W. Va. Code R. agency 126, tit. 126, ser. 126-014, app F

Current through Register Vol. XLII, No. 1, January 3, 2025
Appendix F

West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2340, West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress

State of West Virginia, County of ___________________________

West Virginia Constitution, Article XII, §2; W. Va. Code § 18-2E-1a(8), requires that the West Virginia Board of Education "ensure that all statewide assessments of student performance are secure."

Examiner's/Scribe's Secure Materials and Test Procedures Agreement

I acknowledge that I will have access to secure assessments in the WV-MAP. I also acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to adhere to Policy 2340, including the Testing Code of Ethics (Appendix A), for all assessments within this policy. I understand that these materials are secure, and it is my professional responsibility to protect their security. I agree to complete each assessment's required training.

I therefore pledge:

1. I will not keep, copy, reproduce, paraphrase, distribute, or review/discuss secure test materials and/or test items.

2. I will not use test items, test booklets/answer sheets, or any of the information contained in an assessment to review/prepare students for a test.

3. I will not allow access to the test materials or answer keys to any student or any other person not so authorized by the principal.

4. I will not alter students' responses in any manner (indicate answers, point out the rationale, prompt, etc.).

5. I will not share my method of authentication, including, but not limited to, my username and password to access any testing platform or student data/results.

6. I will not disclose individual student test scores or test performance data to unauthorized persons as outlined in FERPA, the Student DATA Act, Policy 4350, the WVDE Data Access and Management Guidance, and Policy 2340.

7. If serving as an examiner for the alternate assessment, I will adhere to the prompting hierarchies and document all applicable assistive technology to ensure the accuracy of student responses.

8. If serving as an examiner for students with IEPs, Section 504 Plans, or EL Plans, I will adhere to the accommodations listed therein and monitor using the appropriate process as identified by the WVDE.

9. If serving as an examiner for an online assessment, I will not offer technical assistance (e.g., accessing the dictionary, grammar checks, formatting functions, etc.) that might alter the accuracy of student responses in the web-based assessment before, during, or after the administration of the test.

10. I understand that I can only use an electronic device, such as a cell phone, during test administration only to communicate directly with the principal and/or school test coordinator to address any immediate issues (e.g., technology issues, medical emergencies, testing disruptions, etc.) that might arise during testing.

11. I understand that electronic devices used in alleged cheating cases will be confiscated until the county, in consultation with local legal counsel, has determined the device contains no secure testing information.

12. I have read and understand Policy 2340.

13. I understand that if a breach of test security or copyright infringement occurs as a direct result of my actions, my license/certification/permit may be suspended or revoked, or I may be suspended, terminated, or have other action taken.

Please print your name, sign, and return the Examiner's/Scribe's Secure Materials and Test Procedures Agreement to the appropriate test administrator five instructional days before administering any assessment.

Signature: ________________________________________________________

Print Name: _______________________________________________________

Position: __________________________________________________________

School: ____________________________________Date:__________________

Signed copies of this form should be kept on file at the school and the county office.

If this form is not on file, it will be considered a breach of security by the county and WVBE.

This agreement is valid for the academic year of the signatory date and shall be signed before the administration of any tests.

W. Va. Code R. agency 126, tit. 126, ser. 126-014, app F