Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Section 126-14-6 - Reporting Regulations6.1. All students who participate in the WV-MAP and their parents/guardians must be provided the individual student assessment results, except for NAEP, in a timely manner by the county according to guidelines established by the WVDE. Individual and school results are not reported for NAEP. The explanation and interpretation of assessment results shall be provided by professional staff at each school under the direction of the principal or school test coordinator. 6.1.a. The WVDE is required to publicly report scores for the WVGSA, the West Virginia college-and career-readiness assessment, and the WVASA, as per ESEA.6.1.b. West Virginia NAEP assessment results for grades 4, 8, and 12 are aggregated by state and are not available for individual students, schools, or counties. The release of NAEP results is determined by the Governing Board and announced by the State Superintendent or designee. Explanation and interpretation of NAEP results in the context of state, regional, and national results are available on the NCES website.6.2. The WVDE shall release student, school, and county assessment results, in accordance with state and federal requirements.6.2.a. The WVDE shall release to the public only those results that do not identify a student or small group of students in accordance with FERPA, the Student DATA Act, Policy 4350, and the WVDE Data Access and Management Guidance. In accordance with these regulations, results for groups not meeting the minimum number set by the state will not be reported to protect personally identifiable student data.6.2.b. Secure test materials and test items will not be released, except for the West Virginia college- and career-readiness assessment forms released according to the testing vendor's policies and procedures.6.3. To facilitate instruction and school improvement, the professional staff, under the direction of the principal, shall be provided assessment data (except NAEP) by individual, grade level, and subgroup for the students in their schools and/or classrooms.6.4. Upon receipt of individual student results, the school will release in a timely manner the results to parents/guardians and to the teachers to whom the students are assigned. 6.4.a. Each public school principal/designee will confirm to the county superintendent that the individual student results for the ESEA assessments were sent to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student(s). The county superintendent will confirm to the State Superintendent that the individual student results were sent by each of the public schools in the county. All confirmations will be available at school and county level for federal and state monitoring.6.5. State, county, and school results from the WVGSA, the West Virginia college- and career-readiness assessment, and the WVASA shall be disaggregated and reported by the WVDE as required by ESEA. 6.5.a. Performance on the WVGSA, the West Virginia college- and career-readiness assessment, and the WVASA shall be reported by state, county, and school in terms of the percentage of students who achieved at each achievement level in each grade by subgroup in all state-approved content areas.6.5.a.1. Performance on the WVGSA and the West Virginia college- and career-readiness assessment shall be reported by achievement levels based upon cut scores for each state-approved content area. Cut scores are published in each assessment's technical report.6.5.a.2. Performance on the WVASA shall be reported by achievement levels based upon cut scores for each state-approved content area. Cut scores are published in the assessment's technical report.6.5.b. School performance on the WVGSA, the West Virginia college- and career-readiness assessment, and the WVASA shall be reported in terms of the percentage of students who achieved a minimum level of proficiency.6.6. The WVDE reporting requirements may be met by any or all the following: hardcopy, web-based, or other digital media.6.7. The answer analysis report disaggregated by school, by grade, by content, and by examiner, and provided by the vendor will be reviewed by the WVDE. A determination will be made by the WVDE as to whether the data warrant additional investigation.6.8. Individual student-level assessment data are maintained securely to protect student confidentiality as per FERPA, the Student DATA Act, Policy 4350, and the WVDE Data Access and Management Guidance.W. Va. Code R. § 126-14-6