W. Va. Code R. § 112-18-9

Current through Register Vol. XLI, No. 36, September 6, 2024
Section 112-18-9 - Qualifying Expenses
9.1. An account holder may only use funds deposited in an account for the Hope Scholarship student's qualifying expenses.
9.2. Expenditures of Hope Scholarship funds for the following purposes are qualifying expenses:
9.2.1. Private or parochial school tuition and fees at a participating school;
9.2.2. Tuition and fees for programs of study, curriculum, or supplemental materials in reading, language, mathematics, science, social studies, or the arts;
9.2.3. Tuition and fees for programs of study or the curriculum of courses that lead to an industry-recognized credential that satisfies a workforce need;
9.2.4. Tuition and fees for ongoing services that a public school offers to Hope Scholarship students, pursuant to W. Va. Code § 18-31-8(f), including individual classes and extracurricular activities and programs: Provided, That students participating in the Hope Scholarship Program are subject to all eligibility rules applicable to participation in extracurricular activities governed by the West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission: Provided,however, That Hope Scholarship students attending a participating private school are eligible to receive free services that the public schools otherwise offer to private school students; Provided, further, That if a Hope Scholarship student has utilized their funds for other qualified expenses, the student shall be responsible to pay the tuition and fees to the public school from other sources in order to receive such services;
9.2.5. Tutoring services provided by an individual or a tutoring service: Provided, That tutoring services cannot be provided by a member of the Hope Scholarship student's immediate family;
9.2.6. Fees for nationally standardized assessments, advanced placement examinations, any examinations related to college or university admission, any examinations for industry certification exams, and tuition and fees for preparatory courses for the aforementioned exams;
9.2.7. Tuition and fees for nonpublic online or virtual learning programs;
9.2.8. Tuition and fees for alternative education programs;
9.2.9. Fees for after-school or summer education programs;
9.2.10. Tuition, fees, and materials for enrollment in dual credit or college level courses;
9.2.11. Educational services and therapies, including, but not limited to, occupational, behavioral, physical, speech-language, and audiology therapies;
9.2.12. Fees for transportation paid to a fee-for-service transportation provider for the student to travel to and from an education service provider;
9.2.13. The cost of school uniforms required by a participating school;
9.2.14. Vocational supplies or equipment required for a K-12 course of study;
9.2.15. Technology equipment needed for an educational program, including but not limited to computers, printer and required software;
9.2.16. Tuition and fees for programs of study, curriculum, or supplies needed for supplemental or elective educational courses;
9.2.17. Basic educational supplies, including but not limited to, paper, writing utensils, scissors, etc.;
9.2.18. Any assistive technology or other equipment/supplies necessary to accommodate a student with a disability;
9.2.19. Tuition and fees at a microschool as defined in W.Va. Code § 18-8-1; and
9.2.20. Any other qualifying expenses as approved by the Board.
9.3. An account holder may seek approval of an expense as a qualifying expense by submitting a request to the Board, on a form that will be prescribed by the Board and made available on the Hope Scholarship website.
9.4. A comprehensive list of all qualifying expenses is located in the Hope Scholarship Parent Handbook and is available on the website: hopescholarshipwv.com.

W. Va. Code R. § 112-18-9