Series 101-01 - WV Minimum Standards For Structure, Operation And Maintenance Of Juvenile Detention And Correctional Fac
- Section 101-1-1 - General
- Section 101-1-2 - Administration, Organization, and Philosophy
- Section 101-1-3 - Personnel
- Section 101-1-4 - Training and Staff Development
- Section 101-1-5 - Management Information and Research
- Section 101-1-6 - Resident Records
- Section 101-1-7 - Physical Plant
- Section 101-1-8 - Sanitation and Hygiene
- Section 101-1-9 - Medical and Health Care Services
- Section 101-1-10 - Resident Rules and Discipline
- Section 101-1-11 - Food Services
- Section 101-1-12 - Academic and Vocational Education
- Section 101-1-13 - Library Services
- Section 101-1-14 - Recreation and Activities
- Section 101-1-15 - Communication, Mail and Visitation
- Section 101-1-16 - Religious Observance
- Section 101-1-17 - Institutional Abuse and Neglect