Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 300, 367

Current through Register Vol. 25-01, January 1, 2025
367.1 Any person operating a registered air contaminant source or an air operating permit source may, at any time, be required to monitor the ambient air, or process emissions, or conduct emission tests as deemed necessary by the Control Officer.
367.2 Before an approval to construct or a registration certificate is granted, the Control Officer may require the owner or applicant to provide and maintain such facilities as are necessary for sampling and testing purposes, including but not limited to safe access to sample locations, sample platforms, proper sample ports, and adequate shelter where appropriate.
367.3 All ambient monitoring, compliance testing, continuous emission monitoring systems, and continuous opacity monitoring systems required by a regulation, order of approval or permit issued by the NWCAA shall comply with the applicable requirements of this Section and Appendix A of this Regulation. The applicable requirements of this Section and Appendix A are in addition to any monitoring, testing, calibration, or quality assurance/quality control requirements that otherwise apply.
367.4 The Control Officer may take such samples and may perform any tests and investigations as are deemed necessary to determine the accuracy of the monitoring reports and data submitted to the NWCAA. The owner or operator may also be required by the Control Officer to collect a sample using an approved procedure and submit the results of the analysis thereof within a reasonable period of time.
367.5 Any NWCAA mandated testing or monitoring which is not part of a federally-approved State Implementation Plan or other federally enforceable regulation must be approved by the NWCAA. Such testing or monitoring may include the use of alternative methods, modified standard methods, and requirements or procedures not described in Appendix A of this Regulation.
367.6 The Control Officer may approve site-specific minor and intermediate changes to testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements under the following conditions:
(A) In determining whether a change is minor or intermediate, NWCAA will use as a guide the definitions in 40 CFR 63.90 (July 1, 2004);
(B) Where the testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting requirement is included in a permit, the approval is made through the applicable permit revision procedures;
(C) NWCAA maintains a record of all approved changes to all testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting and provides a list of such changes to EPA Region 10 at least semi-annually.
367.7 The Control Officer may approve major changes to testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements if such requirements are not part of the federally-approved State Implementation Plan or otherwise federally enforceable. Major changes to testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements that are part of the federally-approved State Implementation Plan or otherwise federally enforceable require EPA approval.
367.8 Significant Figures and Rounding:
(A) All parameters used in stack test measurements and calculations shall meet or exceed the precision implied by an applicable standard, that is, contain at least as many significant figures as the standard. Additional numbers may be retained until the final rounding to calculate the emission rate or concentration. Unless specified by using scientific notation, all digits displayed in a standard, including zeros, are considered significant.
(B) Rounding shall use the following convention:

First digit to be discarded

Last valid digit

>5, or a 5 followed by a non zero

round up


retain as is

5, or 5 followed by only zero

round up if odd, retain if even

Wash. Admin. Code Northwest Clean Air Agency, 300, 367

PASSED: July 14, 2005