.b.2.A. Repair/Maintenance.
5.2.b.2.B. Modernization.
5.2.b.2.C. Alteration.
5.2.b.2.D. New Construction.
5.2.b.3. Physical plant package investment needs segregated by the following categories:
5.2.b.3.A. Reliability.
5.2.b.3.B. Asset Preservation.
5.2.b.3.C. Program Improvement.
5.2.b.3.D. Economic Operations.
5.2.b.3.E. Life/Safety/Code.
5.2.b.3.F. New Construction.
5.2.c.3. Physical plant package needs segregated by the following categories:
5.2.b.4.A. Building Envelope.
5.2.b.4.B. Building Systems.
5.2.b.4.C. Life/Safety/Code.
5.2.b.4.D. Space Renewal.
5.2.b.4.E. Utility Infrastructure.
5.2.b.4.F. Grounds Infrastructure.
5.2.c. An assessment of the impact of projected enrollment and demographic changes on building and facility needs;
5.2.d. A comprehensive list of deferred maintenance projects individually exceeding $75,000 that need to be addressed for each campus by building or facility including an estimated cost for each;
5.2.e. An analysis as to all buildings and facilities as to the need for renovations, additions, demolition or any combination thereof;
5.2.f. A list of major site improvements that are needed, including vehicular and pedestrian circulation, parking and landscaping;
5.2.g. An analysis of telecommunications, utilities and other infrastructure improvements that are needed;
5.2.h. A delineation of clear property acquisition boundaries that are reasonably appropriate for campus expansion;
5.2.i. A list of proposed new facilities and building sites;
5.2.j. A list of capital projects in priority order;
5.2.k. Estimates of the timing, phasing and projected costs associated with individual projects;
5.2.l. If an institution has multiple campuses within 50 miles of each other, a delineation of how the campuses should interact and support each other to minimize duplication of facilities, improve efficiency and be aesthetically compatible;
5.2.m. A statement of the impact of the plan upon the local community and the input afforded local and regional government entities and the public with respect to its implementation;
5.2.n. An estimate of the plans' impact on the institution's capacity utilization, operating costs including depreciation, and projected financial status; and
5.2.o. Any other requirement established by the Commission and Council in these rules.
5.3. Campus development plans shall incorporate all current and proposed facilities, including educational and general and auxiliary facilities.
5.4. Not later than the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission or Council following the fifth anniversary date after the Commission confirms or the Council approves, as appropriate, the development plan of a governing board, the governing board shall report on the progress made in the first five years to implement the campus development plan for each campus under its jurisdiction. In addition, the governing board shall report on its plans to implement the remaining five-year period of its campus development plan.
5.5. Each governing board shall update its campus development plan at least once during each ten-year period and any update is subject to the confirmation of the Commission or approval by the Council.
5.6. A governing board may not implement a campus development plan or plan update that has not been confirmed by the Commission or approved by the Council, as appropriate. The purchase or acquisition of any property for the construction of a facility that is not included in the campus development plan creates an update to the campus development plan that must be confirmed by the Commission or approved by the Council prior to its purchase or acquisition. In the case of institutions governed by the Council, this provision applies equally to property acquired by any means, whether by purchase or otherwise.

W. Va. Code R. § 133-12-5